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Are you racist?

Trust Rugglesby to bring an elephant into the room.
The poll is anonymous as far as I know and is not linked to your answers or to you. Rather than just ticking the "no" box I challenge you to delve a bit deeper. Personally I reject the term "race" I do not believe in it. Others have stated their thoughts that they align it to "breed" for other species. To me, a "breed" has been bred for particular traits. I am a Heinz 57 variety, my ancestry is pretty much anything from Irish to Australian Aboriginal and most in between. Any breeding for traits has been bred out of me, I am a mongrel. Some consider race to be based on language or religion. We are not religious, but could still have a prejudice against any or all religions. I do not believe that would make us racists. For the purposes of this question I would like you to consider that cataloguing people as a race, is in fact being racist. Not necessarily that you think ill of the people you put into those categories, but simply by the fact that you do make the distinction. Remembering that this is not just about ancestry but more about appearance, or religion or language. A racist person would look at my fair skin and auburn hair and declare me Caucasian totally ignoring my Aboriginal grandfather. So the question is, do you categorise people (including yourself) for any reason as belonging to a "race"? To emphasize my point I am making the poll questions harsh. Feel free to make any comments you like, this is only my opinion, I am wrong more often than right, but please consider it only as an exercise to think outside the boxes. Clearly their is no obligation to answer the questions at all and to answer is only a test of your ability to express your own doubts and certainties.

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Rugglesby 8 Feb 19

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55 comments (51 - 55)

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Hell yeah I am racist! All you humans are f#@king idiots!

@JuinnWong yep, we are a disappointing species

At the same time we are pretty amazing though, just look at how far weve advanced. The methods now with 8 billion people on this planet and tools and weapons of mass destruction and rampant divisiveness...etc etc etc...yeah im a misanthrope but i just wanna point out that overall its pretty cool.


I picked no but I should have picked yes and consider humanity equal as long as we're keeping this acknowledgment of racial heritage as racism. I believe that all sapience is of an irreducible value. Truly, I believe there is only one human species. I would like to say, one race and all as I believe in the cohesiveness of the notion, that we are all one race... I like that view yet I cannot deny the differences. Look, you're not going to take an Ethiopian and tell him to retain heat and survive as an Eskimo and you're not going to take an Eskimo and tell him to run a few miles as well as an Ethiopian. Evolution seeks ecological fitness and our environment effects this. Actually, if I thought USA ghetto culture was the only expression possible for a black man I might very well be considered racist in a hard sense towards the black man, but obviously it's not their only expression and they just so happen to be black. I believe we may judge a culture by its beliefs and values, and our thug culture here is delinquent. I hate to say this, but whats more, I am usually -or very rarely, attracted to other races sexually. It's just the way I am even as I recognize beauty in all races, I think this just has to do with my gene expression.

Recently I realized my white fragility. I would shut down on the subject of race ever arising as I found it frustrating as a divisive story perpetuated that causes needless suffering and strife. I would get angry with black people that constantly talk about their skin as if I care... but maybe that was the problem, I saw the senseless stories continuance as absurd and so I would respond abrasively in disapproval. Really though, what I was doing was delegitimizing other's experiences. Racism is a real and present problem, and humanity will likely never move on as they will just develop the story. At any rate, I believe in the individual. I will never release my notion that any man of any race may be of any character through their cultivation of focus and pursuits.

@MortalsWrath some of your experiences mirror my own, I have run training programs for Aboriginal Cultural Interpretation Rangers, taught bush skills to kids who identify as indigenous and am often on the receiving end of racial prejudice because I am NOT black yet if you will pardon a racist term, I am quadroon significantly more aboriginal than many of those who carry more of the accepted characteristics. @irascible Yes, the term racism is most often used when race is used to demean. Given so few people on this planet are of one ethnicity are the classification at all tenable? I did word my question harshly deliberately, certainly not to cause offense, but to get people to take the thought process an extra step.

I read an article by a doctor who stated that cold is the one thing the humans have not biologically adapted for. From what I understand an Eskimo`s body is more more suited to survive than mine. Culturally of course it wins hands down but if for example an Eskimo baby were to be adopted and brought up in a temperate climate. They would fair no better or worse in severe cold than any other.

Kudos to you for recognizing that in yourself. It seems that when people talk about an injustice they've lived through a lot of people write them off a being dramatic. The idea seems to be "well that's not been my experience,so that can't really happen as often/to the extent you say because I haven't seen it".

@273kelvin I hear Eskimo's sweat less to retain heat.


According to the poll I am a racist because I consider all races equal; or do I consider all races equal because I am a racist? we can not deny that races exist; it would be like saying: during the dark ages of slavery racism didn't exist. where there is racism there have to be races. otherwise I simply call it discrimination. the fact that most people are probably mongrels does not remove the original existence of different races.

