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Are you your own best friend ? How do you treat yourself as a person ?

Wildgreens 8 Feb 25

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I am and we have great fun and conversations..I try to not be as down on myself as much as possible.


I over feed myself... lol

My drug of choice is chocolate, Regular M&Ms are my downfall.

How is that a bad thing ?

@Wildgreens My doctor seems to think they're the problem, A1C is not where it should be.

Moderation no need to deprive yourself. 🙂


I'm my own worst enemy. I spend far too much effort on self-analysis.


I reached a stage in my life around 60 where I actually preferred my own company. Maybe because I have kept myself busy with the things I love or want to do, instead of relying on anyone else. I guess in that sense I am probably my own best friend. Although I do have friends and seven siblings, yet if I wanted a week-end away or to take a vacation- I would opt to go with my daughters.


I am definitely and no one loves or cares for me as I do. I enjoy being with me all the time.

Me too.


Self love has been a struggle, but I finally think I've reached a point in my life where I can have self-compassion, take care of myself out of love, and enjoy my own company. Most of this change has come from the end of a co-dependent relationship. I spent too much time needing my partner, either his company or his approval, to feel happy and good about myself. It wasn't healthy.

I never want to get like that again, so for the past year or so I've been reading a lot of books (such as those by Brene Brown), losing weight (because I needed to take care of myself, not because I wanted to look good for other people), and learning to be on my own happily.

I am glad that you have come to the conclusion that you self worth & value is not made by others. It is great to have compassion from someone who cares, but that is an enhancement of your life, not what makes you.


It’s definitely something I’m working on. My kids are older and I’m finally divorced so I’m learning to be good to myself. It’s definitely a process. I’m finally starting therapy soon and am really looking forward to it.


I take time to take care of me. Reading relaxes me, so I try to read before I go to sleep. Although my books are getting lots of competition from I listen to my gut, it is the first to tell me that something is wrong. I usually eat pretty healthy, and generally eat less meat and food as it comes from nature. I meditate from time to time. I try to advocate for me because no one else will.


no, I am my strongest critic and hardest taskmaster.


I am learning how to treat myself with kindness regardless of what I'm going through. It helps me feel better when I'm alone, and it helps me to better discern who and what I should be focusing my energy and time on. It's taken me a long time to get here.


Yes. I generally prefer my own company more than the company of others. There are exceptions to that.


Yes. How I treat myself is with self preservation in mind... mostly by having realistic views about other people. I depend on them less and less for emotional support, though I'll take it when it comes. I've been jaded too many times by broken trust, so I cautiously keep a few close friends.

I meditate on occasion, eat fairly well, and try to take it easy...


Well as i can ????


Absolute garbage most the time. But I'm usually the only person I have to turn to.

That's a sad way to live. Sounds like you need a hug.

@Wildgreens sometimes yes

(((((((((@AustinSkepticus))))))))))))) cyber hug


I noticed that a lot of people on this post struggle with self love.


I'm not as bad towards myself as I used to be. I have been exercising "religiously" for two years non-stop. I feel great about my over-all health. I eat better and take supplements for bone and heart. I commit to socializing with others two to four times a month. I reduce stress in my life at work by focusing on being reliable and hard-working. I pay attention to getting enough sleep. I don't drink alcohol, nor have I ever smoked. All of these things say "I care about me". I think it's indeed important that we care for ourselves and even learn to love ourselves: something we are not taught as children.

I had a great mother that taught me that. I appreciate your response.


that is a great question. I have treated myself like crap for the vast majority of life. I have always suffered from low self-esteem. However, as I have undertaken a huge personal growth over the last few years I have come to terms with it. I keep thriving to become the best person I can, to be my own best friend. It is well worth the effort, and being 52 years old might finally be the time where I both "grow up" as well as vastly learn from my mistakes. Life is about making mistakes, learning from them and growing. By doing these simple steps I treat myself better and better.


I think that there are a few areas of my life that I can work on an improve.


one of them. not badly, but i could do better maintenance.


We are often our own worst critics


Good question, I probably am although I'm lucky to have a couple of people who really would do anything for me and I for them. Like they say a friend will help you move, a good friend will help you move a body.
As for the other bit, I've never thought about it but I suspect better now than I did when I was younger 🙂


I love me. Otherwise I wouldn't just be my own worst critic, I'd be a suicide accomplice.


After years of self-doubt and self-abuse, I am learning how to put myself first and be very kind and patient with my sensitive and crazy self. Not easy.


I treat myself with scotch, beer and rib fillet steak with all the trimmings.


Yes, it seems I have far less problems in so many ways by myself as my own best friend! I have never deceived myself or lied to myself! Others seem to want to deceive and lie their way into my life or become part of it without actually being part of it! Life is too short or long to lie and deceive Ones self!


Sometimes...and also can be overly self critical....

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