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If you found that genie's lamp. what 3 wishes would you ask for?

AntaresRose 8 Feb 27

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World health , to include natural population control , and ecological health for the planet .


When I heard the three wishes thing for the first time as a child, I was completely puzzled why that stupid person was not asking, as their first wish, for getting as many wishes granted as they want.
But maybe there are rules for magic wishes everybody but me knows...

I don't think a day goes by we all wish for something. This is just creative psychological fun.

@BettyColeman good point - and now that I think more about it, it is actually an interesting question what one could or should ideally wish for. I will give it a thought and post in the main thread.

I did this too as a child, and my children did it to me - I remember the look on their faces when I said that wasnt allowed


Wish number one, make every human being fully educated.

Plenty of time to think of the other wishes while the Genie tries.


Unlimited wishes 🙂


Unconditional love in and for all people everywhere

Everything else I would wish for would come to be as a result of the first.

I love to know others have experienced unconditional love!

@BettyColeman get a puppy.

@Dwight Don't be a dick.

@LimeySteve not being a dick. Dogs give unconditional love If you're feeling lonely, they can be a great comfort.

Then please accept my apologies.

While it's true that dogs can give unconditional love, most people have no desire to get romantic with them.


I would like to see Robin Williams alive and kicking (others) again.

gosh he was pure comic genius.


Easy: working pancreas; ocean at my door; happiness for my family.


Three more genie's lamps.


I think my biggest wishes would be all related to make a large number of other people a bit kinder and a bit more enlightened and knowledgeable.
This is an utterly selfish wish, because nothing I could wish for myself personally could possibly give me the safety, ease and peace that would be able to achieve.


Oh Maudie I am in a spin I do this question occasionally and go for world peace but I might have a change and go for 'no guns' 'peaceful citizens' and 'zero tolerance for bullies'

I love those. Wouldn't life be grand?

@BettyColeman guns are evil


I saw "Aladdin". Robin Williams (as the Genie) said, "no wishing for more wishes".

  1. To live at least another 45 HEALTHY years.
  2. To have my vision restored permanently.
  3. Enough wealth to be able to assist my family and friends, live comfortably, and rescue as many dogs as I deem reasonable.

Unending wealth so I can give generously to others, the knowledge to properly apply these donations in the best ways, and the abolishment of all cancers


Wish one - lots of cocaine
Wish two - lots of hookers
Wish three - oh I don't know, after all that coke and hookers I'd probably end up wasting the last one!

Please note, it's just a joke, I DO NOT condone using cocaine and hookers.

They should always be kept separate.




World peace.
A billion bucks
Time travel

They are all wonderful and I hope you get them with all my heart.

@BettyColeman I wish you get them too.

  1. I wish for the ability and knowlede to create workable method for faster than light travel.
  2. I wish for the ability and knowledge to create a portable, safe and efficient method to convert mass to energy.
  3. I wish for the ability to control all forms of matter and energy with my thoughts.

That should just about do it.

awesome wishes.

@arnie I was close to adding no. 1 to my list as well. As for no. 3 on your list, you sure about that? I would never trust myself with such an awesome power. I would get royaly pissed off someday and destroy the Universe !!

@RobCampbell I trust myself, I (and frankly most of us here) would make a benevolent GOD. <cue evil laugh>

With great power comes great responsibility grasshopper!!


Life and health restored for my son.
Life and health restored for my girlfriend’s son.
You can have the 3rd one, idgaf


To own a 1976 Chevrolet "Grey Ghost" Corvette. To be able to read and write Ancient Greek fluently. Have dinner with Aristotle and Alexander The Great.


maybe to be less selfish so I could think of some altruistic wishes. I had boobs, scotch and tim tams until I saw the other comments.

like the less selfish, but the others I think are childish.


How about wishing for things God (if one existed) should have done properly:

  1. That (human) babies are born with the combined intellect of their parents (after-all, we have their physical traits, why isn't intellect a part of the DNA?!) THEN civilization would progress exponentially

  2. That human bodies would instantly (without pain) be re-designed so that our armpits weren't so close to our nose 😉

  3. Okay - the fallback is universal peace = might as well wish that too. 🙂

"That (human) babies are born with the combined intellect of their parents (after-all, we have their physical traits, why isn't intellect a part of the DNA?!) THEN civilization would progress exponentially"

Either that or gun nuts would rule.

@godef : hopefully, as knowledge increased, there wouldn't be any gods, guns, or guts nuts....

  1. 100 more lamps 2) ?? 3) ?
godef Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

Toy nay get 100 lamps , without more genies .


Peace on Earth
Remove the Dark Ages from Earth's History
The Cure of all Disease


Eternal youth, infinite money, and free college education for everyone.


One thing would be that dogs would live longer and healthier lives. They deserve it.


To be obeyed. To be able to communicate telepathically to all humans on earth. To live long enough for technology to be perfected to a time when people can live forever if they choose in a the body age equivalent of a 30 yr. old. I could change the world in amazing ways. No more crime, no more poverty, colonize space, no more war..on and on.


To be the woman I have always wanted to be. To be a multi billionaire. To be 28 years old for eternity.

  1. For the United States to become a democracy again (without bloodshed) 2. Despots of the world to give their power to the people. 3. For me to sell a thousand books a week.
Gohan Level 7 Feb 27, 2018
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