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Jimmy Kimmel Tells People on Street that Trump was Impeached

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 20

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No one wants to admit that they do not know about something. Just saying that Trump was not impeached to a person with a camera and a microphone must be hard. Actually I would call them on it.


Now I understand why 7 million jobs go unfilled. Did these folks even go to school? Don't answer that. You can't fix stupid. Just look at the Conservative Atheist Group or the Gun Rights Group.


It's sad and some of these people vote (let's hope not). So I wonder how tRump feels about honest fake news?


If people in other countries saw that video they would have a better understanding of how Trump become president.


Love it too good


That is funny, really makes you wonder if these people are truly being serious???

They ARE serious! They have no clue about what is being asked and what they're talking, that's what makes it so funny.

@Darius77 Or tragic


This really pushes the boundaries of credulity. I’m about ready to shout - Fake News!


Just WOW! The reporter asked: "were you excited that a woman finally walked on the Sun?", and that girl said: "It's super cool to see women finally getting the opportunity and equal chance to do this"!!!

And that Mozart thing! WOW! That's not even funny, it's sad!!


So when does the Senate trial begin ?

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