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As atheist and agnostics what in your opinion is the odds of there being a afterlife ?

I’m pure atheist however I do think there may be some form of a afterlife . Deffidently not the Christianality version of it or god but perhaps some form of an after life . I don’t think it’s going to be what anybody thinks it is nor do I think any of the religions of today are right about it . But maybe it’s a spiritual world of some sort ? This imo is just wishful thinking on my part but ya never know . Also what do you think are the odds of rebirth ? Reancarntion ? I don’t think here needs to be a god for this to be a possibility. Your thoughts ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Jan 8

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76 comments (26 - 50)

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The human mind often needs a hope of this world, seeks an illusion for there to be a chance after death. Particularly I do not want to know if there is life after death, I want to live very well in the only life I know I still have. And what I can leave for my future generation.

ylma Level 5 Jan 14, 2019

I try not to think about that and just focus on enjoying and living the life I have.


The same bush flowers many times over its duration. Don’t know about anything else but that is empirical and predictable. Using a little imagination the idea of cyclic existence can be extended to other forms of life; the life of a being the equivalent to a fruit on a tree. Simple and beautiful and humbling.


Hindus are 100% believers in cow gawd reincarnation. obviously have no clue what Atheism and Atheists are.....or is this some sort of parallel universe where the dead take over their clones "over there ?"


Zero. ....ask a charcoal that used to be a living tree nugget


Since no one has come back there are no odds. Its a question without an answer. So the real question is what is the value of the idea of a afterlife? I suppose only in its effects on your current life. If it helps you deal in a positive way great. If it is a fear based dogma then it is bad. Odds I would think need a base line of some kind of information. As far as I know there is none.

Quarm Level 6 Jan 11, 2019

I think it's what people know about you, and what you created. For example, Adolf Hitler is in “hell” because people hate him. Einstein, Isaac Newton, Galileo and others still exist because we use their knowledge.


None as i nor has anyone else been able to prove it exists. It is something we would like to happen but sayiong so does not mean that it does happen.Wishful thinking as no one likes the thought of dieing.




Personally, I would love to be there in the anteroom to Heaven when some of my old friends from Texas are told they're about to be reunited with all their ex-wives.


Nothing in nature is eternal. Our personalities are no exception. If you believe our nuerology plays a role in making us us, and you reject the dogma of the soul, there is no reason to believe anything about who we are persists after we die.

Heat dies 2nd law of thermodynamics


I believe the default position should be that when the brain dies, the thinking mind stops. Any thoughts, senses, and awareness are all gone. Complete oblivion and we cease to exist. It may seem bleak but that's what I have to go with, unless evidence to the contrary comes along


The accumulated evidence compiled by Dr Jim B. Tucker of the University of Virginia suggests that at least some people get reincarnated.


I don't know what happens after death.....and nor does anybody else.

As for odds on an afterlife that's a tough one. Is it billions to one or 50/50 but either way if you had a flutter on there being one (an afterlife) and you won, how do you pick up your winnings?

"flutter" - Wager?

@Knee-jerk Yes, sorry. UK slang 🙂


It is hard for us humans to think cosmically but IMO the entire chain of organisms can be considered to be a single entity. Time is an illusion—even quantum gravity theory has it so. The concept of an afterlife makes no sense from a cosmic perspective. There’s just life and we are it—right now and forever more. To put it crudely, we are in heaven right now but lack the awareness to fully appreciate our station.

To yearn for immortality as a separate personality is a futile and foolish quest IMO. The sense of self as a particular body is just an illusion anyway. Some bodies are shared by multiple “selves”, all illusory.

Every second of conscious awareness is a heavenly miracle of staggering proportions!



As an atheist, I do not believe in any form of afterlife. However, wanted to share a couple of links here:

  1. Just yesterday, I listened to an interesting conversation on the topic on NPR's 1-A broadcast. You can listen to it here: []

  2. In another post on this forum, I shared a link about people of the Druze sect who believe in reincarnation. You can read it here: []

PS: There's a reason we all are atheists. We lay very strong emphasis on reasoning and proof. We don't see any of that for the concept of God. In the same way, we don't see any for the concept of Afterlife. Therefore, there is no good reason why someone would believe in one and not the other. Both share the same human motivation -- a desire to explain the complexities of this world with something simple -- but no proof.

Rahm1 Level 4 Jan 9, 2019

Why should there be an afterlife and not a before life?


I could put some stock in re-incarnation. That maybe it though. Sometimes people have deja-vu with others for no reason. Souls being re-cycled is believeable.


If you believe in an afterlife, you need to redefine yourself from pure atheist to something else. As an atheist, when you're dead, you're dead. Any other belief, you are something else.

@maturin1919 We are going to have to agree to disagree.

@maturin1919 I'll have to disagree with you also. The umbra of atheism touches on all sorts of religious, mystical and supernatural subjects.

Most atheists, struggling to escape their family religion, find that one endeavor so difficult they rarely venture further. But there is a great deal more in atheism than a consideration of gods.

@HankFox I actually agree with @maturin1919 on this, I think there are a lot of people with atheist beliefs about deities who don’t hold purely scientific materialist beliefs on other aspects of life. It’s very possible to believe in an afterlife while not believing in god or gods.

@maturin1919 You haven't really thought about it. There's a HELL of a lot more in this box than mere disbelief in gods. And I'm not talking about feminism or social justice causes.

@maturin1919 Eventually, I'll have a book on the subject, explaining some new ideas. I expect you to me my relentless enemy. 😀


I guess we'll find out when we get there.

Don't bet on it. When you're dead you won't exist anymore.



Zero.....if you have seen as many dead people that I have seen you would feel the same way!


As far as we can know, there is no mechanism that will preserve your notion of self after some of the brain functions stop (some recreational drugs users can understand that the brain can work a lot without the self notion). So, from a gnostic POV the answer is NO, there is no evidence of an afterlife. But in the matters of belief or non verifiable supernatural you can say whathever you want, from some big religion world of the dead or that we will all live inside the dog's collar of your neighbor. And all those possibilities are in equal status as far as we know.


I’d say chances are pretty good there is some sort of afterlife, where some form of a transformed human consciousness goes to. NDE’s are a pretty strong indication of this, and even if they didn’t exist, I’d say nature is rarely wasteful and rate chances as high that it somehow recycles the components of the human psyche.

The other side of the equation is that dualism, the existence of a spiritual dimension that would be needed for such recycling, has not been proven. If i were to take a strict evidence based approach to thinking about this, I’d have to admit that dissolution of an emergent phenomenon is also a distinct possibility when talking about consciousness and the mind.

No categorical answer is possible, there is always some fallback on belief when talking about it.

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