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During what time period did white people become the majority of humans in what is now the United States?

Is this known? Is it even possible to know considering we weren't keeping track of native Americans and slaves weren't counted the same way. Just curious. All this talk about white people becoming a minority got me thinking. Wikipedia says European Americans have "made up the largest part of the population since the nations founding". That doesn't account for the people that weren't counted or anyone outside of the tiny area that was the original country.

MsAl 8 Mar 15

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I don't know what year would have been the 'turning point'. But I do know that by 1750, the British North American Colonies counted 1.5 million people, exclusive of Native Americans, and African slaves.


@misterinvisible, @corroboree, @BD66, @t1nick, @KKGator Thanks for all of your responses. I am well aware that this is not supposed to be white land. I have been aware of the genocide and forced evacuation that cleared it since I was a child. It is strange to me how recently these things happened. The trail of tears happened in the 1830s. The mass reeducation of Native American children happened throughout the early 1900s. Its discusting and chilling especially once you take slavery into account. The sheer size and organization of the operation is hard to grasp. I have heard that there were more slaves than white people in places in the south. It just got me thi king if we ever really were a majority anyway and for haow long.
I did a very brief google search on my question. From what I have read here it looks like there is no ready and obvious answer to be found. Thanks so much for your input I may have to look further into it.

MsAl Level 8 Mar 16, 2019

Another great title along this vein..Ward Churchill 's "Agents of Oppression" he describes how what the FBI did go the Black Panther Party was just a warm up for what the BIA did to the Lakota Sioux and specifically to AIM. Interesting to note that Leonard Peltier is Still in federal prison.

If you are looking for an exact year, you definitely might have difficulty finding the answer. Accurate census information was not availsble until the 20th Century. If you refuce your answee to a range, say a decade, you have better luck. This is not to say that arent doing this already. Good luck. Share if you can narrow it down.

See also Rage Against The Machine's song
"Know your enemy"


Another good title is "Custer died for your sins'

I have taught high school science in the Native American community for 20 years. Most of my experience is in Arizona and New Mexico. One fall I was socializing with a gentleman of the Lokota tribe in Santa Fe. He pulled me aside and in a low voice asked if I wanted to know a secret. Conspiratorially I answered , "Sure".

He went on, "I bet you didnt know that Custer never died during the Little Big Horn battle?" I of course answered , "No,." He went on. ,"Custer was grievously wounded during the batlle, but was still alive when all his other soldiers were dead."

The Lakota recognizing Custer and respecting him for his strong medicine, spared his life that day. My brother Lokota took the wounded Custer westward to their brethren the Minneconjou Sioux tribe. The Minniconjou spirited him northward to southern Canada (Saskatchewan). They met up with another tribe, the Brule Sioux where he was kept and allowed to heal. Supposedly, Custer lived out his life among the Brule brethren where he had eventually died of old age."

My friend looked at the quizzical look on my face. After a short silence, he continued, "This is a secret among my people. It was never known to the outside world.," He smiled and assured me it was true. I have no reason to believe or disbelieve him. He was an honest individual in my experience. Who am I to question.

Its not only the mainstream that had its conspiracy theories. Lol. I hope you enjoyed.


For a better handle on the "little people" who's backs this great country was built upon I would strongly urge you to at least skim through Howard Zinn's "The Peoples History of The United States of America" highly informative.

Did Zenn refer to Native Americans ad "little people". I don't remember that. Zenn, one of the people the conservatives hated. They hate that he dared tell the real history of the US from the perspective of minorities.


Off the cuff and prior to any serious research.. I'd speculate sometime after columbus' landing in the Bahamas (whereupon he spoke of the natives in his journal and I am paraphrasing for context here; "these people are so generous and giving and a beauty to behold, I only wish I had some guns and swords whereby I could subjugate them".. sometime after that until somewhere around the time that Custer with his United States Army Troup lost the battle of Bighorn to the Lakota Sioux which at the time was Monroe Doctrine🍸 to the United States.


Whites probably started to outnumber Native Americans in the 1760's and 1770's. There were 3,929,214 people in the USA (mostly white) in 1790. Nobody knows how many Native Americans were here before Columbus arrived, but their population was falling rapidly due to European diseases in the 1760's and 1770's so that's likely when the crossover occurred and whites became the majority.

BD66 Level 8 Mar 15, 2019

It is known.

Between 1500 and mid-1800's westward expansion by Europeans marginalized Native tribes into smaller and smaller areas of land using the excuse of Manifest Destiny. The largest human genocide in human history occurred during this period across both the Americas.

Numerous atrocities against Native Americans span the hundreds of years from the first arrival of European explorers to the modern era under a wide range of circumstances. Today there are over 500 Native American tribes in the United States, each with a distinct culture, way of life and history. Even today, Native Americans face large challenges to cope with the disadvantages history has left them and ongoing cases of discrimination.

10 million+ Estimated number of Native Americans living in land that is now the United States when European explorers first arrived in the 15th century.

Less than 300,000 Estimated number of Native Americans living in the United States around 1900.

5.2 million identified as American Indian or Alaska Native in the 2010 census

The most significant reason for Natives decline was disease – an invisible killer that wiped out an estimated 90% of the population. Unlike the Europeans and Asians, whose lifestyle had a long history of sharing close quarters with domesticated animals, Native Americans were not immune to pathogens spread by domesticated cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and horses. As a result, millions were killed by measles, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria, typhus, bubonic plague, cholera, scarlet fever and syphilis.

Atrocities Against Native Americans

For example, in the case of the colonization of the Americas, where 90% of the indigenous people of the Americas were wiped out in 500 years of European colonization, it can be debatable whether genocide occurs when disease is considered the main cause of population decline since the introduction of disease was mostly unintentional.

Genocide of indigenous peoples

The population figure of indigenous peoples of the Americas before the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus has proven difficult to establish. Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from European settlers. Most scholars writing at the end of the 19th century estimated that the pre-Columbian population was as low as 10 million; by the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated to a middle estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.[1] Contact with the Europeans led to the European colonization of the Americas, in which millions of immigrants from Europe eventually settled in the Americas.

Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas

Thank you for sharing this fascinating (and sad) information.


If I'm going to guess, I'd say roughly mid-19th century.


I'm adding a link to Quora that may offer info on this subject. If the link works you should be able to click around onto other related subjects there. I hope this helps.


Read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee."

Not the movie.

The movie is a joke.


It probably happened when the white man slaughtered so many native Americans.

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