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A friend told me today that I am vibrant. I wonder, what does that mean?
I don't feel vibrant, but I do feel young at heart. It's hard to imagine that my age is really my age when my heart tells me something else.
How many of us feel this way?

Akfishlady 8 Feb 22

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Being enthusiastically engaged in life vs. biding time and being satisfied with merely existing is what I consider to be vibrant. It is a life-long attitude for most people. This, I think, is how we find our 'years' surprising. Family and society host generalized attitudes about age that are not very accurate. How could they be, when such notions are formed by younger people?

It has been a personal pleasure to have known or been acquainted with people (some famous), now passed, who were 'vibrant' into their nineties and even beyond.

A principle that applies to all life and particularly health and longevity was stated by my personal 'hero' and great scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Reich:

"Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life. They should also govern it."

Being 'social creatures', sharing of love on may levels, particularly with an intimate bond, nourishes our overall vitality.

Work is not to be confused with the toil so many of us perform, particularly early in life, in exchange for bread alone; in a process characterized by fatigue, an exchange of this for that wherein we often feel less for having done it. Work adds to us, inspires a craving for more; providing material satisfactions accompanied by personal edification in less tangible forms.

Knowledge, can be, but isn't necessarily a product of academic attendance. Degrees certify absorption of information. The testing ground for how much of it is actually factual is called life. That is to say, determining how much is actual knowledge... The challenge in gaining knowledge is to separate what is so from what isn't. That demands independent research and evaluation. There is no substitute. We are not in possession of our 'exploded' neocortex only to turn around and abdicate personal use in deference to or to dictate to others.

We are but one of lifes innumerable manifestations and the most advanced form of them on the planet. We are 'animated' by an energy that, unlike invisible gods, is both visible and quantifiable. We as reasoning creatures, don't necessarily have to KNOW life's intentions to consider how life functions demonstrate intentionality. Evolution itself comes to mind.

One last tidbit from Reich: "The act of thought is life comprehending it's own essence."

I believe that life optimizes itself by investing in what produces a return and withdraws from that which goes into stasis. To show vibrance places one in good health and good company.


If you want to be vibrant, pick the right frequency!

jeffy Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

when i say my age it doesnt seem natural, like i am joking


No, I usually feel every minute of my age. Not all the time, but a lot of the time.

marga Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

"Vibrant" usually means that you are exuding intelligence and upbeat energy. Sort of bursting out of your skin, so to speak.

I have that a lot..since I'm partially transmale I have high levels of testosterone, so always feel excited, energetic, have boundless enthusiasm for my myriad obsessions. Because I skip red/most meat, only eat fish, skip most processed food, and eat only two meals a day, I tend to look and act much younger than 65 yrs old, and trip along the street like a terrier dog.

I'm so active that most men refuse to hike anywhere with me twice.


I am an 81 year old man. But, in some ways I am still a 14 year old kid in the rural south, a 24 year old soldier in West Berlin, a 40 - 50 year old educational innovator. My body does not let me do many of the things I used to do, but I stay both mentally and physically active. Some days I feel my age physically, but never mentally.

I'm not far behind, 73, and feel the same. Enjoy.


My hard drive is just fine but the chassis needs some work


tonight if someone told me I was vibrant I'd probably cry and wonder what they heck they're smoking. And then ask for some.

But on a normal day, yeah I have my moments and I'd just smile bigger and say thanks. Vibrant is not a matter of youth. I think we get more vibrant as we age. We get wiser, deeper, and so much more interesting. Honey, we have oodles of experience and we KNOW who we are. We have earned it.

Thanks, my vibrant is coming back, but I'd still like to share what it is they're smoking.

@evestrat yeah, she is a real champ, love all her posts.

@Rugglesby awww, you guys! shucks, you make me blush. And I feel loved and validated. Thank you.

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