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Things you don't find acceptable.

In a relationship there is ment to be mutual love, respect and understanding. My question is.
What is it in a partner you find unacceptable. Let me kick it off so you know where I'm going.

Hygiene like personal hygiene. With a list.
Not washing properly.
Not washing hands after the loo.
Picking at feet then not washing hands.
Little regard for cleanliness.
Others include.
Intolerance to others.
The list can go on but you get the idea. What is you find or found intolerable about your past or in some cases present partner.?

darien75 7 Nov 20

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Lack of empathy; dishonesty; self-centeredness; chewing with mouth open (past partners)

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

chewing with mouth open
thrashing around or jiggling knees or tapping toes on the floor
tapping the table with a pencil
giggling, out of control laughing (mostly my kids do this)


What does picking at feet mean ?


I like all the things on your list, and I would add Dishonesty to the top of it.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

Self-centered; lack of empathy; spoiled by their parents; lacks independence (not just too dependent on me, but anyone)


Never met anyone in the dating scene that had personal hygiene problems, so I'll stick to personality dealbreakers: Likes country music much. Everything RealHuman said below, Homophobe, Dishonesty, Conservsative politics, undependability.


Hygiene is very important. I went to a guys house once and I went to the bathroom and noticed there was no hand soap/bar of soap, nothing to wash hands with. I asked him where the soap was. He told me he could let me use his soap that he showers with and says he usually doesn’t wash his hands! I was really disgusted. I’m a nurse and I know how filthy hands get. We didn’t go out anymore after that.
Also, I can’t be with someone who is racist or sexist. That is a total turn off.
Just a couple of deal breakers.

My ex-wife rarely washes her hands. She thought our youngest was OCD because he would wash his hands before and after he ate. I just thought, isn't that normal? You clean up to eat, then there may be crumbs or grease on your hands to wash off after you eat. She also never washed her hands after using the toilet. She's so disgusting that she thinks normal hygiene is abnormal.


Bigotry. Pride without Humility. Excessive insecurity. Self-absorbed. Lack of compassion. Apathy. Poor listening skills. Lazyness. Materialistic.


Being an avid Trump supporter would be a serious strain on the relationship


At this point, Christian, Conservative, or New Age... Those things just drive me nutso.


Besides my usual red flags of tobacco use and having/wanting children, another big no for me is ignoring me/the house in favour of video games. My ex-gf ignored me. My housemates ignore upkeep. Gaming itself isn't a deal breaker but I don't think I'd live with or date another gamer unless they were a really conscientious person.

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