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Is it harder for non-believers to find love?

Ronaldo 3 Nov 19

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I think it's simply numbers. We are in a small minority and there are many people who actually believe we are filled with hate and anger. I see you are in the Philippines. I should think it would be especially difficult to be an atheist there. I use a contractor in Cebu and he's a delightfully open-minded and kind person but it's obvious he's deeply religious. Take care Ronaldo!


I think that depends on where you live. I can honestly count on one hand, the number of people with whom I work and live that express any sort of religious beliefs. Canada is a very secular country compared to the US. There are regional exceptions of course, but we would have no problems electing an atheist head of state, in fact I have no idea what -if any - religious affiliation our current PM may have.


I think it's potentially harder because there may be less to keep you hopeful and searching


Many churches create opportunities for single people to meet and encourage relationships. Not sure if they find love, but it could happen. Non believers have to find their own way.


I think so there are alot less non believers then believers . Most religions teach people that non believers are evil and work for the devil so I believe that alot of non believers wouldn't date alot of non believers


No matter what they say, they're all non-believers.
If they really believed the Bible and obeyed it, they'd stone their kids for talking back, stone family members for picking up anything on Saturday, all the women would wear veils, not talk in church, and stay home obeying their husbands, LOL!

Also if "God" is really "controlling" everything, why should they lock their cars, pay insurance, or go to the doctor, since they wouldn't want to thwart "God's will."

Mostly, religious people attend church out of fear of hell, or disapproval. They feel forced to "love God" or they think they might burn in hell.


Yes, it is a little harder to find love as non believer for some people. For me it's equally hard when I was a believer and now as non believer. Non believer use there head more than fairy tales or pants. Hopefully, I will find it some day.


I'm old so I haven't dated in a decade but when I was dating being married seemed to be bummer number one. Between my looks or lack thereof, the count of my teeth, the subject of my art, my habits including alcoholism, atheism barely made the top ten.


I am currently subscribed to an online dating/matching service, and I keep finding (or are sent info regarding) interesting men. Once I discard those who do not meet my strict criteria, there really are NOT a whole lot of men available I wish to consider. My criteria includes an age-range, non-smoking, and non-religious. The non-religious aspect strikes off the majority of eligible men, interestingly enough. Yes, I think it is more difficult to find love (or even a really strong "like"!) if being a non-believer is important. And it is incredibly important to me!

Awhile back I was discussing with my daughter a man who had been emailing me... He seemed interesting (and who does not enjoy being wooed?!?), but when I mentioned that he was christian, my daughter quickly said "Oh Mother," (and I can hear her eye-roll over the phone!) "you CANNOT date him." She is correct, and I appreciated that she understands the dilemma and that she is interested in my well-being, and probably the success of the endeavor!


Depends where you live


Inserts a plug for your local pet shelter



Find someone we can love?... No.
Find someone who can love us back?.... Yes...


Yes, a bit more difficult. Perhaps we should search simply search for people who respect our point of view.

RRRR Level 4 Aug 26, 2019
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