10 6

White folks, there are no ghosts. If there were then slaves would come back and haunt all of you!

Hugene2002 7 Nov 8

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Slave ghosts! I love it!

If there were we would all be in the asylum by now!


lol it is funny


I wish there were ghosts, there are some many loved ones I've lost that I'd like to hear from.


No kidding. I've also noticed that all the ghosts in those ghost "documentaries" are white...


Just want to say that there are many o'lore of slave ghosts fucking with white people. Been hearing these stories my whole life.


There have been societies since the beginning of recorded history and perhaps before that have relied on slavery as a part of their economies. Many of those societies treated their slaves with consummate cruelty, with no concern for their life or death, so if there were such things as ghosts, then there would have been more than enough work to go around for all of the ghosts that there were.


White ghosts are fending them off


So true! If all those black mothers and fathers who watched their loved ones abused, murdered, and used helplessly could come back as ghosts, this whole place would sport a decidely different demographic. On another note, the power of voodoo did help the haitians expel their caucasian invaders in the 1800s, so don't feel too secure...


all y'all. Good southern saying. I have relatives that fought on both sides of the war. Are you sure there aren't ghosts?


Love your humor, Boo!

mzee Level 7 Nov 8, 2017
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