I stopped saying it a few years ago when I asked myself why people say it at all because there aren't any such sayings for other bodily functions. So really, I didn't even stop saying it because of ties to anything religious, but because it's an antiquated notion. Surely no one still believes that you can sneeze your soul out, or that demons and evil spirits use a sneeze as an opportunity to possess you, or that the devil can take your soul during a sneeze, or that you won't end up catching the plague if someone says it....right?
I always say god bless you, just as I day please and thank you. It's more about manners for me than about whether or not there is a god to bless you.
I like the word "bless." It’s one of the few words I know that “confer prosperity or happiness upon someone.” I am aware of the religious implications, but like the etymology of so many words, meanings have changed over time. Language is a living entity, and some of these words evoke our better angels. That makes them worth using.
I do not say anything. I have to admit though, it feels a little rude.
I feel the same way, but then i remind myself why i don't say it and mentally prepare to be chastised for not saying it.
I say 'bless you' cuz I can never remember how to say 'gesundheit' lol! To me it's also like saying 'merry christmas' and 'happy easter'. These are religious holidays but I was raised to see them as just holidays. Occasions. Saying 'bless you' to me is also like when someone says 'excuse me' and I say 'sure' or 'of course' or 'you're excused'. Manors are important to me. I also say 'thank gawd'. It's just figure of speach to me.
I have no issues with "merry Christmas" or "happy Easter". I still celebrate Christmas though for me it's just a holiday to celebrate friends and family. Easter is a little different. I don't celebrate it but both my parents are believers so they still get me a basket, haha
I give them three "bless yous." So if they sneeze three times, I’ll give the three separate bless yous. However... if they keep sneezing beyond that, then I wait until their done and give them one blanket “Bless you.” I’ve only got a limited amount, and the weekend is coming up so I’ve got to save some of them.
My grandmother always said "keep the change" when someone sneezed and I have always said it which usually gets a good laugh.
I might have to use that, haha
What's your reasoning behind it?
It's polite-gotbleshyou-lol
So do I.
I find that question funny because saying bless you has always been so automatic! It's weird how so many things in our lives are just rote.
Exactly. I always just said it because i was taught that it was polite to do so. It wasn't until i asked myself why that i decided to research it. Nowadays it seems like that's the only reason people say it but to me there's no reasoning behind why it's polite.
Yep, it's habit. I don't care about the religious connotations.
I don't either, haha. I stopped saying it because i don't believe the meanings behind it, therefore making the gesture pointless to me.
Same here