17 4

Just curious

How has this site worked for others? Not just dating but meeting other like minded people or even just discussing differences without getting heated?

AnnaF80 3 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you shop at the Town Center?


to paraphrase buddha, expectations lead to suffering.


There are some opinionated people here, but for the most part people are respectful. I find I sometimes feel safer and more comfortable sharing in some of the groups, especially on specific topics.


I live in the middle of a black (theistic) abyss. i.e. in the middle of nowhere so I do not anticipate finding a person to physically meet within these pages.

After many months, I have encountered via mail very few (less then five) including only one rather desirable woman what I had the pleasure to e-mail back and forth for a while. She is over a thousand miles away and this is just to many miles.

My purpose on this site is to find similar thinking people to bounce ideas and observations with. There are a few theists that occasionally slime these pages but most on these pages are quality (rational) people.

I have run into a few faith over facts (anti-science) pro-tRump conservatives and have learned that facts and reasoning just doesn't work with some of them. They make me sad as such people devalue truth and honesty (based on demonstrable testable facts).


Very much so, ...yes....without a doubt....99.9% of the people here are winners, ..... the only .1%.... well you don't have to listen to me...


It's been fun.


Even though I met a great guy I still like to come on here & see what sorts of things this group of very interesting & intelligent (for the most part) are talking about. I also have several friends I chat with on Messenger.

Carin Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

Some nice people here, mostly friendly.


It's been great for me! No dates, but I've met people and enjoyed conversations and learned things. Every now and then I get a rude comment, but no big deal.

That is one uuuuugggggllllyyy beard, btw.

@CallMeDave Thanks!


Not even trying to date, but just socialize and meet up with someone for coffee and conversion (that used to be a thing).. No takers. Inviting male, female, young, old. I have sought out some point of common interest, while I've been interested in uncommon interests. A mutual area to bridge to something new. No takers... Well, within this country.

Unfortunately that happens


I've been very pleased with the kinds of topics and the conversations I have participated on here.


I have made a great friend here! I have also met and chatted with lots of nice people. I have had opportunities for dating but not really looking to go there yet. Mostly, I have enjoyed learning about others from reading their viewpoints and opinions. The fact some of them are different from mine is what most allows me to learn. Some folks are very opinionated and closed minded. I need to understand them too.


Meeting others - non existant. I hear about a few in someplace like LA or NYC, but even then it's very seldom.

Like minded people - atheist and agnostic yep....anything else, unless you lean as far left as Tea Party Trumpsters lean right, then you're SOL again.

Discussing differences - typical online interaction, half truths, propaganda, religious-type logic, and when actually presented with a valid argument, then it turns into personal attacks about your character from people who have never met nor know anything about you - essentially par for the course of online debating.

....and yet I still log on 3-4 time a week! lol 🙂


I have chatted with some nice people. I have learned quite a bit about myself from listening to others.


One of my frequented websites.

Me too.


The results are still inconclusive, but you're likely to receive a biased response.


I have met some awesome humans on this site. Its not really for dating but more for community.

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