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Are you racist?

Trust Rugglesby to bring an elephant into the room.
The poll is anonymous as far as I know and is not linked to your answers or to you. Rather than just ticking the "no" box I challenge you to delve a bit deeper. Personally I reject the term "race" I do not believe in it. Others have stated their thoughts that they align it to "breed" for other species. To me, a "breed" has been bred for particular traits. I am a Heinz 57 variety, my ancestry is pretty much anything from Irish to Australian Aboriginal and most in between. Any breeding for traits has been bred out of me, I am a mongrel. Some consider race to be based on language or religion. We are not religious, but could still have a prejudice against any or all religions. I do not believe that would make us racists. For the purposes of this question I would like you to consider that cataloguing people as a race, is in fact being racist. Not necessarily that you think ill of the people you put into those categories, but simply by the fact that you do make the distinction. Remembering that this is not just about ancestry but more about appearance, or religion or language. A racist person would look at my fair skin and auburn hair and declare me Caucasian totally ignoring my Aboriginal grandfather. So the question is, do you categorise people (including yourself) for any reason as belonging to a "race"? To emphasize my point I am making the poll questions harsh. Feel free to make any comments you like, this is only my opinion, I am wrong more often than right, but please consider it only as an exercise to think outside the boxes. Clearly their is no obligation to answer the questions at all and to answer is only a test of your ability to express your own doubts and certainties.

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Rugglesby 8 Feb 19

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55 comments (26 - 50)

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however birds of a feather do seem to stick together after watching kids in toronto schools where the world has converged


I voted yes I am a racist and consider all races equal. Am I a hater?
No.I do actually see (and often admire color and gender). Do I hate or active try to have bias? No. I was raised in a sexist, racist country and often have to correct stupid brainwashing that I don't even know I have concerning sex and color. It actually pisses me off. To be honest I am very aware they at least could there be bigotry and do my best to get rid of it as much as possible. It is he same for anyone that is not hetrosexual. I was brainwashed to think they were sinners. It is bullshit. I now accept people as humans. We are all black africans(that is fact). We all are sexual no matter how that manifest. We are all some sort of sex even if it is both. I like to consider myself to be the most sexist(feminist), Racist(equal rights person) and non-hetrosexual bias person possible. Just to keep me honest and overcome my brainwashing.
Now I do consider myself a feminist, an equal rights, and lgbt advocate. I just hate my upbringing that was horrible so I now go to any measures possible to break the chains of bigotry due to my upbringing.

So I do admit my past as much as I hate it. I remember it so I don't repeat the same mistakes.
I feel like an ass for admitting this, The bullshit has to stop. I guess this is the best way to pay penance for my upbringing. I am not that Man.

I would agree with you wholeheartedly a few years back. I was brought up the same way. I'm at a place now, though that's "even". I'm bisexual even though raised to abhor anyone not heterosexual. My parents didn't share the same "race", yet one was preferred over the other. I'm happy now and free, and that's why my poll chose the no option.


the human race, we are one kind


We are all racists. Anyone who says they aren't is a liar. We need groups where we feel welcome and to have a sense of security. Those groups can be a race, a religion, type of lifestyle or anything we feel safe within. This bonding is a human need.

The problems happen if we become insular or teach hate or violence against another group.

@icolan you live in a vacuum

@icolan, I'm using racist in a broader sense. For example, a person raised in an entirely White experience would feel uneasy if suddenly plunged into a wholly Black experience. You can substitute another race or two or religion or cultural background instead. Of course, there are always exceptions, but the rule is the same.

@icolan Again, I'm not using it in a strict sense. I think we're going to have to let this go.

@icolan last time. If you are raised and remain in a single race cultural norm, then you will have no actual, (other than television or movies); knowledge of another race's root behavior. And since humans tend to feel safer among familiarities, That person will see their own culture as better than the other race's customs.

However, you can apply the same effect to other religions, (Christian versus Muslim); nationalities, education, just about any set of variables.

