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When is it okay to say "I love you"?

Nick said "I love you" a week after we met. I was shocked. He seemed needy.

"It's too soon to talk about love," I replied. I felt pressured.

In past relationships, I waited approximately six months to a year before saying "I love you." Building trust takes time.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 May 7

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58 comments (51 - 58)

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I don't set any time limit on when I say it, however I do want to know the person before I do. Getting to know someone does take some time... more than a week, however if someone told me that they loved me after only a week it would not bother me.


POWerful words. I have said in return "your just in lust" but that was just like throwing chum in the water. I waited 6 months repeating myself then proposed and then she freaked out! She then said can't we just live together?


When you want something


Yes,I would use 6 months to gauge emotional attachments, and check for any anger issues. It's sometimes better to be alone to love yourself before getting into a relationship. Seeing couples though, will make you envious of what you are missing,but take your time,see if the other person meets most of your needs....


In my experience EVERY time a man has said it too early to me he was being manipulative either in an emotional way to make me believe he cared for me more than he did (or at all with the last one), or in a way to try and manipulate sex/sexual intimacy out of me. I only believed it when it was said to me by my long term ex of 5 years. I could tell it was genuine and heartfelt by how he said it and how he didn't expect anything in return. Some months later I said it back to him as I felt it too. 🙂 Hence my skepticism with guys that say it too soon. Although my bullshit detector has always been spot on with this. With my first high school bf he said it to me while he was aroused (we had not had sex yet) and he said it in spanish, when the boy was not a spanish speaker. A way to distance himself from the words perhaps? I laughed out loud at that one as I knew what he was doing. 🙂


One woman told me that out of the blue, immediately after I bought her expensive music festival ticket. Big Red Flag!


This is bullshit. What do you call trust? Loving can happen anytime weather you just met someone or you have been together for years, and simply because you have been with someone for years and he or she "I love you", make them real. Most domestic violence is done by people we have known for decades.


There is no reason to criticize me. Insulting members is against Community Guidelines.

Love is a big deal to me. It always has been.

@LiterateHiker He was unnecessarily vulgar and insulting by saying bull***t, but made a valid point.

@LiterateHiker Women seek stability and love in any relationship,especially if a family is planned.


It depends on so many things. I'm usually very hesitant to say it but I've said it after 3 days. That relationship lasted 10 years. But it didn't put her off like it does you. So it is too early, only because you feel it is.

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