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Marvel or DC?

No, I'm not too old for this. This is the silly, random and random thread. I am a proud Marvel fan and I got excited about the Defenders. I enjoy the less flambouant heros. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, has some growing up to do, but that's okay, Daredevil makes up for it. LOL!

So, if you enjoy Marvel or DC, which do you prefer? And who is your "hero"? Get metephorical if you want to.

  • 30 votes
  • 5 votes
Stacey48 8 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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You forgot the 'both' option.


I wish other was an option I tend to dip in the anime- now if it was ninja vs pirate or full metal or brotherhood that's a different story lol


It's Marvel hands-down. I grew up reading the books that are now all being done so well by Marvel/Disney (and ain't THAT a marriage made in heaven, LOL! Almost as good as Disney/Pixar). Iron Man was a big fav of mine, as was X-Men. CGI has truly made it possible for these films to come to life. Marvel has some excellent script writers because I love the storytelling and that they are always able to find a good balance between drama and comedy. There is always good comic relief. And on Guardians of the Galaxy, that retro soundtrack is genius. They seem to be employing the same synergistic strategy with the TV shows (Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Daredevil) as they did with the feature films, and it works for me for the most part.

DC films, while not all completely awful, are just too damned dark. All that darkness started with the DARK Knight. I get that, but Man of Steel too? Really? And Suicide Squad? What a waste of excellent talent (I love Will Smith). Wonder Woman was good. Still pretty dark, but an improvement. I could go on and on cuz I just love this stuff, but shuttin' up now. =]


I voted Marvel, but I have to ask, why choose either / or, I like them both x

Kitz Level 4 Mar 5, 2018

Marvel for sure. I was into some of the DC shows for a while, but they all get a little weird or dumb at some point and hard to follow. Marvel never lets me down.
Oh and I'm not sure I have a fave, maybe Mystique.


Marvel all the way. I just can't get into DC, though I did like a run of Green Arrow quite a long time ago by Mike Grell. I'm a big Shadowcat fan. And of course Cap.

oh, and Phil Coulson

velk Level 4 Mar 5, 2018

I assume you've seen this one with Phil: A funny thing happened on the way to Thor's Hammer

@velk Haha. Cute short.


Marvel 'coz of X-Men/X-Factor. But the handful of DC comics, which I bought by random, were really good.

Eg Justice League Europe #1, circa 1989 or 1990, had more realistic characters than any of my X-Men books. The Flash is not the lovable awkward geek of the current TV series. He was a "classic guy" who fantasised dating either Power Girl or Wonder Woman.

I can't give an assessment on the current state of titles. I've not bought any since 1990. I tried getting back to it, on and off over several years - looking at several books at the comic store, but none sparked my interest - even with the death of Colossus.


Batman has always been my favorite individual hero, but overall I prefer Marvel. Their characters just seem more relatable and human, whereas DC's characters have always come across to me as traditional archetypal figures. I really hope Wonder Woman is a sign that DC is upping their movie game. Their animated flicks have always been on point, though.


I’ve always felt like in general the average Marvel back story was on a slightly more mature creative level than the average DC character. Possibly because many DC characters got their start before comics got real serious? However, I agree Batman has aged very well.


Marvel except for Batman and animation. All else I have always preferred Marvel


Voted DC pretty much for batman, though they did publish the sandman too. Aside from them, my heroes would be shade, the changing man, Judge Dredd, Nemesis the warlock and Marshall Law.


Sorry DC Fan-Superman, Legion of Super heroes


Back in the late eighties-early nineties I was Marvel all the way, but these days I lean more towards DC.

DC's animated movies are awesome. They're two hours instead of twelve episodes but they kick much booty.

AND you failed to mention the Punisher which kicked ass.


I voted Marvel, primarily because they've made better movies so far. Favorite hero? Thor!


Doesn't matter to me lols , I like both

Who is your favorite character in Marvel


Marvel obviously. My only DC loves were Legion of Superheroes and Teen Titans. I also read Flash and Atom a bit. While in Marvel I loved X-men, FF, Dr. Strange, Defenders (with Valkyrie), Iron Fist, Luke Cage, What If, Spidey, Hulk, and Avengers.


I love the Hulk. Although my fave Marvel movies are the Guardians movies. DC has some catching up to do, but Wonder Woman’s solo flick kicked ass!!

Wonder Woman is honestly the only one with the most merit. Man of Steel was okay. BvS😀oJ was only good with the WW scenes (the villain was horrid). Justice League is the second best of the series, but I actually hated Aquaman. @Stacey48

@Stacey48 ... exactly. I think the actor ruined it for me. He’s such a living douche bag in real life that I can’t even enjoy his character. That @$$hat was given a brand new, custom painted Harley and the f***er decided it would look better black. So... he got a can of spray paint and painted it black. UGH!!

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