For example, I am white, and until I became friends with a woman from Nigeria, I had no idea of how she perceived my actions. When her brother asked me out, my hesitation was there even tho I have never seen myself as racist. To be fair, they see American Blacks as condescending and racist toward Africans as well.

Another example is a Native friend of mine sees Natives from downriver, not on the same level as those from upriver. This behavior is a common prejudice among area Natives.


If you are white and american raised, you are racist. Not because of personal beliefs necessarily, but because we benefit greatly from a long history of institutionalised racism. Better schools, better jobs,easier access to housing, loans, credit in general... I could go on. So the question is moot. One really needs to ask what we, as white Americans can do to dismantle those racist institutions.

Dave D.


Interesting that all the choices but one are Blatantly racist!??!


I grew up in a small town. We were poor but we were white. The "minorities" in the town were Hispanics and Blacks. In HS we had three black students and I don't know the count of the Hispanics. They referred to themselves as Chicano. I didn't really "think" about it, it was just the way it was. I assumed everyone lived much like my family did, being the default value. I did not see any overt racism. Also, I was not the socializing type. I got along with everyone. Then I joined the Army and learned what racism was. And yes, I grew up fairly racist. I have evolved since then, but sometimes I hear some of my previous learning pop up in my head. I try to be an accepting person, I can't say I'm perfect.


Skin a different color?

Hair a different texture?

Speak a different language?

Have different socio cultural mores?

From a different country?

All these things mean what they mean, they matter when and how they matter--and none of them point to anything that leads me to feel separateness.

I'm not a make-up artist: your skin color is nothing I need to worry about.

I'm not a hair-dresser: the texture of your hair is not my concern.

I'm not an authoritarian despot: your language, values, or nationality are not my business.

You're a person.

You're a person.

You're a person.

You're a person.

You're a person.

You love, you fear, you desire, you hunger just as I do. Not in exactly the same ways--perhaps in very different ways--but the underlying experience is consistently human.

I don't want anyone else to fail to see the fullness of my humanity through any blinders they may wear--so I work to keep my own vision clear.

Humans come in all shapes, sizes, colors, textures, languages, cultures, countries, societies, religions...but only one "race."

love it.

I had no doubt that you were a good person. This is further proof of what I already believed. That was beautifully said, my friend.

I sometimes wish there was a love button on this site........


Yes. I am a racist. I think Homo Sapiens are superior to all other primates.
But some of my best friends are Chimps.....

But some Homo Sapiens (I won't mention their names because we all know who) are inferior to chimps and some even lower non-primates!!

my friends are more like chumps

@JackPedigo over here many of our political variety are so spineless they can't rate as vertebrates


I believe there are many animals totally equal to humans. Horses, dolphins and whales, crows and ravens, certain dog breeds (tendong towards smarter, more independent and generally between 35 and 70ish pounds...i like shepherds/herders and mostly cannot STAND small dogs unless theyre well behaved) and most cats (can't stand mothers cuz they become total fucking assholes lol, as well as the ones that will swat at or attack you for almost no reason). There are definitely others - maybe gorillas - but theyre not coming to mind atm. Im exercising pretty hard while i write this so thats likely partly why.

@Neraven Totally eh? Yeah right, whateva

@CapriKious yeah i didnt used to use that word far ive fallen lol

@Neraven When a dolphin, elephant or raven etc. tells me I am a racist, I will reconsider my position.

@CapriKious -eyeroll- just cuz they can't talk doesn't mean they aren't intelligent, compassionate and in some cases creative.

@Neraven I would never deny your points. Other than some singular instances of these species showing empathy for ours and other species, I think we have yet to find undeciphered treatises from any of them on the welfare of other species. That there are modal differences in our communication patterns there can be no doubt. That they live and should be given every consideration as such, You will get no argument from me.


There is no such thing as 'race'. It is a social creation. We all share the same genes (mostly) and are able to cross breed. All differences are cosmetic and cultural. The thing that divides us is tribal. I totally believe, all of us are capable of racist behavior. Some is conscious and some is unconscious. Denying that we may have some unconscious racist ideas is counterproductive to our individual healing.

