People often feel kinship with certain groups. Obviously, I feel kinship with my peeps on Agnostic-- the non-religious minority But, I also feel kinship with fellow writers and creatives. I'm sure there are others like dog lovers and those who like to cook! Oh yeah, and I love me some gamers and readers. There are probably others in groups that I can spark an instant connection with.
Besides family, who are your people?
Stoner-tolerant moviephile animal lovers who are on the left - although I don't support abortion or the DP. jobs-wise they span the gamut of society. I can't handle the wealthy peeps though. Wealth and materiality turn me sour.
The introverts. But we never get together
@heffenwoozle lol
The angry people. The people who see everything that's wrong and are furious about it. People who bang their heads against walls hoping to fix things.
The misfits, those on the edge of society, the ones that can't fit in, we feel out of synch, don't share the same interests or goals. When everybody is watching some sort of reality TV we are sitting down the beach watching a moonrise. It is amazing how many people you will fine on a stretch of beach in crappy weather.
I took pictures, love it when the weather is crappy. There is a certain peacefulness
Compassionate people. I have a deep respect and appreciation for compassionate people. I don't mean the phony nice people who give in order to get. I mean those people who are compassionate from having been through tough experiences and don't ever want anyone else to be judged or harmed.
Authentic people. Those who aren't afraid to be vulnerable and don't try to hide their struggles and mistakes and who work to live more honestly.
Open people. Those who don't make me go on an archeological dig to get at what is on their minds or in their hearts.
Affectionate people. Those who don't mind long, oxytocin producing hugs, kisses that don't have to lead to sex, and hand-holding. My best friends are those who are high in affection.
Now, that being said, I have found these traits in all walks of life and education levels.
People who others see as broken. People who find humor in the dark. And of course, my fellow Deadheads.
pick up your china doll
I'm in a social club of misantrophes. We meet up every never.
snort - that's funny!
Ahhh should of read the comments before I posted
Liberals/Democrats. Liberal Art majors. Texas Aggies. Black Listers. Hoop heads. Seam Heads. Czechs. Mexicans. Texans. Dallas Cowboy fans. Trivia buffs. Former newspaper reporters. Dog people. Pug people.
I retain the right to add as I think of more.
Bourbon aficianados.
First edit: Coffee fiends.
Second edit: New Wave/Punk fans; former restaurant employees.
Third edit: People who wear tie dye unironically.
My peeps are the ones who aren't afraid to be a dork, geek, nerd or whatever. Not interested in those who are overly concerned with socially accepted norms and behaviors. I get to know people by finding out how weird they are, so we can be weird together.
weirderful! i like
For me it's Gamer, and I don't just mean video gamers. Table top gamers, Card Based gamers. I also get along with nerds. Even if I don't know or like the fandom, I just love hear people talk about it. I feel confortable being around people who talk about what their pasionate about as long it's putting people down.
@silvereyes That is awesome. I love meeting other table top gamer. What type do you like?
@silvereyes I'm a fan of all of those games. I'm actually playing pathfinder with a group of friends right now.
Poor working folks, LGBT people, people with mental issues, philosophers..funny how most of the people I know actually are all of those. We're all the people society here would like to pretend doesn't exist. So we all just kinda find eachother
It makes for a fun Venn diagram
I feel kinship with people who pursue science and the arts. Respect too. I feel kinship with nerds and with the nonreligious. I also like certain cultures.
Me too!
teepee people and candy kids, mods and freaks, beach bums
For me, the last people that I feel a kinship to is blood relatives and I've been a bit of a gypsy during my adult life so I've always been able to bond with those in my current tribe. Of those, I stay in touch with the quality people I have crossed paths with, few as they are.
i'm the same with biological family.... & became a nomad due to it early on. i treasure quality over quantity in all things, but particularly with friends.
I find that I can blend in with most people. But my people are the rebels, the weirdos, and the outcasts. And of course the introverts.
My people are the broken, damaged and scarred. The real people who have problems. Also artists and musicians.