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LINK New Study Claims Babies Born in Jan and Feb Are More Likely To Be Rich | Rare

Define wealthy, please. Never mind, It only applies to Aquarius. Not bat-shit crazy Pisces.

UrsiMajor 8 Jan 22

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Right, I must have missed something - January baby and in a low income apartment complex - but I have everything I need.


There are lies,damn lies and statistics. and then there is astrology !!


You will not that the article places Aquarius as a "water sign". It is not! It is the water bearer & is an air sign. Makes this article foolish as my guilty hobby is zodiac knowledge. The Aquarians & Pisces I know are neither rich or successful. Except for the ones that are. =0}

It's all relative. Define rich and successful. We can't seem to define exploitation or pornography in my other groups.


Evidently, Aries are not likely to be rich.


I am Pisces...🙂

Me too. 🙂

@UrsiMajor hey...they are more likely to lose their mind, shit their pants and get lung cancer look at the bright side....

@thinktwice Well, I have to plead guilty on "lose their mind". My defense is, you can't lose your mind if you were always crazy.

@UrsiMajor You are crazy in a good way...glad of that!

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