But can we or should we still identify or be identified by race? Should 1/4 of me blame 3/4 of me for the stolen generations? I do not believe we should continue to use these classifications. I must be an australcaucasoid.

BUT the existence of different races does not exist. Genetically two people of different "races" are just as likely to share most of their genetics as two people of the same race.

ok, this is my take on the issue: in theory races can exist without racism developing out of it. racism, on the other hand, can only exist if there are races to begin with. as it seems that races genetically do not exist in practice, we can not call the discrimination of people of various skin colour, facial features, hair, etc. racism. i would have liked to have the option to vote "no, i am no racist, but i do perceive the diversity in people's natural appearance", @Rugglesby. that's my position anyway.

@Blindbird, by saying that different races do not exist you are also stating that racism does not exist. racism can only exist if there are different races. i acknowledge the difference in people's outer appearance. does that make me a racist? i do not judge or discriminate people for their outer appearance. does that make me a racist? as long as we need to emphasize the fact that "all humans shall be treated equal" there is obviously some discriminating ism going on. only when we learn to realise the difference between discrimination & distinction can we free ourselves from the centuries-old shameful attitude of racism, sexism, genderism & all the other isms that have held our potentially promising species in blindness for each other's beauty.

@walklightly nope. That is false. Race does not have to exist genetically to exist in some peoples minds. I can absolutely state that race is not a thing genetically AND that racism exists socially . Your argument is nonsensical.

yes, @Rugglesby, i agree, the classification "race" is truly outdated, & with it the term "racism", as the latter originated from the first. so what are we squabbling about here? 😀


I adhere to the concept that we are human. ALL of us.

That said, sociologists noted traits in peoples of different regions. This includes things like heavy, 'folded' eyelids. Course curly hair, vs fine straight hair. Or fine but curly hair. If a region tends to one hair color, that will be noted. In short my introduction to sociology was about categorization but I don't recall reading anything about one trait being superior to another though there were theories posed about adaptation to climate.

I DO hold to the idea that race was invented as a political tool to keep certain peoples down, and to help other people flourish/profit.

In short: we are all mutts and race is a false construct designed specifically to divide us.

Saying that race doesn't exist is denying that some of our history is real and potentially trying to say it never happened, OR at least it can be seen that way. Thus, I don't try to throw out the term, nor the concept. I DO however, work to not be racist.

One more idea comes up... do we habitually flock to our perceived 'kind'? I have noticed this and I like Freemans comment on it as "tribalism" because it really isn't about race (I too am a mutt, I have a genetic trait that says I am black, middle eastern or asian but I look nothing like any of the above). What it really is about, I think, is fear. So, you group up with those who give you comfort and that might be along lines that you and I would call 'racist' though, in reality, this may not be the real intent/focus of the action.

Final thought: I think 'racist' is a bit like 'lady' but inverse. If you have to point out that you are a lady, you aren't. If you have to say you aren't 'racist', odds on you are.

excellent points, I have thought on the tribalism angle a lot. Speaking of tribe, the Noongar people of Western Australia are close blood relatives of mine, my mother refuses to acknowledge this as she was adopted and raised by British parents, she is even fairer than I am. She has many arguments, bottom line is she is racist claiming she only takes after the other side of the family.

yes, brilliant. thank you.

you had me Gnarloc until I read the 'lady' analogy. In these days of gender diversity, I don't even know where the word lady sits in 2018. Is a lady someone who doesn't swear or spit in public? Someone who doesn't have a tattoo, someone who crosses her legs and sits up straight? Is it a compliment or not?

Hear Hear well said!!

@MsDemeanour It is related to an old joke by a comedienne. In which she relates that if you have to say you are a lady, you aren't a lady. The context of that day was what you are describing, someone with manners and from the 'upper crust' of society. Too true, as you point out, that in today's world it doesn't hold the same meaning.


I believe every human is racist to a lesser or greater degree because its self-preservation basically. a race isn't a colour or even another country. it's everyone who isn't your family. it's genetically built into us and many a good documentary on chimps in the wild and you will see what I mean. personally am about as unracist as a person can be.

I agree with what you say in that we choose our "own" in preference to "others" I just personally consider the term "race" spurious. Just wait until I get onto speciesism.

race is just the only word I can think of my friend

Chimps have been filmed raping and attacking other groups of chimps and also filmed attacking and eating other species of smaller monkeys. Sea otters have been filmed attacking and killing other animals such as baby seals. Humans are simply another animal species. Humans feel safe and or secure in similar type groups and very few are comfortable with groups outside of their similarities. It's how we are taught and very few go against that teaching, unfortunately, be it other races, religions, or another sex.

indeed pretty much what I said so we haven't really evolved mentally with our big brains and civility and we live in unnaturally huge colonies.

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