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Which features of men you find the most sexy?

Ladies, open ended question for yall. Which features of men you find the most sexy (be it physical or characteristics)?

Insane_God 5 Dec 7

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A sexy man for me is close to my age, respectful, clean appearance, a team player, good manners, and the most I admire in a sexy man is the DIY home projects skills.


I have a fetish for speech lisps. I know it's weird, probably something from my childhood. It just makes them seem innocent I suppose. I like this in both men and women.


the brain. no contest.



Empathy and a sense of humor.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 8, 2018

Smile and a sense of humor. There's nothing sexier than a man with a great smile that can make me laugh.


I love an athletic body with muscles. Oooooh, baby.

Intelligence, kindness, respect, conversational skills and a great sense of humor. Well-groomed. A nice smile. Can't stand long hair and scraggly beards on men.

When a man is shorter than me, it feels like I'm hugging my little brother.

The brother hugging part really got me ???

For me, it is overall appearance and intelligence that i look for the most. Do they look homeless? Or as a very very stable person? Do they speak like a mafia member? Or as a college graduate? I do my best to be of a good appearance and to be thought of as socially intelligent. So, I expect the same from a companion.


I honestly can't find anything sexy in the male form. Women are so sexy in so many ways that it is a mystery to me that they can find anything attractive about men at all.

It must cause the female hearst to beat with passion,otherwise our species would perish.......

well, ain't it a relief that we are naturally attracted to each other... World population problem would've been done if more women thought your way!


Next-level intelligence. Higher-order thinking.


Kindness, generous spirit, confidence, ability to carry on an intelligent conversation.

Physical traits: taller than me at least, kind eyes.


Generosity, passion, confidence, ambition, intelligence, being well read, and thoughtfulness are so sexy that I can't even handle it.

Physically, I'm actually not particular. Sometimes I find stubble sexy. Sometimes I find a clean look sexy. Depends on how the guy carries himself.

I do generally find dimples and glasses attractive.


An attitude of gratitude.
A mindset of success.
A generous spirit.


First would have to be a smile, then the eyes.

A man can have a smokin' body, but what is truly sexy to me is the desire in a smile and the passion in his eyes.

@Wildflower yes. I am not too particular about body size or shape it's the eyes and smile and of course personality and intelligence. Tall does turn me on though. Like extremely tall - I think that comment might belong in the fetish group -haha

@Dandewine I love tall thin men. But that is not a a requirement. And yes, a sweet personality and intelligence is important to me.

Exactly. I like thin as well ( hence my stalking Matisyahu for a while 6'4 brown eyes big nose and amazing voice) but absolutely no physical attributes are a requirement and sexy evolves to the personality. My ex was a thin man with long hair and after 20 years a fat man with sometimes long or short hair. And blue eyes. It was him I married not his looks.

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