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So I went on a date with this guy and he told me that since by the age of 35 I had never been married and never had any kids that “people” would think there is something “wrong” with me. He was from the Deep South so I took that into account. Has anyone else ever been told that or does anyone agree with this thinking?

Susalou 4 Feb 20

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Nah, he’s just an ass, trying to rush you to bed.


I mean if you include being picky, then there is something "wrong" with all of us that are in our 30s while never married [and no kids]. I would be married this very second if I were willing to budge on the having kids thing, so when a girl sees me, she's right to think, "What's the catch? Why didn't anyone else scoop up this gorgeous, hilarious man who cooks like a chef and fucks like a rockstar?" 😛


He's living in 1950.
No kids isn't weird.
Smoking cigarettes now; that is weird.


I'm over 35, (male) (Midwest) never been married, no kids and yes, I have had people state "There must be something wrong with you if your' not married by 35."
Does this assertion have any Merritt?
Aside from identifying the myopically challenged character of the person making the assertion, Absolutely not.


I wouldn't give it a second thought.


What's weird is when people think you should be some cookie-cutter copy of everyone else. It's scary that anyone would be so limited that it would never occur to him that you may not care what anyone else thinks.

JimG Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

When and old brain neighbor asked me why I married "so late" (39 y/o) I told her "" Because I didn't want to be a servant like you and you daughters.."" lol

BTW, I married a guy who was the perfect partner.

Ha! That's great.


I do not agree with that line of thinking at all. I have however, also faced the same criticism. "You've never been married? What's wrong with you?" I think I'm going to start replying with "You've been divorced? What's wrong with you?"

d_day Level 7 Feb 20, 2018

Well, I sorta responded that way.


That was the only date. His comment was really surprising to me. I've been focusing on my education and career and also I don't want kids.

I wanna give you a mom hug. I'm so sorry that moron made you question anything. Read my comment above. If you don't want kids, oh please do not have them. Kids are tough on a person and relationships. And costly little buggers too. If you were a man no one would blink twice that you focused on your career and education. You go girl, be strong. You're better than any of the naysayers.


It ain't you, it's him and his outmoded mindset. This is the way I think, and I'm 60 and escaped from that mentality long ago. My dear, you are P E R F E C T. Tell that moron to go fuck himself. The only thing "wrong" with you is that you were true to yourself and didn't jump on the "got to get married" bandwagon. You know who you are and what you want. You are a complete person just the way your are.


I pride myself on being weird so I’d take it as a compliment! ????


he's full of bulls milk. it's not until you're 40 that people think that.


It's the kind of thing that shows up in women's magazines as a "Warning Sign" Here's a headline from a Huffpost article: "Red Flags: Is It A Bad Sign if Someone’s Never Been Married By Middle Age?"


I married at 30. I was able to live some life before tied to the institution. And now I'm once again free of the institution. ????


I don't agree with the "spinster" attitude as I believe it is just fine to wait and find the right person. That may take quite a while, and it may happen right away. The scary part? You can't KNOW that this is the right person until you live together and... stay the course through thick and thin.


...Do you WANT kids? There's no rule that says you have to have them. I think it's stupid for people to behave like you should. I wish the vast majority of humans would consider the fact that we have 8 billion already and we might be okay in giving that whole, 'breed like rats' thing a rest. Push back against that kind of bullshit pressure! Do you.


I have heard it before. It was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now.


It's an old way of saying you're a lesbian


Uh... That's odd in this day and age. But, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Ultimately It's only yours that should matter to you. Period.


Well, that's peculiar. Don't you think you should get busy fulfilling those expectations before it's too late?


I think it's weird, I have ever been told that, but I met my wife when I was twenty


It's no good asking me, I've been married 4 times. Yes I am weird.


That's pretty rude.

CatV Level 3 Feb 21, 2018

Times change, my mothers mother was only 36 years older than me. My kids are 31 and 33, single.
Only about a third of their peers are in relationships and / or had kids.


I'm thin, late 30s, single..

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