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I like to think I'm not overly presumptuous. But, at the same time, I've realized that if I come across a dating profile that says "freethinker" and "Catholic" or "Christian", it's more off putting than if they just include their religion alone. IMPO, I don't think someone can be both, so it gives me the feeling that they don't know themselves, haven't revisited their beliefs and need to, and/or don't see any irony to that.

DuchessNyx 6 Feb 9

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OMG, right? I feel like saying "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." - Inigo Montoya


Oxymoron mental diseased cretins. ...they probably pat themselves on the back for being pro choice condom using Catholic "liberals"


I always presumed "freethinker" and "open minded" were code words for something else.


Could also be that he or she is trying to deal with the seeds of doubt.


It makes an interesting question to open a conversation.


I'm a freethinker and cultural Jew-nonbelierver but like Jewish foods-a belly Jew. lol


A contradiction in terms? I would consider them mutually exclusive.


On my Match I put that I was "Christian" because, culturally, that is the way I was raised. PLUS, that's how people search, generally, I feel. But then I explained myself at the 'religion' section. If someone doesn't scroll that far down, then I guess they aren't hat interesting in me. Meh.

@DuchessNyx Yes, EXACTLY!


Is "freethinker" always code for "atheist"? I don't think it needs to be; if it were, we ought to just use the word "atheist."

As I understand it, a "freethinker" is one who disregards dogma, orthodoxy, or other kinds of received wisdom in making decisions. While that doesn't seem compatible with Catholicism on its face, it isn't necessarily inconsistent, either. "I'm generally a Catholic but I think the Pope is full of it on using condoms" was something I heard a lot of growing up. That's an example of freethought in action.


Wait. Isn't "freethinking catholic" one of those oxymorons?



My closest friend in high school had a mother who was a devout catholic and a father who was a complete atheist. They were both awesome. I would say she was pretty free thinking.

@JohnnyThorazine She's the exception, not the rule.

@KKGator Ugh. We are ruled by our prejudice, I suppose.


Never underestimate a person's ability to blow smoke up their own ass.

It's truly amazing to watch some of them twist themselves like pretzels to justify their hypicrisies.


I would think that "free thinker" simply means that one is free to think anything at all.


You realize you are saying that being a 'freethinker' means you must think a certain way, right? I wonder if I called myself a 'freethinker' in my description...I assume it meant 'I can think any way I want' freethinking is now just jargon that only has value within the organization it belongs to...that really makes me feel entheta...hehe

@DuchessNyx sounds like double speak to me. So, let's say you read a book, maybe some dick dawkins book...and you think like he are no longer a freethinker? Or you go to college, and take a philosophy class and decide you want to follow a certain philosophy that you decide has merit, you aren't freethinking? We are free to follow or not follow the rules we choose. We are also free to gain or suffer the result. I would say the only 'not freethinker' is someone who has been actually brainwashed through brainwashing techniques (not the 'brainwash' because you are incredulous as to the belief system that a person chooses to follow). Freethinker is either jargon that you have created a definition for, or it means you are free to think as you wish.

@DuchessNyx Greatest thing ever: I will argue that you don't have an argument to argue. haha! TRIPLE TALK! Love it...perhaps you should look up 'brainwashing' as opposed to passing on family beliefs....ugh. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean that someone is forced to think that for cliques of people, the tend to share similar interests, hence the term 'clique' can be hard to leave any clique, whatever their interests, because those are your example for me was drinking and going to shows...that was the main interests in my former clique...when I got bored of both of those, I had to move on, and they still keep pestering me to go to shows and go drinking with them...because as I lost a clique, they lost a member, and we didn't quite hanging out because we ceased liking each other, but because our interests if you were to add to this an actual feeling that a person is in danger for leaving (and it also, often subconsciously, slightly attacks your belief system), shunning is not uncommon.
And it sorta sounds like perhaps you might be brainwashed by your own definition. only able to think within the boundaries of atheism, 'to not even ponder beyond that.' Hehe. But it's okay, there are enough yes people in your minority to keep you fed.


I think it just is a difference in how people define the term. A freethinking Catholic probably is down with married priests, same sex marriage, women clergy.

But just a guess.

Wouldn't that just be a catholic who had different outside the standard dogma? Is the wife/husband of a married couple a 'freethinker' because they cheat outside their marriage, because it is outside the vows of their marriage? I am all for married priests and same sex marriage, but I don't think they have much to do with freethinking. Broadening social mores which are good for society, however.


I put that I’m a free thinker, but I don’t believe in free will, does that make my former claim incorrect?

@DuchessNyx everything anyone thinks, has been planted there for us. We are godless beasts reacting to stimuli. The real question is, is there such a thing as a free thinker?


I think people who use it don't recognize the connotation. Freethinker became associated with atheist pretty recently but some people think they're qualified as freethinker based on their belief in the flat earth.

And they are all over the globe in support of that flat earth, too!


Be presumptuous of this, most certainly. Also, stay far away. There is something wrong with someone that can willing use the terms "christian, freethinker" as a description of their personality. That's synonymous with, "functioning, alcoholic". Personally, I'm just a drunk. lol

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