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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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Again, the assertion of the positive has the burden of proof.

True, but lack of proof is not a logical answer to the question of whether or not there is a god. In the past man believed the sun revolved around the earth, there wasn't any proof that the opposite was true, that the earth rotated around the sun, so according to men's logic then, it wasn't true. It wasn't until Copernicus in the 1500's proved that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and then it became true. Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth; I think god is a creation of man as a means of coping with a hard and cruel life. It makes life bearable knowing that a much better place awaits you in an afterlife. You will find god alive and well among the poor, uneducated, and most superstitious of peoples, but not so much among the better educated and well-off who see the lies, hypocrisy and hate on which religion thrives. Religion is like a night light for scaring off the bogey man under your bed, and it’s a promise of a better, happier afterlife once this horrible one comes to an end.


Atheism is not based on a belief - It is the default position and makes no claims
It is simply a rejection of the belief in god/gods.
Belief is arrived at through Knowledge
Knowledge are those beliefs that meet the scientific standard of evidence - True beliefs.
Therefore beliefs can be considered false if not based on proper evidence.

True and your logic is spot on, however, the answer still begs the question is there or isn't there a god and an afterlife? Your statement puts the onus on those who believe to come up with empirical evidence. And we both know that isn't possible unless there really is a god who could show up one day, then if that is the case you can ignore what comes next: In the past man believed the sun revolved around the earth, there wasn't any proof that the opposite was true, that the earth rotated around the sun, so according to men's logic then, it wasn't true because this was a crazy notion and no proof. It wasn't until Copernicus in the 1500's proved that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and then it became true. Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth;I believe that we are intelligent animals ( well most of us) ones with a sense of self, a thinking animal with the largest brain pan and brain, given our size. The chimps and great apes come close, but we humanoids have the ability to anticipate and foresee the future and know that we will like all humans, die at some future date. It might be argued that chimps and the great apes may have the same ability, and perhaps they do. But here is the difference, we have gods, and as far as I, or the scientists know, at least for the time being, we don’t think chimps do. So it begs the question, why us? Is there a god or is this a construct we create? I think the answer is straightforward; it is within our nature to imagine a god or gods, because It is a coping mechanism. We know we will die, and because it is hard to accept the fact that we too will go back to nothingness as will our loved ones, so in order to keep our sanity and as a means of coping with this horror, we create a god and afterlife. In other words, there is no god without man, god didn’t create us, we created him/her. This makes life bearable, especially so in man’s early going, during those dark hard days, when life was short and brutal. As we advanced over time, became educated, understood thru science how things, nature and the universe works, developed labour saving devices and found free time to learn and grown intellectually, many of us have evolved to the point where we see religion, with all its contradictions and hypocrisy for what it really is, an imagined construct to get us thru the night, a night light if you will, to scare off the devil or the boogey man under your bed. My contention is supported by the fact that religion especially prospers in those poor parts of the world or the country where education is lacking, superstitious runs rapid, and life is hard and brutal. For the poor and the oppressed god and an afterlife makes life bearable, just like it did in the dark past. For the better educated and more free minded, those not held back by religion teachings and traditions, they are equipped to study the genesis of beliefs and religions, to see their fault lines, their lack of logic and hypocrisy, and are better able to form their own beliefs about the nature of man and his need for god, or not.


In the absence of prove there is nothing. You can not prove nothing, unless you accept the concept that if you can't prove some thing exist it doesn't.


Well, two possible answers. Recognized deities like Yahweh, because they're based on absurd claims that have been discovered to be incredibly unlikely such as Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve and many many other examples too numerous to list here. A generic deity could exist I suppose, but since that deity doesn't interact in my reality and there is no evidence of it I run my life not accepting the claim that one does exist.

yes bro we just do it ourselves. Millions were literally crying out to the high heavens pleading to the gods to stop the devastating natural disasters but the gods it seems were wearing earplugs and listening to something else . . .

. . . listening to what, you may ask - Purple Haze?

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