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Life on other planets: if life on other planets is found--especially if that life is more advanced than humans--what will that do to religions who insist that they were made in God's image? Will they still think that humans were special? If that life is radically different physically, are they in God's image, too? With evidence to the contrary right in their face, will they continue as they do now, insisting theirs is the only "true" religion?

Or will they rationalize that there is more than one "true" God? I doubt this outcome, but it would be entertaining to watch the contortions they would go through in order to justify that statement.

I think the first scenario is the more likely, and that's pretty darn would just give them a larger platform so they could proselytize, try to convert, and start wars on an interplanetary scale (if they are able to).

marga 7 Mar 7

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Let's begin by admitting that with the vast number of galaxies, solar systems within each Galaxy, and planets within each solar system there is a high likelihood that there is intelligent life Somewhere Out There. Our mistake, is in believing that all life form must be carbon based. We have no way of knowing all that awaits in the farthest reaches of the universe.

Further to your point, the religious are not going to give up their beliefs over the discovery of so
me alien life forms.


!! Yes..there is extra terrestrial life...the governments and their main religions deny it..because the mito about GOD. Will be destroy

And them will have not the power over the people minds about fearing GOD WRATH...!!

Atila Level 3 Mar 7, 2018

If all that were to happen, it would just further prove that believers are full of shit.


They will just re-interpret as they have done everytime, such as the earth being round and rotating around the sun.


To me looking up to the sky with all that we can see I find it hard to believe there isn't other life. That is why I first wondered why people believe in any god. But with the way religion trys to explain away evolution I'm sure they would come up with some wild story to explain that too.


The likelihood that advanced life on another planet somewhere in the universe being remotely similar to us is astronomically low. (Pun sort of intended)
The reason why life looks the way it does now is because of the chemical composition that makes up earth. Life had to adapt to these conditions in order to exist. A good example is that the earth we know now was very different millions of years ago.
The air had a lot of carbon compounds in it and thus, if humans exist then... They wouldn't exist for very long. A lot of interesting creatures took advantage of that atmosphere, such as insects and miscellaneous bugs.
Because of the high carbon atmosphere, they were able to grow to an absurd size.
If you thought mosquitos and flies were annoying now... You wouldn't want to be around back then.

That's just one example of how the atmosphere of a planet can have a heavy influence on the life that inhabits a planet.
So imagine if we did discover life on another planet... The odds of the planet being able to replicate an atmosphere exactly like Earth's is pretty much zero. (Not going to put in the actual number because I don't want to give myself more of a headache than what I already have tonight.)
That would pretty much throw a wrench into the religious belief that we are made in "God's image"
If that's the case... Then who the hell made these aliens?

What's that? Oh right... The great religious scapegoat. The one who they always use when they don't have an answer or when something doesn't fit into their little beliefs...
"The devil did it"


This is a very interesting question. I have though a great deal about this. I am an agnostic who leans strongly atheist. Yet, I'm not convinced that there is life beyond the Earth. My argument comes from the same place that my skepticism of God comes from. It is really the Fermi paradox: "Where are they?" coupled with the Anthropic principle.

I hope I am proven wrong and in my lifetime as this is an extremely interesting question. Nevertheless, if alien life is never found does that strengthen the theists case? Not for me but perhaps for many others it will.


Religion has always superimposed facts over the observable reality around them. The existence of aliens won't change that fact. It may disuade the people who claim religion but don't really "feel" it but the core religious people won't fundementally change.


Umm. denial. My neighbour is sure that dinosaurs were all on the arc and starved to death about 3500 years ago after all the plants died from the flood so they had nothing to eat. So if there were ALiens - the would be because of satan trying to fool us.


Mormons believe that their ascended ‘gods’ go to other planets in the universe. So, I don’t think it will do anything but reinforce their beliefs.


I think they will find a way to rationalize that "their god" is the god of everything, including any and all alien life in the universe, and everything else too.


Nothing will change, for a while. They are excellent at denial and circular logic. Ask Galileo.

But, like most major social changes, after a few generations, the ones that cling to ideas of the past will be a small minority, insignificant for anything other than tabloid headlines.


I'm sure they'll add that to the new new revised edition of the king James fairy tales collection. Lol


Clearly those intergalactic heathens need to be converted…


I was raised in a faith community that actually believed in 'unfallen worlds' where other intelligent beings have always lived without sin. Having never been tempted by the Devil, who, as the story goes, was banished to this world, and to this world only, these sinless inhabitants of other star systems would not need to be converted, as they have lived in perfect communition with God. No need for interstellar evangelists, according to this system of belief!


I think religious leaders live in great fear that we will make contact with an alien species. Anything that might question the archaic mindset upon which religions are based is a threat. However, I fear most believers would not change much, no matter what we might learn from an alien species, or how parochial our outlook would be in a universal context. They would do what they have always done: say it's not us but them. They would turn against them. I can hear the words infidels and godless unbelievers already. If religionists are immune to modern thinking and logic, why would they take any notice of what aliens had to say?

Anybody thought about a worse scenario: What if aliens turned up with their religions and Gods and wanted to convert us? Yikes! I just have to think that beings with faster than light speed spaceships and technology just had to have outgrown religious BS a long time ago.


Religions for the most part, especially Christianity, is able to be interpreted to fit any scenario that comes along. Just like all the churces in the south that supported slavery.


One of many contradictions of Christians in general.


They will crowbar it into their existing beliefs. I have a good muslim friend who absolutely believes that fosils (every single fosil) have been deliberately placed there by god to test peoples faith!


Watch Ancient Aliens and read The Book of Enoch. They put it all together in a form that makes sense. The bible will make sense after you know how to interpret it. Religious people want to take it too literally. I believe that some of what they were describing was advanced technology. This should sound so radical if you know that ancient Hindu writings also describe advanced technology.

For instance, we know it is physically impossible for Noah to have put two of every species on the ark. However, the story is significant or it wouldn't have been written. It most likely was a DNA bank.

Another...... Jonah could not have possibly been swallowed by a whale and come back 3 days later to tell about it. It most likely was not a whale but was a submersible.

My take on the Jesus story is that he was not a man who ever existed. We are to ascend to the Christ consciousness. Its a loving mentality. Again, the story is significant but is only a representation.

The bible is fascinating after one learns to read and interpret it.


Humans today are hydrids from interbreding from other races not from earth,and yes far more advanced back then compared to where we are now

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