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Cremation or burial for your funeral?

I found this interesting link about the confessions of a funeral director and a pastor’s disagreement about the cremation of the body. I found it to be quite hypocritical, considering the history of all the victims being burned by the church in history.


EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 13

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Who cares? I won't be there.


I want to be buried right into the ground- no casket, no preserving my body. I want every bit of my body to go back to the earth.


Cremation.Take a small bit and roll me up to smoke and the rest give to the ocean that I've consumed so much from. LOL!!!


I like the idea of the body farm in Tennessee. When I was a grad student there was a donation program for the skeletal collection here at the University of New Mexico. I like the idea of contributing something to science when it's all said and done.

Me, too!

How cool.


Hefty Garbage Bag, set me on the curb.


Tibetan Sky Funeral.



Viking funeral. Rowboat, a few cords of wood, 5 gallons of kerosene, and push it out onto Lake Superior when the tide is right.

I have many friends who will shoot the flaming arrows. Probably have a competition for it.

Naw, it would float too far away for me to roast the marshmallows.



Personally I won’t care. I’d prefer to be buried. But it won’t really matter when I’m dead. Technically speaking, cremation is more ‘Green’ for the environment. But I suppose it’s a personal choice.

Leo716 Level 6 July 12, 2018

Part me out. Harvest my eyes, my liver, whatever organs are still usable, and let them benefit others who are still alive.

Whatever's left over, I'm not going to care -- don't cause my survivors any more expense than is necessary to comply with sanitation laws, and let them do what they need to do to grieve.


I have been a fan of the Tibetan Sky Burials. Since I have used most of my life consuming that which was made by nature, it would only be far to let nature have its turn consuming me. Of course after any useful has been harvested for those in need. Although human taxidermy should be a viable option. Who wouldn't want an Uncle Bob coat rack in the foyer? Just guess where you could hand the hat.


The idea of cremation used to freak me out, although I was really behind the idea of being ground up for dog food. However, I think that cremation is the choice for me.


I would prefer a green funeral.
I want to be wrapped in silk and placed into the ground and decompose naturally.
Death is a big business. We pour all these highly toxic chemicals into our dead just for the benefit of the living and it's absolutely absurd.
Neil degrass Tyson said "I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime"
I don't understand why people can't understand this thought process.

Oh, I like this.

It's not the thought process, it's the ritual and religious ceremony that isn't appreciated. It would be nice if it could be done without having a church service accompany it. It's funny that it's against the law to bury the deceased on your own property but not for the church.


Cremation, no funeral.


Cremation.......its too damn expensive for my family to put me in a hole.




Ashes to ashes as they say. And I already have my biodegradable tree growing urn! Ashes in the urn, seed in the top and plant it, water it, and a maple tree shall grow. I told my son when all those little propeller seeds come down, and the leaves in the fall, they will be cursing me out for decades! ??


Cremation after organ donation, ashes to go into the firebox of a working steam locomotive and up the stack! It happens more than you realize I found out from a friend recently.


A Green/Natural burial is an option in at least two states I've lived in.


I’m going Breakung Bad style, dip me in some hydofluoric acid and melt me down. Less polluting than cremation and I’m guessing is less expensive. Just remember to use a plastic tub as a receptacle.


I'm an organ donor. What they do with the spare parts is their problem. They could slice me up into lunchmeat after that and I couldn't care less




Cremation, burial is such a waste of land, water, pollution, money.


I'll burn here first...


I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with cremation. But the idea of being buried under a tree to provide nutrients is a really cool idea too.


Cremation. l want to become a tree, and you can do that using your ashes

Too much of you will literally go up in smoke.

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