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Anyone a fan of multiverse theory?

Amymichelle 4 Nov 11

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Definitely. Even starting to wonder if there might be some truth to the Mandela Effect. After all, only in an alternate universe would the Colorado Rockies and Denver Nuggets be better sports teams than the Denver Broncos. (LOL! at my own lame joke)


The multi-verse theory indicates that in several possible universes I am a clown made out of candy. But in none of them do I dance.
~ Sheldon Cooper

Leonard: At least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the math come out.
Sheldon: I didn't invent them. They're there.
Leonard: In what universe?
Sheldon: In all of them, that is the point!

Other than that, I really haven't given it much thought.

I think i read that in one of the I’m Alice Cooper. I’m okay with this. Multiverse theory: Approved.


I hold it in my mind as a possibility. But, proved true or not, I doubt it would change how I live my daily life.


I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a fan of it in the same way I'm not a fan of gravity or quantum entanglement. I accept it as one of the many possibilities. After all, if a quantum fluctuation can produce one and there is no reason to believe that there could be but one occurrence, then it is reasonable to consider the possibility of another occurrence, or ten, or a thousand, or a....

It is also not beyond belief that these fluctuations could produce all sorts of differing systems wherein physics as we understand it would not apply. These variations would likely be small for the most part, but what if the universe next door were one in which antimatter had won the toss? I don't think I'd like to collide with that one.


I entertain the notion of a multiverse as a possibility. I don't consider myself a fan though. It's certainly a subject that has been explored in science fiction. I find the theory to be entirely plausible.

SamL Level 7 Nov 11, 2017

Find the theory fascinating and have just started reading about the different societies that are said to be living among those dimensions

I recently read that the mathematics works if the universe is actually a 3 dimensional schwartschild surface of a 4 dimensional black hole. That makes for some interesting thoughts.


I have difficulty in getting my head around how it would affect our own universe. But I recently read a book called "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe" and getting one's head around some of those concepts was just as difficult. Notwithstanding, I guess it's possible since apparently the maths permits it.

Actually, the math demands it.

How does the math demand it?


I love thinking about stuff like this. I think it's likely one of those theories that is hard to prove. But it's fun to think about.

I found myself wondering the other day if the multi-verse theory was compatible with determinism. Is it possible that there are many universes out there and they're all identical? I guess of the molecular level they be different since quantum stuff seems to be the only stuff that's really random. But at a higher level other universes might look identical to ours.


I'm re-reading Max Tegmark's "Our Mathematical Universe". It seems to be the only way the "Wave Equation" can be maintained without collapse.
Schrödinger's cat survived in one Universe, it died in a different one.
This is an absolutely fascinating topic.. I can't do the math (yet), but the science is actually quite accessible.


Yes, the concept is interesting.


Only as it applies to Rick & Morty although I rather like the idea that there's another version of me out there someplace living a better life.

Elle7 Level 2 Jan 9, 2018

I would have to say, most definitely, yes. Some of the dreams that I have, which are not recurring by the way - but a 'continuation' of a previous dream are why I feel this way. It is as if I am acting in at least four different constructs, or actual 'lives', ongoing. The longer that I meditate and spend time on 'this' spiritual/non-religious path I become aware of more of them. When I am in the dreams I am with my same family, yet different lifestyles and things are happening, that are not happening here, now. They are not 'wishes' either, nor are they some BS psychological notion of exploring other possibilities of what ifs, I am actually LIVING in them. It is the only explanation and I have been meditating and on a hard core spiritual path for close to 40 years. I have seen some stuff people would just not believe, and I now must accept this as it is becoming more evident. I am also a scientist and scholar, so the weight of that is behind my findings as well.

Issa Level 5 Nov 26, 2017

Multi-verse isn't a scientific theory, it's predicted by several scientific theories, the primary one being infinite inflationary theory as conceived by Alan Guth, MIT.
Since inflationary theory has had a number of successful predictions, i.e. the flat geometry of space-time which has been confirmed by the evidence, inflationary theory's other predictions, i.e. the Multi-verse prediction, are scientifically plausible and valid unless evidence shows otherwise.
Right now a search of the cosmic background radiation maps is being done looking for fingerprints of collisions between multiple universes.
It should be noted there are 4 different kinds of Multi-verses postulated by theorists. The concept of different dimensions is not required for the first three types. That's why collisions would leave it's mark on the background radiation.

According to Big Bang Theory, Dr. Sheldon Cooper refers to MIT as a Trade School (The Military Miniaturisation).


Do you know the story of The Man from Taured?
This is a documented fact that can't be explained apart from Parallel Universe....Have you notice the word Parallel have 2 Ls as in a parallel ?

THOTH Level 4 Nov 12, 2017

It hit home for me in a big way. I do everything in life “out of order”, widowed very young, and a daughter named Hannah I had for a gay male couple. Hannah is a palindrome, (spelled the same way forward and back). At the end Louise speaking to Hannah, the says “so Hannah, this is when your life begins, the day they departed”.

Saying goodbye to Hannah when her dads left at 3 weeks old. Gut wrenching even though I am still very much in her life. Sort of a pseudo copy-write infringement of many aspects in my life.

Not seen it yet it's one of those movies on my watch list but never get round to

It’s on Amazon Prime currently


Works for comic books. Yeh i love the idea.


I think it's ridiculous. A belief based in emotion and not logic.


I am a strong believer in Multiverse , I do not think that the Universe we live in is the only one , The laws of existence does allow it ...........


I look forward to the point where math can catch up with and prove/disprove these theories. Fun to think that math genius is out there as a 5 year day.....


Yes, it makes sense to me, and works with big bang,(creation) theories !


Not sure,I did read one astro physicist not so long ago saying about the 11 other Universe theory and he said why 11, why not more or less. I m no expert but I like the Hologram version of the Universe..apparently everthing works on a macro/quantum level if we were we existed in a 2 Dimensional Universe.This theory is we are all a 3D hologram projected from a 2D source...and black holes are 2D spaces sucking up 3D matter.




Only the Family Guy version!


I steer more toward an Omniverse route as it is more diverse than a Multiverse route and besides, I know that the universe as we perceive it from Earth is already a spectacular place, full of wonders and surprises, saying that, it stands to reason that somewhere out there, it is possible that both multiverse and omniverse conditions exist.


Certainly. I find it only reasonable there are multiple universes, but am not so arrogant to claim there are. Nevertheless, I imagine they may be hierarchical with each successive 'verse requiring lifeforms to have evolved well beyond a primitive state. How to prove such? I may never know, unless perhaps I'm fortunate enough to experience it. Or others will...and have....


It certainly partially addresses the question of - what banged?

I have a theory on what it was that went bang. I believe that prior to the big bang, there had been a previous universe that had collapsed and at the time of the big bang was the time that the immense energy created by the collapse of a previous universe got too much in order to remain a stable entity and just exploded and resulted in what we have now. I also believe that another collapse is already underway but it will probably be another 50 billion years or more before that happens and then results in yet another big bang with this going on for time infinite.


Me! I'm a fan with that theory because there are still a lot to find within the voids of space. Although how wish I could still be here when multiverse becomes a reality.

I bet that you are also a fan of Big Bang Theory, I know that I am.

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