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Are you a gamer?

I haven't purchased a gaming system since PS2, which I still use to play DVDs, LOL. I need something new to amuse myself these days so I'm looking to upgrade, but it's been so long since my gaming days that I'm a little lost. Looking for console & game recommendations. To give you an idea of what I'm into - I used to love Silent Hill, Devil May Cry, and Tomb Raider. I loved The Sims for PC, too.

NicThePoet 7 Mar 2

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Can't say that I am, but thanks for asking!


I am a gamer. Worked for Nintendo back in the dark ages. Have been a PC gamer since before PCs were generally available for homes (had a friends dad who built a heathkit computer, green screen, played wolfenstein 3d).

Also a hardcore board gamer, role play gamer (though not much of that in recent years), card games, etc... you name it, I've played it.

That said, I got an XBox not too long ago and... hated it. The controller was, cool, but not nearly as precise as I prefer. I fully recognize that my background is various controllers used through a PC interface: mouse, trackball, old style stick controller, and keyboard. I can go back and forth between mouse and keyboard control (had my mouse die on me, just as we started an instanced mission in EQ, and my role was critical, not an issue, I controlled my character and did fine, using my keyboard without the mouse).

Ok, bonafides done: I can't give you advice regards a console. I can say that if you are well versed, or if you can learn, the controls for a computer, there are games on the computer that can and will rival console games AND a very wide variety of games. Not just the sims. Think about it, the PC and PC games were first, consoles are new.

No, I am NOT saying that PC games, and that the PC is the way to go for games. I am sure that in some ways consoles have the PC totally outmatched... but, I do maintain that the widest variety of available games is through the PC. In short: investing in a PC will give you access to nearly all games. Investing in PS4, will give you access to a subset, same goes for XBox, etc.

Can't choose for you, and if you disagree, I get it.

Oh, and check out board games. 🙂

Catan (not the best but a decent game), Qwirkle, Caracassone, Flashpoint Fire Rescue, Pandemic, and a few more that I could mention are all very engaging games. D&D, Champions, etc, if you can find a gaming group, are good role play games.

Everquest junkies unite! Oh man the nostalgia. Could talk for hours about it. I think if you got a PC and a PS4 or switch you'd have the most game access. Like Gnarloc I can't really recommend the xbox. And board games! Love 'em.

@Ersomething Play EQ from open beta all the way to kunark expansion. Some really good times. Also some really really frustrating one too.

@arnies Ah, I started in Kunark! Then through Velious, things started going downhill after that but I loved velious. Was a necro through it all. Some days I wanna load it up again just to see it. I know it's still going on haha.


I've been a PC gamer for most of my life. You can build a very affordable PC that will do everything. I spent 600-700 on mine over 2 years ago and it still runs great.

I get games on steam dirt cheap, no more than 7.50 or 8$ per title. Stream movies on Netflix, run pandora, etc. It does everything in one box.

Checkout MyAbandonware, good site to find classic PC games.


I play games of all sorts all the time, mainly on PC with a few portables too. Consoles have always seemed alright, but I could never justify the invesment when companies would do their damnedest to screw it up in some way. At least with my PC I have all the versatility I need with gaming, surfing, streaming, ect..

My PC is like 3 years old, but it still crushes most games I play seeing as I always build for the best longevity. My last gaming PC lasted 5 years and was still a pretty sturdy machine. I have a bit of a backlog I need to chip away at because I either have less time to play, or I get too attached to certain games for unreasonable amounts of time. But god damnit, I don't regret the time I've poured into certain time sinks.

I still go back to plenty of retro games with the use of some emulators, some games are just timeless.


My brood and I are all gamers and primarily PC games. But we have a ps1, 360, game cube wi, and wiU. If you're current pc isn't game ready the price of entry to a gaming rig isn't as painful as it once was. And once you're in, the games are cheaper, Steam sales are evil. I'll probably end up with a ps4. I'd recommend looking at the current games and see what catches your eye and then jump in. You really can't go wrong with any of the current crop of game hardware.


Yup. PC games only though. Never had a console. When friends had Nintendos, I had the Apple IIc. I learned how to code on it by building my own rogue-like game - as they are now called. Back then they were simply called "adventure games". Currently trying to play all the campaigns in Endless Space 2. There are 8 campaigns - one for each space-faring species.

If you liked Tomb Raider, I recommend any of the Ubisoft open world games - including the new generations of Tomb Raiders (which I heard were good). But I doubt these new generation of games were like the classic Tomb Raider games (1 and 2, in particular). I remember losing hours in Tomb Raider 2, trying to solve a particular puzzle in one of the mines. I didn't want to cheat by looking up a solution to it, because these games, particularly TR 2, gave all the clues needed right in the game world. It only need the player's attention and observation skills for the solutions to be found. Games of today focus more on the action and "set pieces".

