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What do you know well enough to teach others?

Through either education or life experience what topic do you know well to teach or have taught in the past?"Scientists" This question is for everyone. I have linked this question to the "Scientists" group to invite their participation. Click on the hyper link to jump to the Scientists group.

kensmile4u 8 Feb 16

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48 comments (26 - 48)

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I taught economics at the undergraduate level for ten years.

One of my favorite subjects! Did you find the economics background helpful in personal investment strategies?

@kensmile4u! I did find it very useful. I never taught anything that I didn't believe to be true for myself. Consequently, I am quite comfortably retired.

@Dwight It helped me too! Glad you are doing well.


Having the knowledge and experience and being able to communicate it to a particular audience in a particular mode are two different things.

I am teaching software development to my 15 year old grandson, via remote computer sharing, every Friday afternoon for an hour or so. He seems to be having the desired "aha moments" so I believe I'm doing it "right".

I authored courseware and then taught it in week-long seminars to developers back in the mid 1990s. I wrote a few books on the topic and one of them was required reading at a private university in the midwest around the same time frame.

I also was technical editor for a national publication for a few years.

All of this was fun at a certain level but not that financially rewarding unless you were willing to work the trade show circuit as a speaker, and I wasn't. It was too exhausting for me mentally to be "on" eight hours a day on someone else's schedule. I guess I'm too much of an introvert.

So I focused on independent consulting and that has worked out super well for me -- so no regrets.

Thats great for you to spend such quality time time with your grandson. Hopefully he willI continue through college with it while you mentor him. I enjoy doing consulting work as well.


History, mythology, religion, cooking, life shills, respect

Which of the 6 topics is your favorite to teach?

Thats tough but probably a tie between history and mythology


Art. I do it for a living. Teaching, I mean.

Is there a specific type of art that you teach?

mostly 3-D, ceramics and sculpture.@kensmile4u

@farmboy2017 cool!

@farmboy2017 That sounds like a fun job!

@kensmile4u I wish I got to make more art! But as they say" Any job in art is a good job".

@farmboy2017 True! another good saying is "If you love what your doing it never feels like work".


First off Ken, Love your stratocaster, she is a baby,
I know me well enough to show others how to know themselves. Spent a long time constructing this.
Now regarding science, I am a life long participating fan, I am well read in the field and particularly physics. ONce someone achieves a minimal grasp of science, how it works and the standards it stands by, they become enlightened, Part of my teaching in knowing yourself is of course, a working knowledge of science. science is the answer to all. ALL

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

Thanks for the compliment on the Strat. She is a vintage reissue of the 59 model. I searched a long time to find it. A real joy to play and great tone! That guitar has helped me collect a lot of coin!

Your personal philosophy sounds a little like Jungian individuation. I've read some of his books but i find his works to be a little wordy and impenetrable. You might find it resonates well with you.

Lastly I agree with you... SCIENCE RULES!

@kensmile4u I majored in Psychology but like you hated Carl Jung. Way too long and not specific in theory, I follow and read all on theoretical physics and that is where my spiritual side comes from, The human mind is a terrible thing to waste without more food for thought.


medicine, husbandry of alpacas, crochet

What is your specialty in medicine?

@kensmile4u I did residencies in Family Practice and Psychiatry

@btroje Which do you like better?

@kensmile4u I like all of it


Cooking skills actually..

Your answer made me instantly hungry. What is your favorite dish to cook?

@kensmile4u ..depends on my mood and what I'm craving..but if it's edible I'll cook it!

One of my favorite winter dishes is a boneless cheese stuffed leg of lamb with roasted root veggies..

@Charlene That sounds beyond delicious! Do you take shipped orders? Lol

@kensmile4u. It'd be cheaper to come here and have me cook


At various times I have done short courses or workshops on the following:
Identification of parasite flies (Diptera, Tachinidae)
Calyptrate fly identification
Diptera mounting and collecting techniques
Biological recording


@kensmile4u Yes, I am a self-taught entomologist specialising in parasite flies, but I work at the Natural History Museum doing loads of other stuff.

@ChrisR Sounds like a fun job! I participated in a field study where The University of Florida released a colony of flies along my lakeshore. The flies lay their eggs in the heads of fire ants. The purpose of the study was to develop a biological control for the spread of the dreaded fire ant. The results were great. Those flies eradicated all of the fire ants. But an unintended result was the proliferation of other indigenous ant species. It's fascinating how nature responds to intervention.

@ChrisR What other stuff do you do at the museum?

@kensmile4u Sounds like ant-decapitating phorids to me - probably a Brian Brown project 🙂 Every time we mess with nature there are always unintended results ... I always cringe when people say they've found the next cure for a problem, and usually laugh out loud when they predict that they have an invasive species "under control" or they'll "eradicate" it. LOL

I work in the UK Biodiversity department in the NHM, London (the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity) and I was initially employed to maintain and develop the giant database of all the names of all UK wildlife, which underpins biological recording/reporting systems here. It basically provides a standard naming and taxonomic concept model which allows names and the data associated with them to be interpreted correctly. Since then I have also been put in charge of the Identification & Advisory Service team and I am responsible for the facilities people use when they visit the department and I liaise with the curators to provide and look after the UK synoptic reference/handling collections. On top of that I get involved with training and mentoring amateur naturalists and doing events or fieldwork in the UK. 🙂

@ChrisR It looks like you have a really interesting and fun job. I wish you continued success.


There is something I would like to teach to a group of interested members of this website, but I am not quite ready yet. The idea for the group is still a tiny egg, and I will present it when it gets to the larval stage of development.

I look forward to it.

