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Are you a brain game or puzzle aficionado?

An entertaining and effective way to increase knowledge and/or logical reasoning skills is to play cerebral games and to solve intellectually challenging puzzles.

Do you play any of these games/puzzles? Can you recommend others?

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Diogenes1972 6 Nov 16

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Have you found any other games or puzzles that keep you hooked while giving your brain a workout?


I love games that require you to use your brain. But constantly playing such games is too tiring for me. Sometimes I just want to relax and then I play the popular Friday night funkin game. I think you will be interested to learn more about fnf apk download and you can install this game on your smartphone to play anywhere and anytime.


This was a good post so I had to show you this appropriate comic...


I also enjoy crossword puzzles.


I tried Go a while back, but I couldn't really wrap my head around it.
I love Sudoku in digital form (much less tedious than paper and pencil). There's one app in particular called Sudoku Joy that I absolutely love. Multiple difficulty levels, tutorials that range from fundamentals to export level techniques, it really is the definitive Sudoku app in my opinion.
I also enjoy Scrabble and Words with Friends, but haven't played either recently. I tend to be very competitive at these type of games, but I'm not obnoxious about it, and I love it when someone can challenge me.


i love scrabble but can't get my guy to play with me.

we play our own version of trivial pursuit. he doesn't want to play on the board -- all those rules to remember (yeah, right, but he has alzheimer's, so it really IS difficult for him). so we do it this way: he reads the questions to me from the cards, and i answer. he might try to guess too, or to remember. then he flips the card and tells me if i'm right, or what the right answer is if i'm wrong. sometimes, for a name or a title, i ask for initials. i never used to do that before, but when we did the silver screen edition i got into that habit. i have two rules of my own for this game, by the way: 1. if i don't know the answer to the sports question, i say "arnold palmer" and he gets only limited eyerolls. actually, once in a blue moon, that's the actual answer. once i even KNEW that when i said it! 2. when he gets tired and asks me how many more cards we need before he can quit, he checks the last question on the card (wild card, in our current edition) to see if it's a sports question, and if it is, he reads the card from bottom to top, so i have a CHANCE of ending with a correct answer! i don't do well with the sports questions, you i think by now you have surmised.

on my phone, on the metro mobility bus on which i sometimes find myself, or sitting on the bed waiting for my asthma to subside so i can lie down, i will play a card game called crown, which does not rely solely on luck. it's not brain surgery but it is a kind of puzzle even so.

the two games i play on my laptop, howrse ( [] )and throne ( [] ), are complex, not platform games, and their complexity is, for me, the draw. (yes, those links are specific to me as the inviter, and i am not sure about throne but i get a little something if you use the howrse one and play -- it's about horses, so if you don't like horses, don't bother! i've been playing for 11 years. my name there is genessa and you can send me a friend request, which i will deny if you don't write to me first and tell me you're from here lol. otherwise, how will i know, right? i get a lot of friend requests. throne is a war game, the best i have ever found. if you want to join me there, use the one-time thingie you get as a noob, i forget what it's called, but it lets you choose kingdoms. i'm in hentenswan. my main name is genessa (i have a secondary name, tsipporah). i belong to the order called swords for glory, and our kingdom is hentenswan; you can't join it if you're in some other kingdom and if you join the gane, you'll land in a random kingdom but as i say you do get this one-time-use thingie you use to choose the kingdom you want to belong to. if you apply to swords for glory and tell me, i will tell the order leader to give you a chance and accept you. it's a great order! i've been playing for over a year. oh, contacting people you don't already know in throne is a little complex but here is the best way to find me: go to my home coordinates, during the 24-hour period between worldwide events, when my town will be home, and those coordinates are 288 525 if you click on it, you should find a way to message me.)''

so yeah, i try to keep what's left of my brain, and what little is left of my guy's brain, fresh!


p.s. we used to play chess but now if we tried, we'd have to find a surface safe from little cat feet! i am not sure he could still play chess.




I am a Crossword Puzzle lover. I like the Sunday Times ones best, they have two...a cryptic one and a general knowledge one. I try to complete both of them each week, quite a feat!


My career is built around solving challenging puzzles. It's been my passion since I was very little.

Buxx Level 7 Nov 17, 2018

@Donotbelieve Mathematician


I suck at numbers so give me Scrabble or Boggle!


Chess and Crosswords.


There’s word association games, brain teasers, jigsaws, and other spatial IQ games, too!


Scrabble, Yahtzee and Chess are my favorite games. And pictionary, which is not a puzzle game per se...but still fun. In fact, as my oldest daughter and I are both artists, after slaughtering them multiple times, the family will not allow us to be on the same My dad taught me chess when I was in grade school. I have happy memories of playing mini tournaments with him at a fold out table and chairs in the garage on Sundays. I never beat him! But when we had stalemates, he always looked at me with respect. Good times....


Crossword fanatic.


Solving New York Times daily crosswords is my favourite pastime. Purchasing the app gives you access to a plethora of challenging grids, themed packs and mini puzzles. 🙂



Chess and Mahjong

Mahjong! Love that game! And on line puzzles cause I suck at the real ones....




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