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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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354 comments (251 - 275)

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Um... was there any form of ground for the existence of a theistic god? I've seen nothing supernatural, nor heard of anything of the like from a reliable source. You do understand that to prove a theistic god exists one must first prove that there has ever been an action within the universe that is by definition inexpiable within the scientific method.


I think you're making the same mistake that most theists make. Atheism does not imply certainty, it simply means we don't believe. Saying "I don't believe X" is not the same as "I am certain that X is false." It is the believers who claim that a god exists, and it's up to them to provide the evidence.

Also, atheist and agnostic are not mutually exclusive terms. Agnostic deals with knowledge (i.e. we can't know for certain if a god does or does not exist). Atheism is about belief, specifically the lack of belief in a god. Personally I think agnostic is a pointless term, since none of us can actually know with absolute certainty.


I have a feeling the question would be better if reworded a bit.

You see, nothing makes me not believe in anything. It came about as a process of weighing the information available and looking at the evidence. There was no evidence to be found, and the information was nil as well. However, I am not one to make an absolute statement because that places the burden of proof on me. I remain 99.999...9% sure there is no supernatural being of any kind. So let's say I am essentially convinced there is no deity, but am unwilling to make the assertion on the grounds of it not being a rational position to take, just as it is irrational to claim there is one.


Uhm...the lack of existence of any deities.


The same reason I don't believe in vampires or werewolves....there is no evidence that supports the claim. I also do not believe in magic due to the same reason. It's not what makes us believe that no god exists its what makes people think there is. The burden of evidence lies with the people making the claim. Much like if i said I could fly w/o any kind of assistance, then ask why you don't believe me and that you couldn't prove that i could not. Also the "agnostic" or "atheist" is beyond foulable. You are Heather an agnostic atheist or Gnostic atheist, or agnostic theist or agnostic theist. Agnostic meaning not to know for certain beyond a shadow of a doubt, Gnostic meaning to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. I cannot prove a negative, I can be fairly certain of its lack of existence from the lack of evidence, yet cannot be 100% sure. Much of the same can be said about the theists side, not one can prove their god(s) exist, so therefore all are agnostic.


the lack of any real evidence, bring forth the proof of said claim, and i mean proof not a holy script. however i doubt you have any. the burden of proof is on you to convince me (us) that there is a higher power. Much like if I said i could fly w/o assistance of anything, just could take off like a bird, you would want proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. Yet this question is like doing that, saying "I can fly..." someone saying "prove it..." then saying you can't prove that I can't, can you?"....


One would have to define god 1st.
It seems clear that "god" is a label used by people to explain real events that are beyond their understanding.
They then make up characteristics to personalise the god label.
They then mistake their made up characteristics as knowledge.
And a superstition is born.


It's not logical to believe in a god. There is no evidence that a god exists. And on top of all of that, you can claim anything is real if the only basis of believing in it is that nobody has proved it doesn't exist.


For a long time, I called myself agnostic. I wanted to believe. Everyone else believes. At some point, I realized that it was gullible to believe. It was harmful to believe. If you believe in something false, it denies you of knowing truth.

There is a point, or at least there was a point for me, where the cynicism that I had toward belief became toxic. Where the disbelief I had with everything I heard come from the church, the clergy and the believers just seemed overwhelmingly ignorant. That is when I realized that there is more to believe in nature that there is in a book of fairy tales. My belief in nature is greater than any outdated book that contradicts itself. My universe is bigger than any god that doesn't even know what a star or a planet is, let alone basic physics. My understanding of nature can change but it cannot fail. There is always an explanation. It sometimes takes longer to find it but it is always there.

So I don't have to have faith, exactly. I believe what is currently understood. Not what might be. I can and should change my mind. I can't say that I don't have belief though. I have to believe some things that I cannot test myself. Sometimes that can also be deceptive and I keep my cynical eye on everything still. But you have to believe in something. There's a saying, if you don't believe in something, you're gonna fall for anything.


There is no proof that a god exists. Until you can show me irrefutable scientific evidence, not conjecture, I will not believe. The better question should be why would anyone believe there is a god? If you were a juror in a court of law you would require more evidence to convict someone than the so called "evidence" that theists present.


I guess that you're right in saying that atheism might be based more on belief than empirical evidence, unless you take the view that this alleged great creator allows evil, cancer, wars, greed, starvation and a host of other truly awful things to exist without doing anything to correct us/the situation, out of the professed love for us all! To me, the actuality of these things is evidence of the actual non-existence of a supreme, omnipotent, omniscient all loving and self sacrificing entity.


Working on the allegations, in all religions, that the "supreme being" is omnipotent, omniscient, all loving and self sacrificing so that we can become as one with it, why the blazes does this mythical entity allow cancer, starvation, wars, greed, cruelty etc., etc., to exist in any shape or form? Plus, having given us free will, rules to follow, it then says, in effect, "obey totally, or suffer ETERNAL punishment and suffering" why would anyone accept the existence of this "god"???


This is a question I answered to my complete satisfaction when I was about sixteen. I took a good hard look at the God-based Christianity and realized that if god knew the present past and future, then this whole human experiment made absolutly no sense. Before god laid a single brick in his creation of the universe, he KNEW how it would play out. He knew the answer before he even asked the question (whatever that is). Why would such a being be interested in playing a game the outcome of which is already in his own mind. And why all this stupid dicking around with man's "following his laws" and having faith if he already knows the outcome. That's just totally whacked.

Later in life, as I studied cosmology and physics in collage, I saw that scientific evidence points toward a richness and complexity that far, FAR exceeds the simplistic thought of organized religion.


