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I've read some but most of these wouldn't make my list. Still a good link and I've ordered two books as a result.

Glad I added to your library!


Those wouldn't be my selection for an "eight books you should read." For example, "Origin of the Species" is a pretty hard read, but "The Dragons of Eden," by the late Dr. Carl Sagan (this is the second time today I've referenced this book in, is an easier read and explains evolution better to the layman. But then again, he is the renowned Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and I'm some guy with a laptop.


I've done just about 4 on the list but this question has inspired me to spend some of an Xmas book token on getting hold of some Thomas Paine. Thx 🙂


there are others as well, e.g. 'the god delusion' by Richard Dawkins, 'the prophet' by Kahlil Gibran & 'the little prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. just sayin.


Awesome list. I've read all but eight of them.


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