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Man created both his God and his Devil in his own image. His God is himself at best, and his Devil himself at worst.

Elvi 5 Feb 20

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Agree with the first sentence, disagree with the second. Seriously, what were those guys smoking when they defined God? If men desired imitate their god, they would all be assholes.


SERIOUSLY? Man's god is man at his best? Wow, we suck more than I thought


God is like a really horrible teacher, sadistic and unpredictable, plays favorites. Satan is like a troublemaking student who doesn't care about God's rules, he just wants to have fun, and get you into trouble.


I may no longer be a religious man but the bible is fascinating in the extreme for what you can see in terms of perception of good and evil.


I don't know... there is a lot of good in the bad of the devil.


Never read that before...but can believe it with my whole heart!!


Probably the other way around.


They also work as good cop and bad cop, carrot and the stick. Two different ways to get the one result out of us.


I think it's God is the most ludicrous and the Devil is the most realistic. Somewhere in between lies us. lol


That makes sense.

gearl Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

I do like that.


Totally agree.


Good and bad are within us as a choice and yes where are the woman in all this? its not strange that most religions from the middle east put woman way below men as basicly concubines and Gods just generally happen to be male.


Man at his best doesn't commit near omnicide with floods: )

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