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LINK Evangelical group wants gays removed from anti-lynching bill

These men are EVIL!

Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver opposes including the words "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in a federal anti-lynching bill.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 9

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What a coincidence!!!
I want all evangelical groups removed from the planet!!!


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you are either against lynching people or you aren’t. Reserving the right to lynch certain people means you aren’t.


Unbelievable. Simple unbelievable.

Ohub Level 7 Jan 9, 2019

It makes me think of Strange Fruit and the Christian fruits of the spirit and I wonder what perverse reasoning could lead these people to such a pass.


My observation has always caused me to think another inquisition would transpire.


What kind of people are these???? I say good; let this get out to decent, moral people and even many Christians will be appalled. Maybe this will create a big exodus from the evangelicals. Hopefully, we have reached a low point.

That is just so much wishful thinking. Not going to happen. Sorry.

@KKGator I said maybe. I am also in touch with the huge exodus already, especially among the millennials. The number of nones is at record numbers and is rising. Look into Freedom From Religion Foundation for more information. The more disgusting the ultra religious become the more people's eyes are opened.

@JackPedigo Younger people are eschewing religion, yes. However, there are still plenty of others who aren't dying off fast enough, and they're the ones holding much of the power.
I am very familiar with the FFRF. Andrew Seidel is one of my favorite people on the planet.

@KKGator So you are also aware of the increasing acceptance and presence of the non religious in politics? Things are changing but we will see if it happens fast enough to turn this sick movement around (remember the Dems. did take over the house and have a big majority.

@JackPedigo Things are NOT changing "fast enough". Human nature is still what it is.

@KKGator As a staunce believer in evolution I am aware that physical changes are the slowest and then comes cultural changes. They often only happen at a snails pace (unless motivated to go faster like with a war). I think a lot of people see what is happening as a form of war.

@JackPedigo The war has barely started. This isn't anything compared to what's coming. It all going to get SO much worse.

@KKGator I totally agree but I also see this as not just being about religion. Religion only exacerbates the bigger problem of our environmental complacency.

@JackPedigo Also true. Unless an asteroid shows up soon, we're going to be the first species solely responsible for it's own extinction.
It's the least we deserve. We suck.

@KKGator Thank you, this has been a nice, non-confrontational discussion. I think, as a species, we suck because we are still victims of our instincts. Survival and procreation are still the primary drivers. Some of us recognize that and realize we need to change to survive as a species. But, as you said, it is not happening fast enough. I feel sorry for future generations.

I offer do wonder what that ONE thing will be...what will be that one thing to challenge 'those people' to think differently? To be so willfully blind to how mean-spirited and hateful the Evangelical Right Wing can be and still call themselves members of the religion of brotherly love and forgiveness. I used to watch the show "All in the Family" growing up. It would bring up controversial and taboo subjects in a mostly comical way that was easier to digest for the American viewing public. I think it may have changed some minds or actually made people rethink the status quo and long held beliefs about their fellow humans. I believe the outcome was finding common ground. But these days I just think we're all so splintered into subsets and subcategories that we generally don't seek out people who are different from us. And so we cannot understand them.

@mojo5501 Unfortunately, all this has been discussed over and over in the population groups. Too many of us with different upbringings, cultures, languages and all striving for shrinking resources. Evolution tends toward complexity and everything is getting very complex. The governments have to deal with a base that is constantly at odds with one another and everyone is seeking power in order to get their share (some get more than their share). There are always, always real reasons for these problems. There was a book "A Green History of the World" which is now "The New Green History", []
When I joined Zero Population Growth they had a 6 minute film titled "learn the History of the world in 6 minutes". It showed population growth (accompanied by a beating heart) and linked the accompanying events. A recent book: "Overdevelopment, Overpopullation, Overshoot" [] It's viewable and not for the squeamish.


Seems they have plans. Legal defense in the tRump era could be a sort of stand your ground.

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