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How is revenge best served...?

I'm hungry now so I'm thinking about with cheese...

But really, my dad once told me that the best revenge you could ever have is building yourself up and succeeding at your goals.

I don't have too many nuggets of wisdom that came from him but that seemed to stick.

silvereyes 8 Feb 27

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67 comments (26 - 50)

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Revenge serves no one and solves nothing. we must learn to forgive and show compassion for those who would transgress against us. give of yourself first with no expectation of return. the Isha Upanishad tells us to own nothing and renounce all. this is the key to happiness.


That is some good advice from your dad. Your enemies want you to fail so just don't give them that.


With donuts and really cold milk


The old saying, "Revenge is a dish best served cold" is quite apt.
I have done it.
The idea is, rather than acting rashly in the heat of the moment, stand back, calm down and plot.
You will get a much more satisfying result.
Live long and prosper really works.

My son was driving home one afternoon and picked up a hitch hiker,
the guy look at him and said, I know you, we went to school together
my son says yep, we were in the same class,

the guys says, I was always a bit of a dick to you,
My son says, yep, bet you are feeling a bit silly right about now.


With. A. Smile.


Well, don't serve it half-baked. I hear that it is best served cold. Did you say cheese? What about with some nice crackers and a well-chosen wine? 🙂

Truly, though, your dad is right. A life well-lived is the best revenge, and I can attest to that.


Yeah, I can vote for that. Never give the Bitch the Satisfaction.


One jerk I dealt with in the army, on my year long deployment, told me that when he was rich and famous he'd think of all of us people who never treated him special. I said, " Russ, when we're done here, I will never think of you." I have never wounded anyone more deeply and that is how I exact revenge. I really don't even remember all the stupid things he brought down on us and even how he acted other than that overwhelming ego. So, though I think of that unplanned, unfiltered moment when it comes to revenge, I still don't really think about him.

@silvereyes It wasn't a comeback though. It was just a realization. I said it with no venom. I think of that lesson, not the kid. It was complete liberation.




Survival and Thriving.


That is definitely a winner.


I like Lady Alyxan Simple and sweet and to the point Indeed and indeed George Herbert. . Living well and happy. . Mmmmm

EvaV Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

"Wisdom is sold on the desolate market, where none may come to buy..."


Your dad is absolutely right in theory as you know. In practice will always be up to you. He was telling you not to make that person as important as they want to be and above all to value yourself, your aims and when you arrive to the point of fulfilment, that person will be but a distant memory and rightfully insignificant in your life. Maybe you already knew this?

Thank you. I think your dad was much more succinct than me.




With a shot of 151 and a smile...depending on what you do in life, vengeance can be necessary to stop conflicts in the future...but a vengeance can be wicked and doesn't have to be overt...but man, is it tiring.


With a dollop of humour


On a silver platter served with a smile. In other words killing the poor sot with kindness.


I think that your was 100% right. Being successful without a parasite is the best.


Revenge is best served by ignoring those who have wronged if their existence no longer matters. Erase them. And live.


... with a nice chianti and some fava beans...




The best revenge is living well and being happy.


Be happy and wish them nothing but the best


I don't know, I was kind of hooked on the tv series "Revenge" a couple of years ago..

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