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QUESTION After Mass Shooting, FL House Votes to Put “In God We Trust” Signs in Schools – Friendly Atheist

The bill (HB 839) would require all public schools to post the state motto, “In God We Trust,” in a “conspicuous place.”

Sponsor Rep. Kim Daniels, a Jacksonville Democrat who runs her own ministry, said Florida needed the legislation, given the goings on in the state.

“He is not a Republican or a Democrat. He is not black or white,” Daniels said. “He is the light, and our schools need light in them like never before.”

She spoke directly of the school shooting, and said it’s no secret that the state has “gun issues” that must be addressed.

“But the real thing that needs to be addressed are issues of the heart,” Daniels said.

I’m sure the students in Parkland feel better already. If only these signs were in classrooms last week....

zblaze 7 Feb 22

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F$cking ridiculous!


Thoughts and prayers have proven ineffectual; let's try signs.

The mind boggles.

I was about to make a similar comment, but I like yours better.


"In God we Trust" is on some of our currency, hasn't prevented any crimes involving money so far...

good point 🙂

We place far more trust in our fiat/imaginary money than in our imaginary GODS.


Please somebody clarify this for me. They are actually convinced that by hanging a sign saying "In god we trust" in each classroom...the criminals won't massacre anybody? What's next? Garlic and salt over the shoulder?


There are more states drafting these type of laws putting some religious sign in a classroom. They buy into the idea that it is all due to their God being ignored.


I want to throw up !


Yes, it would have been a great comfort, reading that sign as they were being gunned down.


Empty gesture from empty minds.


I guess that means people no longer need their assault weapons, right?


The strangest thing was when the Charleston church was murdered as they were in service. these people were dearly close to their god and they actually showed extreme grace after the shooting. Now for these other religious bigots, go screw yourself

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

I agree 100% and add also that IF this Mighty God can't protect HIS own Believers in HIS OWN House/Houses then he must be either totally barbaric or utterly Impotent, not Omnipotent.


Wow I would ask if there is a better god since trusting this one got you killed

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

This is incredibly lame. I wonder if they have the slightest clue how ridiculous this looks.


Yah well if there is a God, God sure as hell has not prevented school shootings, so why should we trust this God?


Someone finally figured out how to stop these horrible shootings!!!


Ever notice how the more corrupt the politicians, the more godly are their pronouncements?


Well, I think that sign should go all around the school 6 feet tall as bullets and guns are bound to stop working and bullets will just bounce off.


Yeah, that'll be real helpful.

I think they should post "where the hell were You?" Signs, and discuss!



This might be helpful... If the signs are bullet proof.


F**k a duck! No other words

Sacha Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

Numb fucks. It's both ineffective AND illegal.

The stupid! It hurts us!!!


Of course, everyone knows that this action will solve the problem. Good for them!


"In God we trust; all Muslims please use the rear entrance" lol


Anyone have ACLU phone number?


Hope they’re also bulletproof shields. Aahhh


So damned stupid. And UN-Constitutional.


This really pisses me off. Before long we'll be making laws about women being modestly covered before they can walk outside.


Yeah... Because God gives a fuck about children getting shot.
This is the kind of stupidity when religion and politics mix.
What kind of sick fuck uses the murderer of kids to pass their agendas?
Oh wait... Religious nut jobs.

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