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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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354 comments (276 - 300)

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You can't prove a negative but as many have already pointed out, there's no evidence that such an entity exists. But to be fair, we can't even perceive most of the universe: dark matter and energy anyone?


I go with the atheist “term”. For me an appalling lack of evidence, especially if drawn from the worlds “sacred” writings, leaves me feeling itchy. However, if evidence were to arise (I have no idea what that would look like!), if any of the biblical miracle tales were proven true (probablistically they are as much as not), reconsideration of my position would commence.


I was introduced to deities later on in my life. I guess if you're not indoctrinated from a young age it's easy to just accept life as it is without trying to think a deity is responsible for your shortcomings but even more infuriating for your skills to be considered gifts. For me at least I never needed a god. I've wished one would exist to stop massacres but the fact that they weren't stopped reinforced my gut knowledge that there isn't anything up there


Simple. Lack of evidence. Period. It's not complicated.


Not a valid question - poorly worded attempt at a question.


SImple, there is no evidence of a god whatsoever.


This is an ill-formed question. It incorrectly places the burden of proof on the "atheist" to explain why ". . . no deity exists?" To quote the great Christopher Hitchens, "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." With no credible (testable) evidence to support a positive deity assertion, there is no reason to accept this claim


I am star stuff, and I have a limited time here. I try to enjoy this short time here and when it is over, I hope my ashes will grow a tree or become one which with I came from.


Let's start with this: God makes Adam out of dirt. Then he makes Eve out of a rib. But he has to rape a virgin to make jesus?

Then let's look at the reality of the story. God gave man sin, the punished him to death and hell for the sin he gave them, then raped a girl himself to make himself inside the raped girl so he could sacrifice himself to himself to absolve you of the sin he gave you, then didn't absolve the sin he gave you.

Of course there was the Zombie King jesus himself who was premeditated murdered by himself, then rotted for 3 days before waking back up to go hang out at a bar with his buddies and laugh it up before disappearing for good. This zombie king tells you that all you have to do is telepathically promise to be besties with him and you can have a permanent sleep-over.

All this because ancient Arab goat herders wrote a book about themselves calling themselves the chosen people and the special ones in their own book, then made up a big story about how hundreds of thousands of them were slaves that fled oppressive Egypt and it didn't hurt the Egyptian economy in the slightest. (They're also the people who cried victim because of the holocaust, then proceeded to do the exact same thing that was done to them to the Palestinians because 6,000 years ago the Palestinians, formerly known as the Philistines, had a giant who beat them up).

Add to that the bible has dragons, unicorns, demons, satyrs, talking snakes, behemoths, cockatrice, 7-headed sea monsters wearing crowns...none of which has any proof of actually existing. It DOESN'T have any dinosaurs, which has millions of fossils to prove they existed.

If, after all that, you believe the story of god that you are told, you've not just drank the koolaid, you've drown in it.

Oh, not to mention there are over 3000 active religions on the planet, and all but YOURS is a lie. If they ask how I know theirs is a lie, I'll just tell them I used the same method they used to determine every other religion was a lie.

The drkening in Kook-aide started in my mother’s womb. If you haven’t survived the incessant indoctrination such information as you noted above is difficult to grasp yet wonderful when comprehension breaks through at last!


Lack of evidence and since I was tried to be brainwashed by the Christian bible, there is no way that God exist! He's petty and just ridiculous.


Atheism is not believing no god exists, it's the lack of belief in any god.


There is no God let alone a supernatural version of the animal that is a homo sapien sapien.


I'm not fuking delusional


As of now, there is no empirical evidence of any gods existence, Theists have had thousands of years to offer evidence, they have not been able to do it.

Until they come of with evidence, I will have to say that there are no deities .


Why are churches destroyed by earthquakes and volcanoes?


I do not feel the need to explain a non-belief. It would be like arguing a double negative.


my basic reply when asked about god is.. i gave up on imaginary friends when i was 3. don't know why but this tends to upset the god botherers .
Also this world is a mess, do you really think a god would give us the power to wipe ourselves out.. and more to the point who is gods god?


Let's many gods and godesses have had their names spoken on this small planet? And you think we atheists go around the world empirically testing whether or not a particular culture's god/godess exists? How about we just don't have Believer Brains (gotta be genetic), and we just don't give a rat's ass?


First of all it doesn't have any plausible evidence. Second it seems according to Stephen Hawking and me that God would be unnecessary because gravity exists and doesn't appear to violate general relativity. Logic and common sense supports non belief.


Well, how is atheism defined generally? The lack of belief in a god. You either believe that one exists or you don't. How certain you are is irrelevant. You saying that you are agnostic only says that you are an atheist since you said yourself that is not enough evidence to prove that a god exists.


You just said it, there is much evidence that there isn't a God, so why not atheism. I was brought up a Christian, taught at a Catholic school for years met with nuns and priests and a bishop, but if you really think about it the existence of a god is so unlikely that you might as well be an atheist.


If you were an OMNIPOTENT, which a god is supposed to be, would you want to concern yourself with all the nonsense that all religion on this tiny blue dot of a planet is about, or would you be off enjoying the infinite delights of the infinite universe?


can't find a reason to be a theist. I believe human brain is itself designed to reason everything it confronts, something odd happens beyond human comprehension, brain itself try to reason and the easiest is god. The first time the idea of God came when primal men saw a comet , they were baffled and perplexed coz they hadn't seen such a thing even though their life was almost based on stars and its movements. Following the comet there came drought , which some thought was the curse of God for something they did. Hence started all sorts of rituals and slaughtering sacrifices to please something that never existed.
Man is no special, he is an animal driven by circumstances as a slave of time..!


There have been historical records of in excess of 3000 gods during recorded history, most of which have faded into the annals of history, Why should the ones currently being believed in be any different? So, if they will eventually disappear from consciousness then why believe in them.


you have it backwards - the idea of a deity needs to be proven, not the non existence of a fairy tale

"Deity" and "Gods" are man made opinions that led to the "belief" of a hire being to change the views of the people to their own. For example, the Conquistadors that arrived in mexico brought Christianity to the picture. Changing the appearance of the Virgen de Guadalupe to conform the natives. Skin color, facial, the way the dress... Natives became slaves and thousands of years of history lost for the word for "God"

@Chicano34 Hire Power? Lol

@Chicano34. You are right, and it is called syncretism.

@TheMiddleWay It is not necessary to prove God doesn't exist. The believers are making a claim of existence. The default position is to not believe until the claim is proven. There is no need to prove non-existence. That would be like asking someone to prove fairies don't exist.

@Profesao yeh you hire the power to do your bidding. “God” doesn’t shoot lightning bolts at your foes for free.

@TheMiddleWay respectfully wtf are you talking about? That post leads me believe you don’t have a basic high school understanding of the scientific process.

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