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What are you doing *right now*?

I'm shoveling chicken paprikash into one - or more - of my face holes.

PolyWolf 7 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm sitting in front of a computer, typing on a keyboard.


Reading..can't sleep.


I'm planning on microwaving a burrito that will give me 3rd degree burns in the roof of my mouth, but will be cold in the middle. Yummy!


I'm reading your silly ass post


Reading your post.

Your name checks out.


I am trying to stay cool. It's 34C where I am. I could go to the pool or the lake but just feel too lazy to do so.


Watching a Jimmy Fallon rerun while I relax after work.
How was that chicken?

It was super good. My partner switched up her recipe - primarily to not use milk because of my lactose intolerance - and somehow it managed to turn out better. It was amazing, definitely the best variant of it I've ever had.

@PolyWolf would it be rude to ask for the recipe - I am always looking for something new to try. Especially if it is easy....

@Heidi68 Not rude! I'll try to remember. We don't use recipes generally, but maybe she can put one together. Do you like spicy stuff?

@PolyWolf yes! Love spicy! Thank you


Currently trying to decide what alternative face hole would be funniest in this scenario

Almost always the ear, if my experience is to be trusted. Also, if the ear is considered to be a face hole.

@PolyWolf I think the ear is definitely a qualified face hole!

@tinebean It's a side-hole, much like the side-boob.

@PolyWolf lmfao! ? (side or front) a boob is a boob, as a hole is a hole


I’m icing my knee. I fell down and smacked it today at work and then I’m going to bed. I have to get up at four and go back and hopefully not do the same thing again. I like what you’re doing better. Thanks for asking! Have a good night. ??

Drats! Hope you're okay. Four AM? Keeripes. I wish you the best of rest.

Sorry you had an accident. Take care and wear a helmet. 🙂

ouch! I have having knee surgery in less than a need your knees for so, so many things...take care of them...hope you feel better!


Well... since you asked... I am checking out and my twitter feed, drinking Kombucha in front of the pool on a wintery Australian summer day, whilst nursing my homesickness for the USA. I bet your sorry you asked now ..... right?

I'm happy to know!

Wish I could trade you places - at least long enough for you to get your USA fix and I could explore Australia.

@Heidi68 Hey, I like that idea. Its not a bad place to be, even if I am a tad homesick?

@Heidi68, @MissKathleen Today was unseasonally in the low 70's but should be more like the high 90's. ?


Typing to answer the question.


I am listening my partner sleep as I catch up on social media.

@MissKathleen I do. I was looking. I've met quite a few folks from this site for coffee or lunch. Being willing to travel great distances to find love helps in that endeavor. I am currently seeing someone and it is going really well. Sometimes she sleeps over at my house, sometimes I sleep over at hers. Work and an active social life on both parts keep us busy but we find time to share with each other which is important.


Just got done drying my hair. Fixing to put on some socks and shoes, and take
her Royal Cuteness out for her last bathroom break until morning.
Unless she wakes me up in the middle of the night for another. ( 11:07 pm )

oh I just fell in love with your post, sweet Southern lady..."fixing to..." I miss Southernese...


right now? artzy got us all in the chat room. ha!


I'm taking the 5th.


Watching Jeopardy


listening to lawrence o'donnell, playing a couple games, getting ready to lie down for a bit.



Watching American Pickers and chatting with a friend. Wishing I was doing something more exciting!

What is American Pickers? I assume it's not referring to the rampant nose-picking problem among teenagers these days.

@PolyWolf lol. It's Mike and Frank picking junk to resell for millions! Lol.

Oh I just love American pickers! ❤️


Well I was doing something but now I'm working through an image of a man shoving chicken up his nose.

I thought the same thing ?

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