@kensmile4u I will send you an invite


Depends on the level but Roman History & Autism. Bet you don't see that on a ven diagram very often lol

I must admit i have never seen that on a ven diagram.


Atheism 101 (we should all be able to do that).

We have a great collection of teachers on this site!


English, How to research to outsmart your programming. Health, end of life care. cbttherapy.

Khmm Level 5 Feb 16, 2018

I have much respect for your work in end of life care. I could not do that job. It takes a very special person. Thanks for being you!

@kensmile4u thanks. methinks life's lessons forge an end of life health worker. It's not a profession one chooses.


1 I am a UKCC level 2 table tennis coach, and a UEFA C licence football (soccer for any Americans) coach.

  1. I know how to teach people when to say 'Thats what she said'

Is table tennis popular in the UK? I recently played against my friends mother who was visiting from the UK. I think i'm a pretty good player but she schooled me on the table. I was properly humbled. I think I could use a little advise on item number two as well. Lol

@kensmile4u It is not that popular a sport over here, but someone has to play it. I play quite regularly and coach a bit as well.


carpentry / renovations

What type of carpenter are you? See the pic of the Boat Dock I designed and built in my spare time. I enjoyed doing this project in my back yard. It took about a year to complete. But I am not a trim or finish carpenter. That's beyond me where precision, knowledge, and talent combine to produce works of art.


How to beat Halo on legendary.

haha my middle son is an extraordinary gamer. He even has the word halo in his email name. What else do you like to do?


Yang style Tai Chi traditional long form and taiji dao (saber) Lian Gong She Ba Fa.
How to keep goats and make goats milk yoghurt and cheese
How to keep chickens
How to breed pedigree cats and dogs
How to reduce PTSD symptoms through EFT
General life coaching techniques involving hypnosis and NLP

I was a dog breeder during my college years. It helped pay the bills. What breed do you like the most? I've studied some NLP. what you do with sabers? forms? collect?

@kensmile4u this is my teacher showing the saber form at slow pace


Software development.

Have you always worked as a consultant?

@kensmile4u I'm not a consultant. I do software engineering for a consulting firm. The consultants get the business (and the bucks) and the engineers design, build, and support the products. I'm coming up on 16 years there, and still love it. Prior to that, I put myself through school while working as an operator in an AS/400 shop. Computers have been good to me.

@MollyBell I'm glad you are doing well. Computers have been good to me too. My youngest son is already taking dual enrollment software development classes in high school. We are currently down selecting from five universities in Florida for his pursuit of an MS in software development.

@kensmile4u Congrats to you and your son. If he's passionate about coding, he'll do very well.


There are some things I am "qualified" to teach by having quals in teaching and the subjects involved (accounting, finance, business management, basic geology, ecology, animal tracking, agriculture horticulture, many computer related subjects) , but other things such as maths that comes easy to me, or interpersonal skills, which I am fully aware that I totally lack myself.

That is quite a diverse set of teaching qualifications. Which one is your favorite?

ecology without a doubt, I don't enjoy business or computer teaching at all, they came about as I have worked in those industries a lot.

@Rugglesby Ecology has a rising importance among the sciences due to global warming. Your experience will be needed to mentor the future problem solvers.

@kensmile4u I like to think so, I have worked on some interesting projects thus far, assisted migration has been interesting, looking at where we can move animals especially endangered species when their habitat changes faster than they can evolve without disturbing other animals and systems. I like it because I am constantly learning.

@Rugglesby It must be very rewarding to know you are helping innocents on a large scale.


That they will never know me.

Thanks to the internet, the world is getting smaller by the day. Subsequently opportunities provided by social media and other interactive platforms helps us pierce the veil of the unknown and the mysterious. Utilizing that opportunity continuously over time allows us to explore the deepest regions of a cooperative mind.

@kensmile4u That is the key... cooperative mind. And a scam artist already made it its playground too... lurking at every site, at every corner. Trying to stay ahead of the game. Liars found in the internet a home too. But I am a lot more than words can say. That should be the Mantra of Every Man. I am an Open Book and the best of me... is the chapter that was edited out. That is reserved for the Special People. With respect to all here... my favorite site.


There are some things I could teach others. For instance, I can teach English to immigrants in a way that keeps them motivated and learning. As an art major in my undergrad years, I could teach painting ( oil, acrylics, pastels, and charcoal). Since I have gone to so many seminars on photography and do quite a bit of it myself, I guess I could teach that too. I particularly like to shoot models or candids of people. I could teach others how to start their own business, or even a good way to lose weight. Let me stop here. Let's just say I have lived long enough to have learned many, many things.

You do have a diverse skill set. Which is your favorite Art medium to work in?

kensile4u.. My favorite is oils, but sadly have to deal with using acrylics due to ventilation and clean up.


How to not get anything done

Haha I have my moments of brilliance in that area too!


Absolutely nothing!

Come on now sticks. We are fellow Musicians. From your username I'm guessing your a drummer. Are you telling me you wouldn't enjoy teaching some young kid who you liked and thought had potential to play some rudiments?

@kensmile4u I learned on my own. I don't have a point of reference to work from.

@Sticks48 I respect that. Some of the best drummers I've played with built their own system of playing.Once we figured out how to communicate all was good....


Basic geology and death metal vocals.

Do you sing in a band?

@kensmile4u Not for many moons! If you search 'aftermathau' and 'anchorhead Darth metal' in YouTube, evidence still remains of my misspent youth.

@JeffMoffat I checked it out on you tube. It's a novel approach to death metal. The production and musicianship was really good. I have friends in a microtonal death metal band called Last Sacrament.

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