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Why Would Anyone Fall In Love With You?

I was recently asked this question. I honestly couldn't answer it until now.

Because I'm funny???

What about YOU?

SleeplessInTexas 8 Feb 19

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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Because we have a lot in common, I hope.
Although most men only seem to be looking for someone to seduce asap.


Kindness,logical,calmness,willing to compromise to a certain extent,In the 27 years with my late wife, never a serious fight,but a discussion,we are Adults,are we not?


I'm comfortable letting my SO be who she is. If that didn't work with me I'd leave. I don't try to change people.

I'm also fucking hilarious and down for whatever. Momma raised me to know that no means no.

Fuck this question though. I feel like it implies you have to prove your worth to someone else too much. Why should I fall in love with (hypothetical person)?

If we ain't meeting in the middle on that there is no love.


Because I'm a nice guy and you know what happens to nice guys in the end?


Sincerely I don't know.
But what I try is to always evolve, so If i am not good for her now, I will work to be =).


per my ex-gf...I'm easy-going and I put her first....


I think its about each partner being ok with the other being just the way they are.


It's not important that I cannot think of a reason. The trouble is that nobody else can.

JimG Level 8 Feb 20, 2019

Hugs xx

@Amisja Thank you. I like to think so. But my being alone is mostly (99%) my responsibility and/or fault.


I'm an effective listener. I'm funny. I'm compassionate and I dance...


Hopefully because he would see what a great, loving, kind, and funny person I am!


MAY 19, 2015
Download the PDF
Two major multi-volume reports on global warming were released in 2013 and so far in 2014,one by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and one by theNongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC).

Two major multi-volume reports on global warming were released in 2013 and so far in 2014, one by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and one by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC).

NIPCC is an international network of some 50 independent scientists from 15 countries, many of them distinguished and with no financial stake in the debate. Their new report consists of two volumes, each approximately 1,000 pages long, together citing nearly 6,000 peer-reviewed studies.

Here is what the scientists found:

There is no scientific consensus on the human role in climate change.
Future warming due to human greenhouse gases will likely be much less than IPCC forecasts.
Carbon dioxide has not caused weather to become more extreme, polar ice and sea ice to melt, or sea level rise to accelerate. These were all false alarms.
The likely benefits of man-made global warming exceed the likely costs.
Here is what this means for public policy:

Global warming is not a crisis. The threat was exaggerated.
There is no need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and no point in attempting to do so.
It’s time to repeal unnecessary and expensive policies.
Future policies should aim at fostering economic growth to adapt to natural climate change.
What about those who still say global warming is a crisis?

The UN’s new report walks back nearly a dozen earlier claims, contains more than a dozen errors, and tries to cover up new discoveries that contradict its earlier claims.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relies heavily on the UN’s reports for its finding that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. That finding is now falsified.
Environmental groups refuse to admit they were wrong. It was never about the science for them.
For more information, visit or The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is a project of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), and The Heartland Institute.

dc65 Level 7 Feb 19, 2019

@dc65 Did you get too much CO2 in your brain?

Were you hacked?


I guess some people enjoy weird, outspoken jerks with innapropriate pun syndrome?


Honestly I would not want them too. I have done the in love thing and it by itself is so very young and not sustainable. I know I will get people saying I am full of it and they are in love with their husband or wife of 50 years. Good for you. Different strokes for different folks. For me loving someone is far preferable. My ex was upset when I told her I was not in love with her after she told me she was no longer in love with me. Actually I told her I was never in love with her, rather I made the choice to love her and the vow to do so through thick or thin etc. I believed in and was willing to work to make our marriage endure. She left for a number of reasons depending on which story you believe all of which were shallow things or my lack interest in having an open marriage. In love too me is a fact burning fire, unsustainable and inevitable ash. Love on the other hand is about accepting that your partner is human, about patience and communication and enduring hard times together as well as good times. Like most truly valuable things in life it never stops requiring effort. So I will leave being in love to the young. I just want to love.

Quarm Level 6 Feb 19, 2019

@Quarm You party pooper!?

@SleeplessInTexas I know just being honest. I am bad at finding reasons for such a question. I am the one who is by choice the one who if their is not enough for everyone else I do not want any. Not out of Catholic guilt or any of that crap just because I have always been pretty much self contained adn others are not. So let them have it and I will endure.


"Anyone" wouldn't.


I am kind and generous. I make a great girlfriend ?


Who's the you in "you"? What is the I in "me"? What makes me better than everyone else's? What really equates me to become better? My answer: I have nothing. I have something but I don't possess them. I have traits that makes me unique but I don't give a damn that I can be better than anyone else for I accept myself as who I am regardless of my own weaknesses and shortcomings. I am who I am and same goes for you who you are. The question itself is paradoxical to some but self-inflicting to the many. That's my 5 cents.

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