153 11

Do you listen to religious music?

I’m an atheist but grew up Christian/catholic. I attend a Christian college (long story) and I constantly have to listen to Christian music. However, some artist I actually like. I love some of needtobreath songs and I love Racheal Plattern (she sang fight song).
I’m just curious on where other nonbelievers stand.

  • 61 votes
  • 124 votes
chlorine413 6 Nov 15

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I think religious is a broad term, there is some stuff I don't mind.

marym Level 4 Feb 9, 2020

There's a lot of contemporary jeezus music out there, even jeezus metal, but I hate it all. Now, full disclosure, my mother was the organist for a Methodist church, so I like the instrumental part of traditional church music. However, the words always bugged me.


I honestly think it's all crap.

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