12 4

Question everything

I think it was Oscar Wilde that said that happiness is not an event ( in the moment ) but rather a memory. I kick that idea around when I'm doing housework. Define happiness, please.

ForTheBirds 6 Mar 4

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I got nuthin, I have never experienced what I would call "happy".


Happiness is an attitude, maybe a choice (unless someone is dealing with chemical imbalances). How you look at things is as important as the things you look at.


I think that happiness is when you have found your 'real' inner person. Because, it changes how you see everything around you. You have the where-with-all to handle your affairs as well as most of the people around you. Life became a joy and not a job!


For a couple of people on this site happiness is a warm gun. For me It is on stage sharing a musical conversation with my brother and friends.


My wife and I separated a few years ago, my children live with her and I get at least weekly access. Happiness for me is when I am with them 🙂


Is what you think it is....


Music, sex, and of course a good donut.


Happiness to me is being occupied and loosing track of the passage of time - good conversations, good books, heck gardening sometimes.


HAPPINESS I define as the brief moments of esstacy or sublime joy. I'll settle for a general sense of contentment.


I consider happiness to be a feeling of joy and significant pleasure that lasts at least 8 seconds. I could also consider it to be contentment plus mild or sporatic peasure over a longer period of time. I'd prefer if there were differentiating words. Maybe there are and I just don't know them.



Why ask why

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