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There are a lot of crazies in the military. When the Cambodian bombing was publicized I organized and led an antiwar protest right outside the main gate to the base where I was stationed. Everyone in my chain of command drove by on their way home that night. I got months of 84 hour weeks at menial tasks after that and did them all with a smile on my face.


Wow, I can't believe all the people who flipped out over this. Oh muh gerd!! Someone points out there are some crazy white supremacist assholes in the military that use their training for ill and that must mean ALL vets are crazy white supremacist assholes! Get a grip people! I'm a vet. There were plenty of shitbags in the military. Some were better at hiding it than others. Were they the minority? yes, but you can't ignore the fact that many of our homegrown white terrorists either were military or have a hard on for the military. Yes, very few of us saw combat, but we all chanted "kill kill kill" in basic training. Some people feed on that shit. They think they're better than everyone else because they're military and some of them mix their white supremacy in with it. We get it, not all vets are crazy, but some of them are ?

Remi Level 7 Feb 23, 2019

Great post!


You know that label could be applied to Islamic Extremists (Nidal Hasan) as well. You also realize there is a very very high probably there exist some ANTIFA, Gay, Black, Jews, Feminists people which also were in the military and have turned militant. Sorry DZ, this isn't important...this is just a stupid article. The writer served in the Army...SEVEN YEARS AGO, so F-ing what! And as what? Supply corporal? She wrote this little tirade on Twitter - lol, I mean, really?!? Twitter? Then the whole 'proof' was from the DHS/OI which stated it had no specific information, but oh no ---> "rightwing extremists MAY be gaining new recruits"! Even the report cited (that's 10 years old mind you) Timothy McVeigh as it's only example. Someone that every F-ing reasonable and rational current and former military person I have ever talked to can't stand. The title is clickbait, completely misleading, and frankly - a huge steaming pile of horse shit. I hope your doctoral studies have a little more scientific methodology and intelligence than relying on stuff like this.

Triggered are we? Don't try to deny there are a lot of shitty vets out there.

@F-IM-Forty nope. I'm a vet and feel I'm fully qualified to point out there are some shitty vets out there.

@Remi Hmmm....reading your comments, I think you are right. I can think of one shitty vet that immediately comes to mind.

@jondspen aw, are you referring to me? Well bless your little heart!


Well there is a real surprise! Do you think a bunch of college educated liberals are joining the Army Infantry and the Marines?

@f-im-forty i grew up around the army and i was in the army. I noticed it was over run with liberals. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!

@F-IM-Forty I am talking about officers and enlisted men. Why did you have to be stealthy about being liberal. You just make my point. Where exactly did I say there were no liberals? Most cops and most military are conservative. This is no secret. How is telling the truth abusive?


This is just one person's view, my view of the subject happens to differ. Who is right? Who is wrong? Neither one as it is their opinion.


That's some bullshit. Have you ever actually served in the military? I would venture a guess that at least 20% are Black and another 25% are Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, etc.

Tell me, when exactly are the 45% of non-whites sequestered away from the white personnel so this "training" can take place? How about NEVER.

This kind of stupidity does a great disservice to all branches of the military -- a military that is fully integrated and has been for decades.

I'm not even going to waste my time reading such bullshit.

You are missing some interesting points that are actually backed up our own government's reports. But whatever is your bag, makes no difference to me

@DoctoralZombie We'll discuss this after you message me a scan of your DD214. Until then, you can't speak about something you have never personally experienced.

@SkotlandSkye You should read her posts, I think you will find them interesting. Or keep pretending you know what's in the article. I don't really care.

@DoctoralZombie Did the author serve? What branch? How long?

@SkotlandSkye Read! I found this also, but I admit they included little about polling methods

I served in the military and there were plenty of shitbags. This Twitter thread is fairly accurate in my opinion.

@DoctoralZombie Great follow up.


Remember guys: the women and men of our military protect us while we sleep, so any besmirching should be done carefully.

There are people out there that want us destroyed, and our military is the only thing standing between them and us.

I saw nothing in her posts that insulted millitary service. What's your point?



It is frightening

@F-IM-Forty true


I can't argue her description of military training or how it stays with you. As well as the psychological mindset. I've noted before that we were well trained to function while serving. But not trained on how to "turn it at least down, if not off" when we cycled out.


That’s all the military does...train people to kill or to maintain build or operate their machines that do the killing.

RB speaks the truth. About 3% of the Army is involved in combat MOSs.

Yeah. I was a huey driver. My explanation was;
"I take the guys to work, and later pick them up."

So that encompasses the medics as well? The front line medics did not carry weapons nor are they trained in combat tactics (circa 1980's). I know, I was there.
Your blanket generalization carries no weight other than to yourself. How about owning your statement by starting it with the phrase "I believe..."?

When you come to your senses you can thank us Vets for the ability for you to post your thoughts without retribution.
Proudly served 1982-86 11th & 3rd Armored Cav. Hoo-ah.

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