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Fear of Hell

As an atheist is continually boggles my mind that I can have no belief in an afterlife and yet still fear what the church indoctrinated me to believe about where we go when we die. Do any other atheists still fear, or have feared, hell fire? If so, how does one get over that fear? I was raised in a Christian home and have only been an open atheist for about 2 years, but I still constantly fear that if I'm wrong I'll burn for eternity.

BlairAlena 4 Mar 6

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No God = No He'll.



The same way I justify it to myself. If exists and he wants to punish me for eternity for not believing in him and worshipping him, is hell really such a bad place? I mean the church makes good out to be an ego maniac and I can't fathom someone creating a universe and knowing some people will choose not to believe in him and then he tortures them for an eternity for it? What kinda fucked up Creator is that


It still does with me briefly time to time, since I been an atheist for only 10 mouths. I tell myself imaginary things can't hurt me. Only thing after death is your body being barried in a pine box to the end of time. I know that sounds depressing, but reality isn't all sunshine and rainbows.


What, really? That's super weird. The whole idea behind being atheist os realizing it's a bunch if nonsense and letting go of the promises and threats. You aren't wrong, and if you are, hell is where all the best people have gone, and heaven would be full of molesters and simple fools. Don't think about it too much, hell doesn't make sense because people are fucking chemical and meat machines, we aren't judged. There is nothing to be sent there, and no means for it to have been sent. Hell is as far a stretch as the ark. And further, because at least boats exist, alternate dimensions where your consciousness turns from a physical thing in your brain to something metaphysical and eternal are completely made up.


I’m new here but I think there’s no hell no heaven we lived and we die that is all you need to think about that is how you conquer your fear


I don't know what it is like to feel the fear of burning in hell. I do have an unhealthy fear of death though. I am afraid of what it will be like to walk into oblivion one day. The fact that one day I will just end. It is something that I fret over almost daily to my detriment. I know it won't matter to me once I die, cause I will be dead. But the finality of death is a frightening concept to me and is one that I have difficulty coping with.

Atecc Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

To me a heaven and hell is state of mind. Guilt and/or the need to be punished.


I have always felt like hell was BS. I always had that thought of what if though. I was raised in the bible belt and I have just came out as an atheist. The things that have helped me is research, listening to podcasts, and educating myself. Once I realized the absurdity of religion, the thought of going to hell went away. Also, God hasn't objectively shown himself to man. We have no reason to believe in him atm. Sounds logical to me. Why would we get sent to a hell for thinking logically?


I guess I have a hard time understanding your fear.
If you’re an atheist then there is no hell.
If you’re afraid you’re wrong about the choice you made then you are not an atheist.

You seem unsure.
Take your time there’s no rush.
You aren’t there yet and that’s ok.
When you truly embrace there is no god then you will no longer fear hell.


The only hell is how you allow yourself to be tormented while you live.


I can’t have fear of something that doesn’t exist. Hell is when something bad happens on earth and heaven is when very good takes place. Examples of hell are death of a loved one, sickness, loss of all material things, poverty, starving and homelessness. Examples of heaven is birth of a child, good health, financially well off, having the love of your life and having the home of your dreams.


Think about what is going to burn. When you die there is nothing left. there is nothing to burn. Even the pope has decreed that there is no such place as hell. Of course the corollary to this is that there is no heaven either.
I was lucky, although I attended Sunday school and church until I was 16 I was never indoctrinated. You have my sympathy.

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