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Are there hackers on

Check out the photos I posted with my comment. Do you see anything odd?

What will cause the apocalypse?

This morning, I sent this report to

I don't know how else to ask for help. I am not reporting @Merseyman1. His reply is correct.

Someone added a photo of a lipsticked llama to the photos I posted in my comment. Was it a hacker? It appears a troll is mocking me.

When I click on EDIT, the lipstick llama photo does not show with my photos. I cannot delete it. But the lipstick llama picture is still visible.

My username is LiterateHiker. The hacker is mocking me, calling me a pack animal with lipstick.

"Please delete the lipstick llama picture.

Are there hackers on

Thank you.



LiterateHiker 9 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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The photo of a alpaca with lipstick was removed. I don't know who deleted it. Hope it was an administrator in response to my report.

To men telling me to "chill": Don't tell me how to feel.

If my account was hacked, yours can be, too.


I have no idea what this was. It could be a bleed-thru bug from some other content, or it could be a SQL injection attack (especially given the unparameterized site SQL code that I saw bled through in someone's content a couple of weeks ago). Or it could be other things.

The only action you can take to help yourself beyond whatever help you get from the developers or admins, would be to change your login password out of an abundance of caution, and make sure it's a fairly "hardened" (non-guessable) password that you don't use on any other site. However if no other manipulation of your account has been detected, I doubt someone has control of your account. Someone with control and malicious intent would be posting all sorts of bizarre stuff in your name, and that's not happening, right?


Thank you. I will change my password right away. Good advice.

LOL don't feed her paranoia! The explanation is the comment right before yours.

@mooredolezal Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it. So it's a bug then. Probably something in the nature of an off-by-one error in a query returning the photos. And probably an intermittent bug triggered by some edge case scenario.

I don't think @LiterateHiker is paranoid, she's just a layperson who is appropriately concerned. There's no harm (and some benefit) in changing your password now and then anyway.

I also saw a huge SQL query appearing once. I copied the text, took a screenshot and sent it to support. It was a bit alarming, but I think there are libraries that allow pararmaterized SQL to be translated and viewed for debugging.

I can only hope passwords are salted hashes and employs a large blacklist of the most common passwords.

@mordant Thank you I didn't see this - now I'm deleting my comment and calling it a day.


Glitch. Relax.


Don't tell me how to feel.

If my account was hacked, yours can be, too.


I don’t see the picture. It’s probably a glitch. A hacker would probably have better things to do.


The bigger issue

Without my permission or advance knowledge, someone added a picture to my comment. Now I cannot remove it.

If my account was hacked, YOURS can be, too.

Look up. Why do you keep on commenting when you know what happened? Quit jerking people around! You know where the picture originated, so drop it.


The lipsticked alpaca picture was removed. Hope it was deleted by an administrator in response to my report.


That's worrying. I hope hackers have not gained access to our accounts.


I agree with @Donotbelieve. I think it was a play on words, not a slam against you.
When I saw it, the thought that someone was mocking you never even crossed my mind.


I hope there is not any hackers. If someone wants post something funny, they should use own post instead.


You're right.

The third comment provides a complete explanation.


Hi Kathleen, without having seen the pics, it wouldn't surprise me if some right wing trolls are messing with you given your left leaning, or what I would call normal or life affirming points of view.


My thoughts, exactly. It could be a right-wing troll.

Thank you for your kind words.

Really? Without even seeing the pictures? Everyone on here, or at least 90% of us are liberals. Why would they pick her out, and why would they put a llama with lipstick on her post? It seems like you're making nothing but unfounded assumptions.

The third comment provides the explanation.


I think you are reading a little bit too much into that Kathleen. I don't know what they were trying to say but I doubt if that was it. I didn't even know lamas were used as pack animals. And you are certainly too attractive to be made fun of in that manner. I think it was someone just being juvenile, the picture probably had no meaning at all.


Llamas have been used as pack animals since the beginning of their relationship with humans.


The issue is that someone added a photo to my comment without my permission. You would be upset, too.

Do you think it's okay for hackers to change your comments on

@LiterateHiker chill out. I said nothing of the kind. I said it bears no relationship to you. Llamas don't go on hikes, and you're stretching it to make it so is tenuous at best.

@LiterateHiker the first time you saw it you thought it was funny until someone suggested otherwise. I suggest you stick with your first impression.


You are wrong. Llamas are used as pack animals on long hikes. In the Methow Valley, there's a business that rents llamas for backpacking hikes in North Cascades National Park, WA.

There are few lakes in the area. You have to carry tons of water. Hence, using pack animal.

My ex-husband and I looked into renting a llama for backpacking hikes when our daughter was little. Since we are both unfamiliar with handling large animals, we canned the idea. Instead we took her on day hikes.


Don't tell me how to feel.

@LiterateHiker You do not dictate what I write. If you don't like what I write don't read it or block me.

@LiterateHiker no I am not wrong. I did not say llamas were not used as pack animals. I said I had never heard of them being used for that purpose. You need to work on your reading comprehension.


Well yeah there are. It's the internet, after all.

Didn't see the pic in question. Dammit. ?

1of5 Level 8 Mar 28, 2019
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