If you like solving problems, try one of the survival games: hunt, eat, skin animals, use fur to protect from cold, build a hut, etc. Although, most are difficult simply to be difficult - rather than giving the player actual motivation to survive through the game's systems.

I heard that Subnautica, probably the closest to the problem solving and exploration themes of the classic Tomb Raider games, is the best of the current survival games. The premise is you're surivor of a space ship that crashes into an alien oceanic world. I've not yet played it. Here's a review. And the game looks absolutely beautiful.

If you are interest in a mind-bending story about consciouness set in the future. And you do not mind horror themes in games, look into a game called Soma. No other medium, whether it be film (in VR, or 3D, or otherwise), audio book, book, or even face-to-face story telling, can present the story and themes of Soma better than the video game Soma. Frictional, Soma's developers, released a "safe mode" version to the game last december. "Safe mode" prevents the "monsters" from chasing the player. They are still present in the game, but they will ignore the player. This puts the focus of the game on the story itself - which is damned immersive. By the way, the player, having no weapons, can only run away and hide from the "monsters" - which is not required in "safe mode".


I’m a pc gamer. My son is more console oriented.

Both of us have a PS4, though for the most part mine is for Netflix and Blu-rays.

He also has a switch which is surprisingly good for the money.

I’d say for an all round system for entertainment go pc or PS4. The PC May be more expensive but is much more versatile

PC gamer here too.


Yes. Too many titles to count by now, though.

If you are budget minded, I'd go with a used xbox360. There are a lot of good games at used game shops still.

Although you probably will feel more comfortable with the controller on ps3/4 given experience on ps2.


You might get some milage out of Skyrim. It's available on pretty much everything with more processing power than a toaster oven (best on PC for mods), and is an enormous time sink.

Also, Guild Wars 2 is an amazing MMO, and a huge chunk of it is free, which is awesome.


I gave up a few years of my life as a WoW addict. Various fire and arcane mages named Malthuise and mutilate rogues names Clarize. I also had an awesome lvl 19 twink before they nuked the bg's. I was a heavy raider doing 12 hour BWL runs and we were the third guild in all of WoW to reach original Naxx. All long past now but I do miss vanilla wow and farming with my mage at 3 in the morning.

oh god. The battle of the lvl 19 rogues.Cleared MC/BWL/AQ but never did more than 1 wing of OG naxx. Yeah. It's all in the past and you can never go home again. But god we had fun. Wouldn't give up the memories for anything! (From WoW or EQ)

lvl 19 rogues and hunters with boars. I remember they had a lvl 10 twink rogue who had twin amulets and his dodge was so high no one could ever hit him. when we first did twinks and we'd run around warsong gulch just slaughtering horde it was the funnest thing of all time. we'd just absolutely destroy everything in our path then hang out at the cemetary and keep ganking them. and then the level 60 BG's when they'd go on for hours and hours. and you'd get hundreds of kills. so much fun.

@kauva Them alterac valley days! I still play, and I've thought about the classic servers they're coming out with. But there were things I'm not sure I wanna go through again, like BRD...


For me it always seems that blizzard usually makes the best games (except for Diablo 3...2 was 1000x better). I downloaded Warcraft 3 for $10 I'm loving it. Starcraft 2 is also wonderful. Just be careful with Diablo. The new one is awful and 2 is unreasonably addictive lol.

Personally I'm not into brand new games so as far as contemporary classics I would recommend splinter cell 1, 2, and 3. And come to think of it those are on ps2. 🙂

They just patched Warcraft 3..makes me wonder what they're up to. And yeah, D2 > D3 by a mile.


I love my PS4, but it isn't backward compatible to PS2 games, so that sucks hot monkey-balls. I love my Xbox 360 for Halo. Overall, though... PS4 for World of Tanks, Doom, Dirt Rally, and Titanfall 2


PlayStation if you want to play The Last of Us. Nintendo if you want to play Bayonetta. Otherwise, just get a PC.

Marz Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

Ever since I picked up an Atari controller and played Joust. My life would never be the same. I still have my PS2, 3 and 4 hooked up, as well as my Nintendo64. My PC is a beast for single-player and MMO's. But my consoles are all for couch co-op and fighting games.

I miss the golden age of MMOs!

I too was once a gamer. Before the dark times. Before the Micro Transactions.

@ProbablyALoon Before loot boxes and "games as a service" =(

@ProbablyALoon Joust really rocked back in the day.


I am a gamer! My favorite genre is anything horror/survival. I tend to get deeply invested in their gameplay and the effect that has on me when something jumps out is quite a rush. Depending on the system you're upgrading to, there are a lot of solid options. Dead Space, Resident Evil, Far Cry, and Elder Scrolls are some of my personal favorites and recommendations.

Ah man, I forgot to mention Dead Space in my comment. Not a big fan of the 3rd though.


