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It’s certainly been an agressive winter up here this year.


Yep, the Yooper is a special breed of person but even they probably wonder about the extreme sport "winter surfering" shown in the first few photos. LOL

"Michiganders" Group

Au Gres, Tawas, Traverse City and Alpena were all places I lived or worked that I actually thought were more harsh than most of the UP.

@EricTrommater That's possible.


Yikes, that made me shiver just thinking about allowing the ice to build up like that on the face/beard/etc. Great photos though! The UP has the most beautiful water falls, however, so the summer time is a much better time to visit up there. (I don't know how people can live there year round either.)

Love the waterfalls! Summer time definitely is the best time.

@BeeHappy And my one and only siting of a wild moose (so far in my life ) was in the U.P......the funniest looking horse started running along the road ahead of us...we realized it was a young moose as we got closer in our car. It kept running straight , like a slow gallop, and we stayed behind keeping a safe distance until it ran into the woods beside the road. I'll never forget that image.

@mojo5501 It's those unexpected things that we remember and laugh about later on. LOL

@mojo5501 HAHA I was walking my great dane behind a box store in Westbrook Maine near Portland. I was surprised and chagrined I had stumbled into a field with some cows with the skinniest asses and longest legs I have ever seen. 2 females turned around and looked then I realized they were moose. Me and my dog stood and we all stared at each other for about 5 minutes then they walked off

Summer is great, but many of us up here prefer Fall ?
Summer is full of fudgies ?

@darthfaja I have no idea what that word means in this context so I will take a stab: Mosquitoes? (ha ha ha)

Fudgies are tourists
They buy lots of fudge

@darthfaja Oh, that is a valuable commodity then....brings in the tourists like a lure. Got it. (I liked the Cornish Pasties and recall some of the best bakeries around! I must have missed the fudge somehow, ha ha)

@btroje that was a good idea to not move since moose have bad eyesight

@AmmaRE007 Yeah i wasnt sure how they were going to react to us


Holy living icicles batman!!!


no no no no....

So.... maybe??

@BeeHappy nada nay nope

@hankster Ok, so... you'll think about it?

@BeeHappy y'all go on, I'll catch up.

@hankster πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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