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What do you know that most others don’t?

Redcupcoffee 7 Feb 12

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I know how anyone in the US can get a free house.

Boy, this is knowledge I'd like to see shared!
Edit: I googled it. Not a simple or quick process. But certainly possible.

@Taijiguy funny thing. I did share it here and was roundly critisized for telling folks what I was I actually doing, not proposing, not fantasizing about, not theorizing about. DOING. They thought I had ulterior motives even after I told them how to completely cut me out of the picture. Because you know, you can't get something for nothing. Hell, I even posted pictures.

@Taijiguy I hope you didn't Google house moving. Picking up a house in one piece and moving it a mile away is a terrible idea. That's not what I do.

@Anonbene no, what I saw was adverse possession. If that's not what you do, feel free to pm me about it, I'd be interested.

@Taijiguy if that's what I think it is, no I'm not suggesting that either.

I do to perfectly nice houses that current owners want to be rid of for whatever reason exactly what Ikea does with book cases. I show how, with your labor, how to find aquire panelize pack ship and assemble them wherever someone wants. It takes a few weeks of labor but the outcome is you get a house without mortgage to do with as you please. You owe me nothing, I do not charge for this.

@Anonbene I'm in construction, so I get what you're talking about. I suspect "free" may be a bit optimistic, since it's not likely to be a one man job, so some labor expenses would be involved. And of course transportation of the "panels". And if a person buys a piece of property with the intention to demo the old house, you could probably get them to absorb a portion of moving expense in lieu of the cost of the demo,which wouldn't be cheap with permits and epa requirements. Nice. So you make money doing this? I'd live to know more about how your business us organized.

Quit assuming stuff. Just ask.
On the last building I moved the entire thing with a Ford ranger and an 8' lawnmower trailer. It took several trips but at the end of each day I only took the parts and panels we dismantled that day.

You're about to get a house that may be worth on average $200,000 and your worried about buying pizza and beer for your friends or putting gas in your truck or buying a sawzall?

Do you think friends of yours might be interested in getting houses for themselves and would be willing to help you so they could see how it's done?

Instead of trying to negotiate having the owner pay you I strongly suggest you pay him $1 for the salvage right which gives you permission to be on his property vs. incorporating a business hiring guys paying payroll and paying $10,000 as a first payment of several to get useless workman's comp insurance.

Me and my then girlfriend moved our first place and as soon as the roof was on we both quit paying for our rents. We invested that money into things we wanted in the house.

@Anonbene you're assuming too. What makes you think I have any friends? ????

@Taijiguy you'll get lots of friends if you tell them you are giving away houses.

@Anonbene In all seriousness, I would be interested in the process. My assumptions were based on my perception of how it would need to come apart. You must break wall sections down into smaller pieces than I was thinking. I glanced at your pics, you remove the drywall?


My social security number. 😉

This is a good one.

Thanks to Equifax I know it too. 😉

@Anonbene HA! ..funny/true story; I worked for a firm that helped them develop their web application, that was supposed to help protect the system they never implemented... lol

@Brbaldwin and thanks to the consumer protection beurou and Mick Mulvany you or we never will . Thanks government!!


Proper use of a semicolon.

@Introverted this statement would not compile. You didn't end it with a ";" ... lol



Where the body is hidden.....

I trade you for the identity of kennedy's shooter.

Kennedy shooter was allegedly former president Bush senior.


That the word panini is plural. In Italian, one sandwich is a panino and more than one are panini. I understand that we "Americanize" words that we borrow from other languages, but why didn't we just borrow *panino" and Americanize the plural to "paninos" ?

Same reason moose is neither meese nor miice?


I'm an expert on identifying European & Palearctic parasite flies (Diptera, Tachinidae), which is fairly niche 😉


What its like to live with Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Finally I remembered something more basic.
What is the colour of yaks milk?
hmm Yaks are male.
The female is a nak and their milk is pink.

now we all know lol


I know just exactly what I would say to God if died and found out he existed.

"Watch it buddy, I've got an Iron chariot."

Judges 1:19 The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron.


We all know things others don't. How many people know which gene mutations make Cytomegalovirus unresponsive to Valganciclovir and why trisodium phosphonoformate hexahydrate still works? Sorry, it is the most bizarre thing I could pull out of my head. On a more basic level, I got nuthin.


I know what colour socks I'm wearing.

I also know that humans have well in excess of 8 senses and none of them are supernatural.


whether or not my underwear is itchy ...


How to get to Possum Grape.

Is that a place? A video game level? A transcendental state? Anyway, I love the name. Sounds like it could have been a band at Woodstock.

@carlyhorton Its a place. Other places near by include Bald Knob, Hogeye, Fifty-Six, Turkey Scratch, Smackover, Goobertown, and Toad Suck. Remember Burt Reynolds and Evening Shade? Just down the road from me.

@Dick_Martin OMG those are all AWESOME!

@carlyhorton As I have mentioned before, a headline a couple of years ago was "75% of Toadsuck destroyed by tornado. Damages expected to exceed $37,500."

@Dick_Martin I've been exploring some of these places on Google Maps 🙂


The inner me. My deepest thoughts and what I want for dinner tonight.

For me I'm still working on those.


I have memorized the first three sentences of my favorite novel. They take up a page and a half, and the third sentence is only 9 words. (Her voice would not cease, it would just vanish).


The answer to EVERYTHING!



That in the end, we are alone, adcthat depending on others for anything is a luxury, not a given.


The code of laws is a terrible method for social order

That makes two of us who know that ????

And what would you say should be the alternative?

@Reydereyes227 economics. money makes the world go round

@JiunnWong be clear because I don't wish to misrepresent your argument here, you're saying that using laws to govern the people is a horrible method for maintaining social order? Further that economics would be a better way? Is that correct and if so how would social order based on economics function in your opinion?

@Reydereyes227 use social income via productive taxation to make incentives for order. Needs a bit of game theory, needs ethical experts, and scientific trials and iterations to find the combination of incentives for desired outcome. This method does not need legal enforcement




I can fix a car and change a flat tire.


My intimate desires and history


That Egyptian mummies have tested positive for cocaine, which is impossible unless they have visited South America.

I first heard about it several years ago. They also have tobacco and hash traces. In the beginning most Egyptologist claimed it was contamination, however they're slowing realizing that our ancestors weren't as closed off as they thought they were.


My secrets and that a soulmate that wants it all... always return back after a disappointment because she wants it all... and I am the only all to her... or so she says.


Mostly the parts that make up a truck, since I've been in the class 8 truck parts business for the past 38 years.


What my google history is likely to say

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