My late partner was from Iran. This tribe is considered Aryan. They get insulted if one mixes them with the Arabs who they look down on. She had some of this tendency because it was fostered throughout childhood. She admitted it as well. Admitting this is the only way to deal with the negative consequences.

@icolan even social sciences? !!

@icolan Next to physical changes cultural changes are the slowest. The term "race" has been around for centuries so it's hard to get rid of it overnight. It is said the genetic differences between chimps living in forested areas from those living in plains areas is greater than any group of humans. The term won't change overnight. Science programs I have seen have said the term does not meet the reality.


No I hate everyone equally


If there is a race, it's the human race, period. I do not classify peoples by that term. Whenever it seems necessary for me, in speaking with another, to use a designation for a person from a different background, I will use the term "ethnicity" as I believe that to be more descriptive and more specific, but also inoffensive, in my opinion.

I had the good fortune to have been brought up in an environment, and to be schooled with people of numerous national backgrounds, all different "colors," if you will, and never experienced any negativity because of that issue. In school, I had crushes on Black, Asian, Hispanic, and even ( a ) Hawaiian girls. I've had a Chinese wife, and a Filipina wife, and still have feelings for and respect both. My daughter, the light of my life, is half Chinese. I went to Compton College post-riots (Watts riots 1965) and never had any problems there.

My working career was in aerospace in Southern California, and if you know anything about either, you know that being racially biased in such an environment will eventually get you into trouble. Besides that, my degree was in Sociology, and I worked in Employee/Labor Relations for 13 of my 30 years in aerospace, and in HR for over 20 years; so, being a racist would not have been viable under those circumstances.


No one that I've ever met IRL has ever though I was racist in the slightest. I don't care about anyone's ethnicity. Race can not be defined by language or religion as neither of those constitute a race. For example Islam is a religion, not a race, as a race is a physical quality determined by genetics. Language may be unique to an ethnic group, but it rarely is and is able to be learned by anyone with sufficient time and an ability to speak. All too often I am called racist online because I hate Islam (all religions really). That is a bias I have based on facts and data. Just like hating Nazis is a justified, and dare I say objectively positive bias to have. So no, I would not consider my self racist as I do not care about anyone's ethnicity or skin color.


I think there is one race; the human race.

how bout the race to the grave !!

That would be between races. For example, canis lupus vice canis latrans @markdevenish


I hold the modern view that race doesn't exist. It is a human construct based on incomplete data. The things we call "race" are so fuzzy around the edges as to make the definition useless.


I certainly don't think I'm racist That being said there are large cultural differences Between peoples. It has more to do with social origins than skin color though.


Lol. What did you expect from this poll other than what you got?

No, I'm not racist. I'm indifferent to race. Always have been.

Have I unconsciously contributed to structural aspects of society that limit people of certain races / genders? Doubtless. That doesn't make me complicit. It makes me ignorant. Have I ever used a politically incorrect term for a person of another race? Yes, when I was young, because it's what I knew. Again -- ignorance. For a long time, for instance, I used the term oriental instead of asian. At some point asians decided that "oriental" was a slur. Since asians get to decide such things, I changed the terms I used. Simples. I'm not racist because I'm not a mind reader and used a term I was taught to use as a child. I am however respectful because I took the time and effort to change an innocuous habit for no purpose other than to make other people comfortable with my speech. How is that racist?

I understand the impulse to get people to challenge their assumptions but sometimes I think it's overdetermined and ends up often having the goal of guilting people and sorting people by objectively innocuous characteristics and behaviors. How is that any different in principle than sorting people by skin color or gender? We need to ease up and quit being so hectoring and serious about it. Sometimes we try too hard and care too much, and it defeats the purpose.


While I most certainly have my predjudices, I am not racist. There are people I am above, but my superiority over them is never based upon the color of their skin, their ethnic background, their religious beliefs or their sexual orientation or preferences.