You bring back memories for me. The only time I was a serious gamer (...I even hosted a server for it) was Unreal Tournament, the first-person shootem-up with the low-grav and giant map mods. (PC based). OMFG was it ever fun.

Me and my brother-in-law in Scotland would play each other every Sunday afternoon. The 500ms delay gave me an advantage, but it was still a blast. And, a group of 6 to 10 office workers would play every lunch.

Loved Unreal Tournament. Orig Unreal too... it was an adventure. There was a god cheat on Unreal you could go thru walls and fly around.

Oh wow that one brings me back! haha. Back when dialup was a thing, there were LANs, and private servers.


Gaming across the spectrum here. World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 12 and Tecmo Super Bowl are some of the games eating up my time as of late. Though I own a Switch and a 3DS, I'd say my favorite games are from the 90s, especially on SNES and Nintendo 64.

I was obsessed with GoldenEye 007 for N64 as a kid.

Always enjoyed GoldenEye when my brother's friends would bring it over. My jam was Perfect Dark though.

@NicThePoet A few months back played 007 Nightfire, it was pretty good.


Well there's some other Devil May Cry and Tomb Raider games out now. I'm not very good at taking what people like and translating that into what they may like of similar things that I have experience with so...idk. I guess...the Half-Life and Portal series are great, as well as Left 4 Dead (I only played the first but the second looks good too and...there is probably a third?), and Resident Evil games generally. There's the Far Cry series, which I only played the fourth one of, but it was fantastic, so. I don't what style of game Silent Hill is, but I don't have a whole lot of experience with games in the action genre/style and the various styles that the Tomb Raider series has been (I really only know of the two modern ones and GoL...any others I've obtained any knowledge of are fuzzy) throughout the years...I'm mainly a shooter and/or rpg gamer. Diablo is a fantastic series, as well. The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim), Diablo and Halo (with the exception of ODST...I feel like I might like it better now though if I tried playing it again) series' are my top favourite game series. The Crysis games are great, oh and there's this cool two-parter called The Darkness - and The Darkness 2, obviously xP I could probably give you more suggestions if you told me genres you tend to like. And I see some people are suggesting sites, so here's an amazing one if you can use a PC: It used to be mainly old games, many of which are old enough to be hard to find nowadays, but it's got lots of games ranging all the way up to modern ones now.

GOG is a great source for retro gaming.

All the games are fixed to work on windows 10. Hell I got Pool Of Radiance, a really old D&D game that was originally on DoS.

Fallout and fallout 2? No probs. Baldurs Gate. Oh yeah

Or 7, if you have that, or Mac, etc. They have several different versions of pretty much all the games, I think


I have been a computer programmer since 1977.
Hit the Sega Center back to 1972.
Classic Asteroids in JavaScript

zrez Level 4 Mar 3, 2018

Yes, I am a gamer. Tabletop RPGs, no computers.


I have PS4 but don't use it much except to watch films on at the moment. I loved my 60GB PS3 which played PS2 games as well but it packed up and they're hard to find in working order nowadays. There's a new Sims game out easy to lose hours in that I imagine.


I have never been a video game person, but I decided I need to escape a bit, so I went on and for about 100 bucks, picked up a ps3, ps2, nintendo gamecube, atari fashback, and about 40-50 games...maybe more....I picked up a bunch of games off ebay for between 1-4 dollars each, as well...oh, and I got an original xbox...they have lots of xbox 360's for pretty cheap too...I didn't get one because I wanted the older games...

That's a Helluva lot of gaming action man. How'd you ever get through it all?!

@Daddio I haven't even played one yet. Haha. I am setting up my game/workroom in the back first. So much garbage. So. Much. Garbage.....ohhhhh


I definitely spend a lot of time on games. My top recommendations are a switch for mario and zelda, or a ps4 for open world games (fallout, skyrim etc) or Horizon Zero Dawn- one of the surprise fun hits. That is, unless you're willing to go the PC route. Then Fallout/skyrim on that because of modding and faster load times. The Sims is always great! If you're looking for a challenge theres the souls series but it doesn't appeal to everyone. Oh, and terraria. I love that one, though it also isn't to everyones taste. Oh and if you liked the slashy devil may cry type, theres bayonetta. And as was mentioned by Gnarloc, board games are severely underrated if you've got some local friends. Some of them are easy for groups to get into, like social deduction games (great for people who don't have the time or patience for board games 🙂 or more casual faire.


Well, I used to play World of Warcraft. I had to stop as it started triggering seizures (yay, flashing lights!). I now just play puzzle games on my phone and The Sims on my pc. I miss being able to play video games without worry.


I wish I had the time to be a gamer. I loved the original Doom!


Not one for consoles, my crew still favour the ps2 over later systems, I am a pc gamer

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