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QUESTION Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | Right Wing Watch

Dutch Sheets also prayed that Trump “would accomplish everything Almighty God sent you into that house to do, regardless of who likes it or who doesn’t.” He also predicted that Trump will have “a visitation from heaven” that gives him “an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ.” Sheets had a warning for those who resist Trump or who want to turn the nation away from its Judeo-Christian roots:

You will fail! … The Ekklesia will take you out. The outpouring of Holy Spirit will take you out. Angels will take you out. You are no match for any of the above. You are no match for father, son, Holy Ghost, or his family or his angel armies. You are no match for his word. You are no match for his prophetic decrees …. So we push you back. And we say your finest hour has come and gone, and the church now rises to the place that he has called us to walk in …. We now rise up and I call that new order into the earth.

Christ on a crutch!!

zblaze 7 Mar 6

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Welcome to Trumperica!


What a relief! Here I as worried about a new SS or Gestapo................I can deal with imaginary crap


...And these are the same people who say that Islamic fanaticism is is a threat to this country??


I want to see him shoot lightning bolts from his ass!

SamL Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

Handmaiden's Tale

That is mentioned elsewhere in this article. Thanks for commenting.

@zblaze did not read the article, it is the first thing I thought.


I am so sad to see the erosion of liberty and equality because of these religious idiots. What a bunch of bullshit. For example; seeing text books in schools with evolution vs creationism. Sadly enough the science education when I was a child in elementary school in the 70's was better than some of the crap they are allowing now.


Holy Shit!


Anything, other than religion, and they would all be considered for serious mental evaluation!

This is so very true, It is time to consider talking with god and mental issue.


Angelic hoards come forth!!


I didn't realise that 'Dutch Sheets' was a person until I got to the second line - I assumed it to be a euphemism for 'Dumb Sh+ts. 🙂



What damnable moral idiots!


Where are the dems outcry at this crap? Are we so lame we cannot respond to this outrage.His actions are proof prayer does not work anyway.

Where are all the Independents? They need to take a stand against this nonsense as well.


Oh FFS!!! Where's an asteroid when you really need one?


These people live in their own Neverland. Delusional. Can't wait till Trump's impeachment.

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