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What IS the American Dream?

Has it changed over the years?

atheist 8 Feb 27

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to make a wall of pancakes or tacos? 😉

Sacha Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

Tacos in the northern border... pancakes in the southern border. Never said the dream was practical.


Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy. Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy! Buybuybuybuybuybuy!!!!! Bigger better faster more more more more!

I think that's the nightmare.

@RavenCT same thing, anymore

It is not the American dream but the capitalist dream.

That's what it's all about.


I don't know but I doubt it is the nightmare that exists there now.


Supposedly it is being able to work very hard and make it in life rather well off. Can't tell you how many people work multiple jobs and still don't make it in life. Plus we seem to value certain jobs over others even if they are more difficult. I think it's become more of a pipe-dream nowadays.


To actually get 8 hours of restful sleep


In the old days it meant a house, a family, investments, and a solid future. Today I think it just means a living wage and food. And working less than 60 hours a week.

Ah, its such a good dream..

Yeah. At work the richer employees are talking about their 401ks and tax writeoffs and how much to invest. They ask me why I'm not investing. "Uh. you pay me just enough that my wage here plus my second job lets me afford my 1 bedroom apartment and food every other day."


I usually say something funny when I answer on a post, but I am going to be serious on this one. Unfortunately to get an answer to that question, I believe that an immigrant would be probably give the best answer in today's environment. As an immigrant myself who moved to this country when I was eleven years old, I will give it a shot and try to answer it from my point of view ant that of a lot of first generation Americans.
I have friends from all corners of the world who now reside in the United States. From Muslims counties in the middle east, from central and south America, from the Caribbean Islands, from Africa and from Europe. This is what we all love about this country. We all came here at a young age consider ourselves Americans. Some of have served in the U.S. military. The fact that we can criticize a Senator, a Congressman, a President in the open without the fear of disappearing, imprisoned or being killed is a new found concept that the rest of America will never experience and have any fear of. The concept of a public school system where you can learn to read and write, and have the opportunity to go to college or a university is not a guarantee to most of the world.
I know several of you have heard others talk about people who come from other countries, and when they get a house or an apartment there are three generations of an extended family of fifteen or more living in a three bedroom domicile. What most people here do not understand is that those family pull together to help each other, because back in their country of origin they had no home, no job and no food to eat, so that three bedroom house or apartment is a luxury compare to what they had.
The concept of three meals a day is a luxury and the ability to have a job, even a a low paying job that only immigrants will do give them the ability to feed a family.
When someone is walking down the street and he or she sees a police car or a military vehicle driving down that street. Imagine that your only choice is to run as fast as you can and hide and hope they do not see you, because if they catch you, your family will never see you again. That is a reality.
Imagine the religious police coming to your house or work and telling you and your family and co-workers that you must stop whatever you are doing and go to morning or afternoon prayer. Imagine being afraid for anyone to find out that you are an Atheist because you would be killed.
Yes, we have a Dick in the white house, but the American dream is still attainable for me and many others. I have a roof over my head, I got an education, I do not run when I see a police officer or a soldier, no one forces me to worship any god, I can apply for any job that I want to do, I am not starving, I can continue my education, I can move to another state if I want to.
Yes there are assholes in this country too, but I can ignore them, and I can vote and be politically active.
I am free to choose, to work, to laugh, to disagree with anyone, and I will defend anyone's right to their opinion even if I disagree with them.
That is my American Dream.


I suppose it differs for everyone.
What one person considers their dream may be different than the next person's.
Different needs, different dreams.

@atheist Compared to who or what?

@atheist LOL I've been accused of having my thumb up my ass, but never my finger on the pulse. 😉


Top of maslow's hierarchy.

@atheist yes.


It is the idea that if a man works hard he can provide for his family and retire while he's still young enough to enjoy it. That's why it's called a dream. Lol

Actually the term is very old from a book in 1931. It was achievable I'd say all the way to the 70s it's long been dead though.


"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin


It used to be home ownership, car ownership, and the ability to send your kids to college.

Now it's shelter, heat, and food.


To me it means the ability to house yourself, not starve, not live paycheck to paycheck, see a doctor if you need to, get dental work done when needed & live how you want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.
There's probably more but I'm too tired to think right now.


I think the American dream is all wet.


It's turned into a nightmare..


To paraphrase The Comedian from Watchmen

“It came true... you’re looking at it”


AR-15 with buttstock and 3,000 rounds to spend at your desire and No... the dream is still the way our 2nd amendment intended.

@atheist they asked for american dream.... anything more american?

@atheist Now... do not say... gipsy told me to buy one... I will deny this exchange. I am sure you have better dreams than mine.

@atheist Thank You Sir. I think there are enough with the american dream already... that is the sad part of the equation.


The european nightmare ?


Truth: I wanted to be a dictator. Designed the Capitol. Awesome uniforms. A harem of women who worshipped me. Then reality. I don't have a harem.


Being able to afford to live here. That's why I offer to give people houses to give them a leg up against this economic puzzle we face here. I don't think a lot of people know what it's like to live without a mortgage or rent. An asset that can be sold at any time for hundreds of thousands but still can't imagine doing that. Oh well.


Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse.

I have failed miserably.

@atheist That totally depends on who you ask! 😉

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