Because the burden of proof lies almost solely in a book that has been rewritten and retranslated several times and and the contradictions for this book are virtually limitless.


A god who would sentence you to an eternity of fire for not believing in him, yet refuses to provide unambiguous, tangible evidence of their existence is not a god, it's a myth.


Throughout history humans have always created a god to explain that which we don't understand, why there is thunder, lightening, how the rain falls and river flows. Slowly through science we have explained away many gods, now we can go back almost 13.7billion years scientifically, and yet because we don't yet know what happened before that we again cling to the habits of our ancestors and claim that there must have been something. To me that is closing the door on the possibility of so much more discovery. There is absolutely no evidence that consciousness can exist without a physically mind. If something can't come from nothing it still doesn't explain where god came from. Athiesm to me is the default position. I don't sit here and say "hmm well there could possibly be unicorns so I'll just take the position of not knowing" I say "there is no evidence at this time supporting the existence of unicorns, so I don't think they exist". Athiesm is the same. There is no good evidence that a god exists therefore I don't "believe" he does. I'm rejecting the claim until it can be proven to me.


Every religion I’ve looked at seems to have so many holes in it. If you google “how old is the Earth according to the Bible”, you get 6,500 years. That is crazy!!! If you confront any Bible person they’ll tell you how wrong carbon dating is and how scientists are wrong. I’ll stick with science.


no evidence and most of it makes no sense at all.


It's more about there isn't anything that naturally compels me to think there is a god, from a rational standpoint. People get caught up with saying, "Oh well, you can't prove there isn't a god, therefore one might exist." That argument is irrelevant in that since it's impossible to prove there is a god, I don't have to go out of my way to prove there isn't one. The burden of proof is upon the believer since the idea of a god is something you came up with on your own. Instead of coming up with reasons why there isn't or can't be one, I don't have to waste my time on that because at the end of the day if you are making the claim that there is a god I don't have to do anything on my part to disprove that because there is no way you will ever be able to present any evidence that there is one. Simple. Believing in god isn't a natural or organic revelation that just spontaneously occurs among people, it is taught, handed down, from early childhood before the individual even has a chance to construct their own logical, rational conclusions.

I can't prove there are thirty-foot tall mice either


There is simply only one answer to this. Because no proof has been provided. Once proof is provided, we atheist's will gladly subscribe to that truth.


The burden of proof is not upon the non-believer, it is on the believer themselves. No one has to prove there isn't one simply to make the case that a god doesn't exist. Just like in court, the burden of proof is upon the accuser, not the accused. If they want to make the case for a god's existence, that's on them, and not on anyone else to prove that there isn't one.


Though it’s true that one can not prove a negative, it must be said that atheism is not a belief system, it’s a conclusion. Since there is nothing logical or reasonable about any of the 3 major monotheistic belief systems, and certainly no evidence to support their claims, it is merely a logical, reasonable conclusion to make that there is no deity.


Atheism doesn't claim there are no gods. Atheism is a lack of belief in any gods. You can't prove there are no gods any more than you can prove there isn't a teapot orbiting Mars, but most sane people lack a belief in an orbiting teapot, or in gods.


Science can't tell us but I would like to know what caused nothing to explode and create everything........because if there is nothing it can't explode !!!!! So what makes more sense.....nothing created everything or some supreme being created everything ????

There's never been any evidence of a "supreme being" there is evidence of an expanding universe, so to me the Big Bang wins hands down.

Honestlyspeaking stop spewing that nonsense that "Science can't tell us". Just because you haven't bothered investigating beyond your own understanding, doesn't mean Science hasn't delivered plausible explanations beyond your god.

Our universe was born from the Big Bang. Prior to the Big Bang, our Universe existed as a point of spacetime singularity. A singularity is a location in spacetime where the gravitational field of a body in space becomes infinite. Objects in space with sufficient gravity do in fact bend space-time. The more the gravity a celestial body has, the more significant the "bend". Think of it like a tennis ball on a piece of fabric represents our sun. But a bowling ball on the same fabric represents a black hole. The more gravity, the greater the bend in the fabric, in this case of space-time. The "bottom" of the black hole reduces all matter to a point of singularity which is infinite. Eventually, the density and thermal energy inside the point of singularity grows beyond the gravity of the black hole itself. And then boom.
Centuries ago it was considered ridiculous that there was another world beyond the planet Earth. 200 years ago we just began catching glimpses of other planets and predicting their orbital patterns. It seemed arrogant to think that we were the only kids on the block. Then in 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered Andromeda which forever changed out understanding of the Cosmos. The idea that the Milky Way Galaxy was the Universe was shattered. Now, 89 years later it is becoming ridiculous to think that ours is the only Universe. Read below on evolving ideas of Black Holes, Singularity, and the Big Bang.
Yes, it is a highly technical, scientific article that many may struggle to understand. But just because one can't understand something doesn't mean it's not true. Your original claim that "Science can't tell us" is bunk. Science is telling us, just because you a) don't want to hear it, or b) can't understand it doesn't mean god did it. The "Science can't tell us" introduction to a statement or question is code for, "I don't bother investigating this myself because I lack the education, and understanding to be able to do so. Therefore, magical Sky daddy did it, or I'm going to make a claim about which I have little scientific understanding."

God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance



Reasoning, Logic, Scientific Facts that are proven with copious amounts of irrefutable evidence, Archaeological Evidence, ALL of which religions either CANNOT produce or are COMPLETELY unable/ unwilling to produce and have examined, tried and tested under Empirical methodologies.

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