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Does being in a gay relationship with a Jehovah's witness (not baptized) work? She has issues with her sexuality.

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It will likely come down to either you or her family (and church). Who do you think she will choose?


Try hypnosis, if she has issues with her sexuality, give her the mindset of religion, and in particular, Jahova Witness is evil because it conflicts with love and how could love be wrong? If she is worried her church friends will reject her let her know they were never really her friends. If she complains her family is going to freak, ask her, "Did they ever support you in anything you felt was important?"

zrez Level 4 Feb 27, 2018

To best of my knowledge the bible says nothing about lesbians. However I do think that there will be a lot of heartache is store for her along the way.


If that were all, It would be not all that unusual. Many have issues with their sexuality. Since you bring it up, I would suppose that being baptized, not baptized would have some significance for this issue?


No, she needs to stop doing stupid stuff


I know a lady that was raised JW who is now about 50 and who at times says that she is a lesbian. I have been her shoulder to cry on, when need be, which is OK but she never takes advice. She can't seem to completely shake free of the religion because of family. She is somewhat shunned but not completely which I find more troublesome than having a clean break and this has completely screwed up her life. My point is be careful as their tentacles run deep even for some who have left. Also their views on sex are bat-shit crazy and screw up straight people that were raised in the cult.

gearl Level 8 Feb 25, 2018

If that doesn't sound like some messed up stuff, I don't know what is.. The JW have no time for gays at all & they all have issues with sex. So run away as fast as you can..


I see a red flag !


The JW's seem to be one of those factions where it's okay to be gay, as long as you keep your trousers on. I tried to get some door knockers to leave by telling them they wouldn't want me (because I was gay) once. They said it wasn't an issue.

It's being a practising homosexual or bisexual that they can't handle. Abstinence is fine, if you can't commit to a heterosexual relationship.

I've long maintained that the only reason we have Scientology is to make the Jehovas Witnesses look sane.


I have a joho friends, I thought she was gay but she just hates men, she hates women also, and especially hates people who engage in sex. She has a problem with me because I don't have a problem with my daughter being gay.
Answer to your question. No.


Being a Witness, that is just the beginning of her issues.


I personally don't get involved with people who are indecisive regarding their own sexuality. I find it to be a complicated situation that isn't worth the effort and emotional toll. If you think this person is worth persuing, then by all means, get after it. Who am I to judge your feelings, or anyone elses?


Being in a relationship with anyone who is questioning their sexuality is never easy.
Adding the JW aspect makes it even harder.
I really hope you aren't too invested. These things usually don't end well.


I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone with "issues about her sexuality". Because by Nature I always been a very "sexual" person. Can't make it any more clear.


I have a gay friend that grew up in the JW faith. He isn't religious, but maintains a presence at the church because if he came out he would be excommunicated and his family and friends from church would not be able to interact with him. That would be such a tough decision for people to have to make. Your happiness and identity or basically dead to people you love the most in the world.

From what he has told me and what I have observed through him, most JW raised LGBTQ people have sexuality isn't a wonder. He has been able to maintain some longer term relationships, but only because he lives in another state and is really careful about what gets posted to social media, etc. I think if she wants to maintain a relationship with her family, it would be hard...


Sorry, but it sounds like a disaster.


If both you guys really love each other and want to make it work then you will find a way. May bring some sacrifices of family on her part and such, but I hope not. Where there is a will there is a way.

Sacha Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

If two people (or more, if that suits them all) love each other, anything can work.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

How can one be a Jehovah's Witness without being baptized? Are you seducing her? I rarely use the term "powder keg" but this is one of those times.

She was raised in it but never baptized


I've never been in a gay relationship with a Jehovah's Witness. What's your experience?
Seriously, love is love. If she has a crisis of faith due to religion or an identity crisis because of her orientation, remind her that nobody was ever born a Jehovah's Witness. The conflict between who we really are and religion only arises because religion, as an artificial construct, is too limiting.

JimG Level 8 Feb 21, 2018
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