If I am superior to someone, it is because that individual has made a conscious choice to shun learning about the world they live in and the other living creatures with whom they share it. They are the kind of people who live in a bubble of fear and loathing of their own making, and the planet would be a far better place without them.

why do you operate a crane ?


No. But I do stand on a ladder at work quite often, and it's tall enough to identify the willfully ignorant.


I don't understand the reason for the religion selection. Religion isn't a race.

It is if your Jewish,live in northern Ireland or the subcontinent of India and many other places.

@macrobius The word " choice " is to some extent redundant. It may seem odd on a site like this but one cannot opt out of ones culture that easily. Though I am an atheist by choice culturally and racially I am still a WASP. I once asked two friends of mine from northern Ireland a question. (Each of them came from opposite sides of the divide). " If you you were standing at a bus stop and a total stranger walked up. Could you tell if they were catholic or protestant? " They both answered yes.

@macrobius Tell that to someone who lives in Belfast, Glasgow or even Boston. The P separated me from catholics in education and to a certain extent culturally as an adult. Irrespective of my own personal views. I can no more go back in time and scrap all the catholic schools in my neighborhood than I can change the colour of my skin. That does not mean that should or do adhere to any tribal constraints regarding friendship or relationships. Just what I was born into.

@Eazyduzzit that is what I say also, but every time I make any comment at all re "X" religion, I am called a racist by many people.


I said NO but I cannot be sure - I enjoy meeting people from other country's and races not really sure having said that that I know very much about race - People seem to be just from wherever they are born, but our genes must be by now so intermingled it would be hard to know - I see people on the net who have had their genetic code done and they end up in percentages of this and that - Its probably interesting but I am not sure I can get my head round it, or if it even matters.Sorry this is about the worst answer I have ever made here!


I voted "no". Remaining anonymous is pointless. I have had some "spirited conversations" with hypocrites.


We are socialized as racist. As long as human physical traits are used to hand out privilege, thisbwill not change. Up front we can work to overcome our feelings and get beyond them, but our subconscious remains contaminated by our past upbringing. It's better to be aware of it then to deny it or practice it overtly or covertly.


I didn't voted. My take... By many definitions of Racism, I am a Racist by other definitions I am not and not only that but... I couldn't be. I will leave it at that. Because they are... like your... Opinion Man. But my Actions will speak Louder than my Words. I do recommend to all americans to watch the movie "imitation of life" 1934 version and 1959 version. For those that "habla" I recommend "Angelitos Negros", a 1948 Mejicano film.


I voted ''No''. The reason being, I don't care where the fuck anyone comes from. If I like someone or I didn't like someone, it wouldn't be because of where they come from.


Firstly we need an accurate definition of race.

My two pennorth (two cents): Race is the first step in evolution. In the North sea there are 7 races of cod. They live in different places, migrate to different places and breed at different times. They all taste the same.

I think that there are different races of human beings to be an enormous advantage. No race is inferior to any other - just different. It gives us an advantage in surviving.

'Fraid I'm not a mongrel, not since 1735 which is as far back as my family tree goes back.

If I were younger I would be working on that.

I agree with the adaptation to environment angle, in my case red hair was an advantage in areas of lower sunlight needed for production of vitamin D living where I do i would prefer more melanin from the other side of the family.

@Rugglesby A good friend of mine is a ginger (see I`m not that racist) and he was an extra in a special comic relief edition of Blackadder. The scene involved Rowan Atkinson being chased by 200 red headed scots up a hill. It was a warm sunny day and the production team provided an industrial size tub of factor 50 sun cream for all the extras. As they all slapped this on their skin he said that he had never before or since felt such a kinship with his " roots " lol

I'm always astounded that people say "my family tree" - which ancestral line did you take? Male? Female? And how do you know who the females of your "family" mated with? All nonsense - I'm sure you're just as much a mutt as the rest of us.

@GoldenDoll I rely on my cousin Yvonne. She is the family historian. I could go back one more generation on my mother's side but I can't be bothered.

@273kelvin Yes, you are a redhead and you have native Australian ancestry. I think we got that.

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