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Do you believe in ghost

I think it’s safe to say most people here don’t believe in any of that . But I have heard of some atheist having unexplainable experiences . So your thoughts ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Nov 24

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When I was a theist I believed in ghosts. It went with the territory. Today as a non-believer I accept nothing supernatural. The term "supernatural" is only something to say or use if you do not understand what has happened. I admit that even as a non-believer we can often have things happen and not know what they were or why they occured. That no more means a ghost did it than it would mean "god did it."

The strange thing here is that many do not understand that ghosts have no teeth to bite you or fingernails to scratch you. Some people believe that ghosts are turning crosses upside down when you are not looking or that spirits are inside a Raggedy Ann doll. Having been on both sides of this fence I find no evidence for any of it today. Does a strange thing still happen? Yes, once in a while.


I have had experiences I can't definitively explain. I simply don't default to "ghosts" as the explanation. I'm willing to not know what something was, until I do. I am not desperate to slap any old explanation onto some unknown, just to claim I have settled something.


I don't. I'm realizing more and more, things like that can be explained and the ones that can't, well that's pretty much athiesm and science, trying to figure it out but not automatically saying it's a higher power.


life is an unexplainable experience. just because something cannot be explained doesn't mean there is a supernatural explanation. our ignorance doesn't indicate ghosts, gods or leprechauns. now TROLLS i have seen lol but they're not supernatural.



No, but my Chihuahua Chi-Chi does. He sits in the dining room and stares into the the kitchen, for a long time. I am sure he sees disturbences in the force.

Hungry ghost πŸ™‚


I dunno about dead people but the living have ghosts. If I work in a home when the people are out (yes I am a trusted workman). They give off a vibe. It is difficult to explain but you can feel the presence of the people who live there. I always take a radio to keep me company. It dispels that eyre feeling.


There are no ghosts.


I have had experiences that I can no explain. I leave it at that, there is no "therefore ghost"
I can not explain the beginning of the universe, I leave it at that, there is no "therefore God."


Unexplained experiences are not proof of supernatural. We continue to pursue new discoveries that further explain the world in which we live. Not that long ago, we did not understand infrasound, which explains a lot of "ghost" interactions. Now, filmmakers sometimes try to harness it. Before that, we had no concept of germs, so illness was supernatural. At some point or another, so were eclipses, the changing of the seasons, weather, and so many other things.
If we keep searching for answers, we may keep finding them. To assign answers from a lack of knowledge helps soothe the emotions of some, but it does not move us forward.

Perfectly stated!


Lots of people have experiences that seem to be unexplainable, but I think that means we haven't sorted out the explanation yet. I would maintain, very firmly, that we should always demand evidence for any extraordinary claim. If someone claims that they have seen a ghost, it is usually the case that there is a more rational explanation. No-one has ever produced incontrovertible evidence for a ghost.


No, @DavidDeLa89, I'm a grownup now.


Are ghosts anything like spooks..?

(if so, some do, but not me πŸ™‚ )
Varn Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

No, I don't believe in supernatural ghosts or gods.


Yes, I have seen Ghost! πŸ˜‰ Supernatural wise not so much.


I M Big Barand

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