8 6

Level 5 Yay Level 6 there's a reckoning coming 🙂

ipdg77 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I am in my way to 8; I can't wait to get there to eat my well deserved ice-cream. LOL


Congratulations! I'm right behind you!


Hey, I was a 5 first. I'll race you to 6!

You're on! 🙂


I am at 5.9 and have not yet hashtagged anything. I was hoping for cheese cake.


Just keep swimming!

3 you need to be so militant about it...?


I'm 4.3 and have been told to hashtag more. Aka, the pound sign for those of use who are a bit older.


Pony at Level 7! Congrats!

I never got my pony....

@NothinnXpreVails You have to take it on faith??? Mwwhahaha.... I'm still waiting for the delivery. 😉

@SteveB Great now my eye is twitching. I haven't been the same since assembling that CD cabinet with the poorly translated instructions. I guess they can keep the Pony. (Sigh).

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