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What do you find sexy?

Are there specific characteristics you find sexy?
What physical attributes are sexy to you?

Intelligence and a sense of humor are sexy, IMO.
Having class, is sexy too.
As far as physical stuff goes, mouths (great smiles), eyes and posture do something for me.
And for whatever reason, I think being slightly bow legged is sexy.

AMGT 8 Oct 30

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47 comments (26 - 47)

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Intelligence, class, and maturity.


Mental strength, if you're full of insecurities you're not mentally strong, that's just my own opinion.
Also a kind heart is also sexy.


I am not very sexual because of childhood abuse, I like cuddles and fun, laughter and good conversations playfulness good humour but have given sex a by-pass for a long time now - I just like being with intelligent ,funny people.


Tall... I find tall men sexy. Tall men with long hair... even sexier. And I totally agree about the slightly bowlegged aspect. Personality-wise, I like a little bit gregarious, mysterious, and smart. Smart is super sexy.


Intelligence, sense of humor, having class, integrity, skinny, big breasts, eyes, smile, face, posture, tall


Appreciation for freedom of expression. Tolerance. Health. Charity.


Intelligence, treading that balance between being a free thinker while not being a complete cynic, not too far away from my age, and on a vapid not, wire rim glasses and man scrawniness


Nice butt, slim and tall but intelligence, humor, not arrogant,down to earth.


Intelligence, great smile and clear eyes, healthy hair. Hearty real laughter. I have always been an admirer of great legs and posteriors.




Boobs. Butts. Legs. The use'.

Freckles. Redheads. Cheekbones. A certain gleam in her eyes - can't quite describe it, but I know when I see it. A nice smile. Wavy hair.

Physics talk, but only physics; literature, biology, psychology, etc are cool, but I don't find them sexy.


My name a Jeff


I find women sexy, all sizes, all shapes, all races. It is about the entire package. I find different things in different women sexy. lf you were talking about a relationship, I would have a short list of qualifiers, but for sexy, no list.


I really couldn't say there are so many variables, apart from it's a rare thing that I'm physically attracted to someone, and when I am; if I speak to someone it often puts me right off!
I wish I was just attracted by intelligence, but that guy that is currently curing cancer and just wants to talk about himself all night, he's just not for me 😟




You I find you sexy


I totally rely on interpersonal vibes. There had better be some sparkling between us. Strangely enough, it is only ever so often that that hapens and is totally independent from physical appearance.


I have to see the full package to see how everything falls into play. Granted that is not true to many people, maybe most people. I just want more of a good thing. Personality and Brain have to be in tune with the Physical and her Voice. I remember the college girl with the "crazy woman laugh". Scared me. I like the Woman that acts Sexy and she knows exactly what and why she does it. A Natural, I could watch her all day, with or without clothes. Natural is key word!!!


Intelligence for me as far as sexy goes, but kind is essential in a potential partner. Physically, large eyes and an over bite.


A Skinny blonde with high heels


Intelligence, humor, compassion, talent (art, music, etc) and an overall laid-back, but self confident body language. Someone who keeps themselves healthy and active. A nice smile and a warm demeanor.


Natural women with natural smallish breasts. I also love women who don't shave.

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