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On impeachment, Warren just stole the show from her dodging Democratic rivals

Love Elizabeth Warren!

"Nevertheless, she insisted.

"While most fellow 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls ducked and dived to find safe ground — and party elders solemnly warned against over-reach — Sen. Elizabeth Warren stepped boldly out into the open late Friday and called on the House to begin an impeachment process against President Donald Trump based on special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

The Massachusetts senator and 2020 Democratic presidential contender slammed Trump for having "welcomed" the help of a "hostile" foreign government and having obstructed the probe into an attack on an American election.

"To ignore a President's repeated efforts to obstruct an investigation into his own disloyal behavior would inflict great and lasting damage on this country," Warren tweeted.

"The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States."

LiterateHiker 9 Apr 20

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I do not love any politician or wannabes? Live in Canada, our Trudeau allows former Canadians who went to the middle east to fight with ISIS, are now allowed back into Canada. At least Trump cares about his country. I know he can be a tad weary on the brain but at least, he fights for Americans.


I am pissed about our spineless Democratic firemen watching a house burn.


She is right but if it doesnt go through he will be a martyr to his base. I think he should have been impeached so many,just listening to what he has said in interviews I don't think I need to reiterate all this joke has done.I am not confident about our voting. I lived in Florida when Jebs buddies stopped the recount and live in NJ where we vote on computers so there can't be a recount. And congress voted against money going to the election boards to protect us from hackers etc. Then there is Pence...I'll just stop. I don't know what is best with so many unknown variables


She's right. Just about everybody knows she's right, including those who defend the talking yam for their own purposes, which usually include discriminating against any one of a number of ethnic or gender related communities and raping the planet for profit.


I wish they hurry up and impeach him. For this country can move on and try to fix Trumps bs. If that is possible, because he made America worse not great again.


It just may be that the Joint Chiefs, CIA, FBI, and NSA have already been discussing ways of dealing with the problem!


They need to make an example out of Warren and prosecute her for the fraud she perpetrated to get her career started. That's much worse than what the wealthy parents did to get their children into moderately elite universities.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 20, 2019

I see in your profile that you've decided that Christian stories are false... When will you decide that trump is bad for the country regardless of what democrats may or may not be guilty of?


You are incorrect about Elizabeth Warren.


I think you just told all of us that you are illeterate and do not understand the Constitution. Not trying to get on you case as I respect your comment, it is just not defendanble.

@Cutiebeauty Look around you. The stock market is at near all-time highs. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. Trump's tough stance on trade with other countries is paying off. We're pulling out of Syria and Afganistan. Sure Trump is a goofy guy, but he's doing much better than I expected him to as President.

I disagree. There ate many families that carry down stories of their heritage. And how far back it goes isnt known. Also famjes lies are told and passed down as the truth and only since all the sites like and 23 and others are people finding out.That is nothing compared to this masogenist,racist, narcissist representing. I find it embarrassing he is our leader. He has tainted the status of POTUS more th han any o th her president.

@BD66 the stockmarket being great doesnt help.a lot of Americans. I also don't think many Americans are paid a livable wage because it is all about the big profits and stock holders, not about those who make our country flourish--the working people. As far as unemployment, if they find jobs that don't keep them housed. and able to eat healthy food and have excellent health care.

@BD66 families like myself . can't even afford to buy groceries.. Pay is so low.. that we are working and working with nothing to show for it !!

@BD66 the stock market only benefits the few wealthy citizens and corporations of the USA... What about the common working people? And unemployment... That's very low paying jobs or they most likely interpreted the data to be most favorable to the current administration.. Afghanistan and Syria... Trump said they were pulling out quite a while ago, we are still there.. He lied about that.. He lies about everything... Just to make himself look good... He's a proven liar... How can you believe anything he says? He even said his father was born in Germany! In fact, his father was born in the Bronx, in NYC! That's kinda far from Germany to be an honest mistake... Does trump want to be German instead of American?


Because the special counsel decided not to prosecute the President “for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors,” the idea of an impeachment may be unlikely. The word “and” is very important here, for it appears it would require bringing to trial the President which the special counsel has declared cannot happen to a sitting president.

It's justice department guidelines about bringing a president to trial, not something the special council decided.

The concept that a sitting President cannot be indicted is only an opinion and can be determined to be true by only litigating it. That would mean going to the Supreme Court which might choose to vore incorrectly. The question here is can Trump be a King, can he be above the law, does Congress want to spend all their time in the next two years litigating this. As Elizabeth says, we should, as it leaves empty the concept that if Trump can get away with this then someone else in the future can do even worse and get away with it. Conservatives want a King, a King that will give them what they want. So far Trump is delivering, so they support him. We live in interesting times.


she is awesome and right

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 20, 2019
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